Alliance for Green Building Africa (AGBA)

Alliance for Green Building Africa (AGBA)

Services for Renewable Energy

Amplified Green Economy Promise.

About us

About Alliance For Green Buildings Africa (AGEA) The Alliance for Green Buildings Africa (AGBA) is an alliance of philanthropy, developed economies, and technology, policy, and financing partners. Our common mission is to enable LMIC’s shift to a green economies, pro-growth model that accelerates to green and inclusive economic growth, while supporting the global community to meet critical climate goals during the next decade. The Alliance for Green Buildings Africa is run by 12k Worldwide Events group and we are positioning Africa in the green economy value-chain and promise. The United Nations Environment program defines the green economy as low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. In a green economy, it is believed that growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The notion of green economy does not replace sustainable development, but creates a new focus on the economy, investment, capital and infrastructure, employment and skills and positive social and environmental outcomes across Africa and the world.

Services for Renewable Energy
Company size
2-10 employees
Sandton - South Africa
Privately Held
Green Economy, Policy, Sustainable Development, Green Development Policy, Integration of Green Economy, Local Level Development Plans, Sustainable Development Goals, Greening of Key Sectors , Multi Stakeholder Partnerships, Sustainable Changes Promotion, Consumption and Production Patterns Retrofit, Resource Efficiencies in Green Economy , Resilience to Disasters, Climate Change Fights , Nature Value Integration, Poverty -Environment Action , Promoting Gender Equality and Environment, Solid Waste Management, Providing the science to inform smart policies, Restoring Clean Air , and Supporting Good Governance



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