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Alex Consani Shares “All the Tips” for Creating a Smoldering, Tom-Ford-Inspired Smoky Eye

Director: Gabrielle Reich DP: Josh Herzog Editor: Michael Suyeda Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Production Manager: Natasha Soto-Albors Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar Global Talent Casting Director: Ignacio Murillo Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Erica DeLeo Assistant Editor: Andy Morell Associate Director, Post Production: Nicholas Ascanio Filmed at: HOTEL (THE MERCER)

Released on 12/19/2024


Hi, Vogue, it's Alex Consani,

and I'm gonna take you through my everyday skincare routine

and my beauty tips.

I like to get ice and I just hold it.

Pat it off.

I actually don't wash my face.

Don't come for me.

I'm gonna start with the Youth Eye Complex.

This is, like, such a good product for, like,

when you wake up and you feel a little bit tired.

I actually did this thing last night

that my agent told me about, it's called the vampire sleep.

You sleep like this on your back

and it's supposed to like circulate your body.

Y'all tell me why I woke up and I feel snatched.

And then I used the Peter Thomas Roth eye patches.

These are so good.

I, like, learned about these first on set,

She's voguing for Vogue,

I'm gonna use this serum to do guasha.

This serum is really hydrating

and it helps the guasha glide,

and that's what's really important when you do this step.

I'm gonna start with this guasha rose quartz.

So, I learned from the last 10 years of modeling

all of the points you have to hit when you guasha.

You wanna go start in the middle, go out,

'cause you're trying to pull everything out of your skin.

You're not, like, pulling it in, you know?

I go under the eyes.

And, for me, the main point, I like

to get into is under the nose, and then you go up.

And I'll show you guys how I do it with my fingers,

'cause honestly, sometimes, it's actually better.

And what I like to do is I tap.

All of the girls that I've met in the fashion industry

who have the most amazing skin, they do this.

They go in.

And then I like to do this.

And you go above your eyes like this,

you hold it for a second,

kind of push the product in and then around.

I hope I don't look crazy doing this y'all,

but it really does work and you feel

so snatched and refreshed.

And then I get into my moisturizer.

This moisturizer is my favorite.

When you put it on, it doesn't just like absorb immediately.

So it's good to, you know, kind of do another level

of lymphatic drainage with this.

I was on a flight back from Korea

and I saw all of these women, like,

slapping their faces, like,

really intensely with their moisturizer,

because it causes blood circulation

to really go into your face.

[palms tapping]

I'm already feeling fab,

but we haven't even started the makeup.


Sunscreen is so important.

I just don't want something that's too thick,

so that it doesn't, like, clog my pores.

And you see, every time I put any product in my face,

I'm using it as a chance to kind of just, like,

remind my face where to go.

Go back.


This, the hands.

My grandma taught me this.

Day one, you always do your hands,

because when you get older that's what shows your age.

You could be fabulous in the mug,

but if your hands aren't hitting, who's gonna hold on?

Ooh, just kidding.

I use LUMIFY eyedrops.

Another thing I've learned from my years in fashion

is that you always do a hydrating lip.

This is it! [chuckles]

Just kidding, y'all.

But now, let's get into the actual makeup routine.

The first product and one of my favorites

is a Chanel water tint.

It's really good when you're trying

to do, like, a light natural makeup.

I feel like, sometimes, it's better to do that as well

if you're doing a heavy like I am today.

And then I'm kind of just gonna take this.

I like to start in the middle.

I don't like to go under my eyes either with foundation

or tint, or whatever when I'm first starting,

because it can sometimes catch onto the concealer.

It's, like, taking away all of this redness

that I have in my face.

Today, I think it's really just gonna be about the eye,

'cause, for me, that's one thing that I feel like I'm known

for within my friends is, like, this Tom Ford,

Gucci kind of reference.

It's what I do.

When the girls need a good beat, they come over,

because, girl, I know all the tips.

So, y'all are here to get all the tips!

