
ASME : ASME serves a wide-ranging engineering community through quality learning, the development of codes and standards, certifications, research, conferences and publications, government relations, and other forms of outreach. ASME compliancy is a must to provide for each odorant tank associated on YZ odorant injection skid including dosing pump, controller, tank and containment skid.

ATEX : It refers on EX certified products for use in hazardous or explosive environments. Milton Roy provides solutions for odorization or sampling gas or hydrocarbons collection for hazardous areas for ATEX Zone 1 or 2 classified areas.

Our equipment are ATEX

Biomethane : Methane produced by the fermentation of organic matter and which is injected on gas grid to increase proportion of renewable gas into gas grid. The biomethane is considered as alternative to fossil energy like hydrogen classified in renewable energy also mentioned “Green gas”

It is the results of Biogas (biogas) production and clean process to obtain a gas quality close to the natural gas chemical composition. LVO solution or NJEX unit from YZ Milton roy solutions are considered as the most advanced odorizer to inject odorant at gas flow lower than 15 m3/h.

Biogaz/ Biogas : gaseous fuel, especially methane, produced by the fermentation of organic matter.

BTU: British Thermal Unit which represents the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at a specified temperature. Durasite cylinders associated with Dynapak sampler device allows the collection of gas or LPG sample to analyse BTU in lab using gas chromatograph analyzer.

Calorific value : definition

PCS : “Pouvoir calorifique supérieur” is a french method to measure and define quantity of energy present in a specific volume of natural gas. Durasite cylinders associated with Dynapak sampler device allows the collection of gas or LPG sample to analyse PCS in lab using gas chromatograph analyzer.

PCI : “Pouvoir Calorifique Inférieur” is a french method to measure and define quantity of energy present in a specific volume of natural gas. Durasite cylinders associated with Dynapak sampler device allows the collection of gas or LPG sample to analyse PCS in lab using gas chromatograph analyzer.

CSA : definition + YZ odorant injection system are CSA certified

Chemical injection dosing skid: Systems including complete package dedicated on chemical injection system. It is different in term of design with odorant injection system, which is fully dedicated and specified, for odorisation / odorization application

DESP : This is a specific European directive in Europe for Equipment under pressure. In US, ASME is used. DESP and ASME have some differences. Our tanks comply with PED / DESP directive for Europe territory and with ASME in USA. Milton Roy provides tanks from 15 liters (~5 Gallons) to 7000 liters (~2500 gallons)

DMS : di-methyl sulfurs. Compound included in additive formulation mainly provided by Arkema or CPCHEM to odorize gas.

Odorizing unit : A system dedicated on injection of odorant additive in gas like natural gas, biomethane, hydrogen or LPG. YZ Systems provides odorant injection system as a turnkey solution including odorant tanks or bulk and containment skid and dosing cabinet. These complete skids offers reliable injection for low gas flow or high flow. YZ product range offers Low Volume Odorizer LVO or highest volume with legacy unit including pneumatic pump NJEX or electrical pump ZEO

THT: Tetrahydrothiophene. Odorant used in many European countries to odorize natural gas, biomethane, LPG and more recently Hydrogen

Olfactometer : Approach to define odor intensity of a sample using sensory approach. There is some olfactometer used in environment to detect and quantify odor level. Some equipment are dedicated on odor detection using sensory approach like DTEX

EN 13725 : European standard for odor monitoring. In US there is a ASTM 679-E04 standard. These standards are generally used for measure of odor in ambient air using gas collection in tedlar bags and analyze it in lab using dunamic olfactometer.

For process, DTEX allows odor detection directly measured on process using portable olfactometer

Odor rate: Quantity of odorant injected in gas to odorize it. Expressed in mg/m3 in Europe.

Mercaptan : sulfur compounds family including sulfurs group –SH in their chemical formula. Used in odorant formulation to odorize the gas.

TBM : ter-butyl mercaptan. Compound included in additive formulation mainly provided by Arkema or CPCHEM to odorize gas.

Wobbe Index : It is the measure of the interchangeability of fuel gases and their relative ability to deliver energy. The Wobbe Index for a fuel gas can be calculated using its higher heating value and relative density. Our Durasite constant pressurized tanks enable the collection of natural gas sample to be analyzed with gas chromatograph analyzers.
