
Scope corresponds to the bridge between the ubuntu scope runtime and the actual scope.

A Scope object is not directly constructible but it is automatically created when the scope module is imported and is accessible through the 'self' exported member.

After the scopes runtime has obtained initialization runtime configurations from the scope, it calls start(), which allows the scope to intialize itself. This is followed by a call to run().

When the scope should complete its activities, the runtime calls stop().

  • Methods
  • Properties

initialize( options, runtime_config )

This member function is the entry point to setting up a scope's behavior and configuring it to the runtime scope.

  • options <Object>

    A dictionary of options for the scope runtime. The option keys are: - scope_id: the scope id

  • runtime_config <Object>

    A dictionary of runtime configuration settings for the scope runtime. The configuration keys are: - run {Function()}: Callback called by the scopes run time after it has called start() to hand a thread of control to the scope - starting {Function(String: scope_id)}: Callback called by the scopes run time after the create function completes - stop {Function()}: Callback called by the scopes run time when the scope should shut down - search {Function(CannedQuery: canned_query, SearchMetaData: metadata)}: Callback called by the scopes run time when a scope needs to instantiate a query - perform_action {Function(Result: result, ActionMetaData: metadata, String: widget_id, String: ation_id)}: Callback invoked when a scope is requested to handle a preview action - preview {Function(Result: result, ActionMetaData: metadata)}: Callback invoked when a scope is requested to create a preview for a particular result

         var scopes = require('unity-js-scopes')
{}, {
run: function() {}
start: function(scope_id) {
console.log('Starting scope id: '
+ scope_id
+ ', '
+ scopes.self.scope_config)
search: function(canned_query, metadata) {}
cache_directory <Unknown>

Returns a directory that is (exclusively) writable for the scope

registry <Unknown>

Returns the scope registry

scope_directory <Unknown>

Returns the directory that stores the scope's configuration files and shared library

settings <Unknown>

Returns a dictionary with the scope's current settings

tmp_directory <Unknown>

Returns a tmp directory that is (exclusively) writable for the scope