It's looking pretty, pretty gorgeous, you guys.

Something in my family, everybody got these bags you guys,

it's just how it is.

But we're gonna fix it with this concealer.

This is the Saint Laurent Touche Eclat.

This is what the girls love in fashion also.

This is another fashion staple.

I feel like I'm using all of the, like, favorite products

from all of the girls.

I usually like to put it on my hand first

just to kind of remove some of that product.

And what I learned from the beginning is,

you're supposed to put the product on and let it sit.

Another thing that I do that really chisels the cheekbones

is you take the concealer and you wanna go

from your, basically like this point in your ear, down.

So, I like to kind of, like, fake it.

It's called like reverse contouring, I think,

where you use the highlighter or use the concealer

as a highlighter to kind of contour your face.

I also have these, like, marks.

I don't know if other people have those,

but it's like from from being a side sleeper,

that's why I'm using my vampire sleeping method, you guys.

I feel like as somebody who's a minority

in the fashion industry and, like, there's so many firsts

that I'm doing right now,

there's definitely like an obligation to use my voice.

And yeah, I mean I didn't sign up

when I first started fashion to, like,

be the spokesperson for trans people,

because I'm definitely not,

there's so many people in my community that, like,

do so many different things than I do

and, like, represent so many different facets,

I guess, of, like, the industry.

It's important to, like, speak on my experience,

but with the input that I've heard from them.

I don't know if you can see, but, like...

If I look down, I have, like, these bags

that are, like, actually protruding,

and someone told me this hack where you use

highlighter under your eyes, like, right where the bag is

and you, like, highlight it.

Which, for me, I would assume that would do the opposite

of what I want, but I tried it

and it actually does completely get rid of that shadow.

The next product that I'm gonna use

is my tried and true rhode.

This is in the color freckle.

This is some of the best brush that I've ever used.

My first ever beauty campaign was actually with rhode

and it was such an amazing experience,

because I'd obviously been a fan of Hailey forever.

I feel like she's so down to Earth

and, like, she's really a part of her brand,

which I feel like is why it's so successful

is because she really appreciates

and, like, wants to understand how to make it better.

Like she was very open to conversation,

which I feel like is such a rarity.

It's also just such a good hue.

Putting a little bit more blush just up here.

This section of your face, that line that I talk about,

is something that I use a lot in my makeup,

because you really don't wanna, like,

bring the blush up over this.

There's, like, a white line right here.

You wanna take the blush above it and below it,

but you should always have that kind of highlight

that goes up to here,

because that's what kind of pulls your face back

and gives you that feline snatched mug

that the girls are out here obsessing over.

So, I'm gonna take a little bit of this Chanel highlighter

and you put it above, like you put it on the bag.

Also, I really only have a bag on this side.

That's the thing, it's like, sometimes,

your face is unsymmetrical.

It's important to, like, really match

your routine to your face.

I wanna say, like, third grade,

my mom got sticker eyeshadow things.

It's, like, in, like, magazines or whatever

and you would, like, put it on your eye

and you would, like, rub it

and then you would, like, peel the sticker off,

and it was like an eyeshadow look on your face.

My mom and I did that,

and I actually have a picture of us just like.

That was like the first moment that I really remember.

Makeup and beauty since that moment,

I really was enamored with it.

Also, just like being queer, being trans.

I think that, like, there was always a real big focus

around beauty for me.

And I think that, like, sometimes unrealistically,

but I think it's important to, like, note that, like,

a lot of people within my community are very centered

around makeup and, like, it's a big part

of expression in the community.

And I think that, like, if you're gonna express it, girl,

you better express it with a smokey eye, period.

This is the real tip for the nose,

'cause I'm very picky about my nose.

If you look up, there's like a line right there.

You take it onto the sides.

Just that one line there will kind of, like,

bring attention to that part of the nose

and then the bronzer will push it up,

and the highlighter will kind of be there,

kind of like a focal point.

And then I'm going to use my favorite ever powder.

