WM2019 - Phoenix Convention Center - March 3-7, 2019

On behalf of WM Symposia, Inc., thank you for attending WM2019. Advances in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have long been central to the United States’ ability to innovate products, improve health care, develop cleaner and more efficient domestic energy sources, preserve the environment, safeguard national security, and grow the economy. This year, our mission was to focus on encouraging young men and women to achieve their goals in radwaste management. 

We worked hard on this mission since the last annual conference through a new comprehensive social media program and by enlisting the help of past Roy G. Post Foundation scholarship recipients. We have built a new Post Foundation LinkedIn page with past scholarship recipients joining every week. Everyone who attended WM2019 is invited to join this impressive group of young men and women on LinkedIn. 

Our comprehensive technical program delivered over 450 papers and 142 technical sessions and panels, complemented by an extensive exhibition. This year we had an exciting new networking opportunity, the STEM/DOE Workforce Initiative Summit on March 5th. This all-day event featured STEM professionals and speakers from DOE, academia and the nuclear industry. 

Canada was the WM2019 Featured Country and detailed the most recent developments and ambitious plans for radioactive waste management. In addition, there were panel and paper sessions focusing on special topics from our featured site, the US DOE Idaho National Laboratory (INL). There were also special reserved sessions on Used Fuel, D&D, Procurement and Contracting, Safety, Clean-up of Legacy Sites Worldwide, Transportation and Stakeholder topics. 

WM Symposia is the premier international conference for the management of radioactive materials and related topics. It is a conference that promotes innovation and collaboration around the world. We have accomplished that again this year with nearly 30 countries represented and over 2,300 engineers, scientists, managers and students in attendance. 

Our goal is to continuously improve and evolve as global shifts in our industry occur. I would like to thank the WMS team for their tireless efforts before and during the conference. Thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors for their contributions that enhance what we can accomplish. We appreciate the WM attendees whose involvement, collaboration, and insights make the conference exciting and meaningful. If you have ideas on how to improve the technical content or the logistics of the conference, please let us know. 

I hope you enjoyed your time at WM2019.


James Fiore
President, WM Symposia

ISBN Number: 978-0-9828171-9-3


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