I learned about this powder

when I was getting my makeup done by Pat's team

for the Oscars.

Probably, one of my first shows was Tom Ford

in, like, 2021, 2020?

All of the, like, supermodels, all of the girls

that I, like, looked at for years online,

I met them and they were so nice.

And that's one thing that, like, I always talk about

is, like, just how nice people were

and, like, I always had this perception

that models were mean or they were standoffish,

and they felt like each other were competition.

And, like, that was really what showed me

that that isn't true.

I was welcomed with such open arms

and I feel like that's something so rare,

and I remember that and I think about that to this day.

I'm ready to get into the eye.

This is like the eye that I've done

since I was like in eighth grade.

Like, literally, it's always been this one smoky eye.

If you're talking best products, Pat McGrath,

when it comes to eyeshadow, chef's kiss.

I have a brown, similar to this, that I use all the time.

And I'm just going to put it in my eye,

and close and go up like that.

And then what you're gonna do is you're gonna connect

the end part to the front of your eyes.

And I am going to just blend it out

with just an empty brush.

There's the base, and then we're gonna continue doing this.

You see that side profile?

Oh, look at that.

You see this?

So, anyway, what I'm gonna do is,

I'm gonna do the same thing where I put it

into the corner of my eye and close it

and pull it up like that.

This is my, like, go-to when it comes

to eyeliner, the BYREDO.

What I really, really love when it comes to eyeliner

and eyeshadow, it's getting really close

into that water line, because it gives you that kind

of Adriana Lima, like, stare where it's, like, muggy.

I met Adriana the first time I did

the Victoria's Secret movie and it was so incredible,

because I was, again, so nervous to meet

all of these girls just considering

that, like, they were in fashion at a different time

and, like, I feel like there was a lot more competition

than there is now.

And when I tell you she was literally

the sweetest person I've ever met.

Like so genuine, so nice.

She literally said hi to everybody

when it came to like atelier, the casting, the PA,

every person felt welcomed around her.

I feel like that's something I really value.

I'm gonna use another round of Touche Eclat.

I'm just gonna go over my eye one more time with this.

So, now, while everything is setting

and I'm kind of figuring out if this is what I want,

I'm gonna do a quick singing break.


♪ Hey ♪

Come on, go with me.

♪ Hey ♪

Girl, you better come in

♪ Hey ♪

Okay, well, there's somebody here really trying

to help me, but she's scared to sing.

Scared to sing right now, but it's okay, you guys.

And then this is the tip that I learned

that I have taught all of my makeup friends.

Take a really good black pencil liner.

Go up on top.

And the color that you started with that brown color,

which you're gonna do on the black,

you're gonna take a bit of that on a really flat brush,

but you pad it and it'll set the pencil liner

so that it stays all day, all night.

I'm going to dip back into this palette

and grab just a little shade.

Maybe it's like this one.

And there you go.

So, this is the final eye shadow.

I love a good curl in the eyelashes.

So, I'm gonna probably spend a second doing this.

After I curl my lashes,

I'm gonna use my Saint Laurent mascara.

I feel like this is a really good mascara,

adds length, but it doesn't really clump up.

Glossier brow and clear.

It's nice, 'cause when my eyebrows get a little bit yellow,

it's not fully clear.

It's, like, white.

So it kind of gives you some dimension in your eyebrows.

I've bleached them at Versace a couple years ago.

Ever since then, I've had them bleached.

Like, I tried to dye them back

and I didn't feel like myself.

And I'm like, You know what?

The bleached brow it is, the bleached brow it is.

You'll see what it's doing to the eyes.

I love a good lip.

Pat McGrath.

I like to do overline, because someone told me once

that I have slit lips and I've never let that rest.

And my last step, anytime I get fabulous is a good perfume.


This is that, like, get you a husband

with, like, a Birkin scent.

Like, yes, girl, you will get that bag.

This is the final beat.

Love you guys.

Bye, Vogue. [lips smack]

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