1. Introduction
In modern physics, it is believed that any particle has a harmonic oscillation associated to it with frequency
(Plank’s hypothesis) [1], where E is the energy of the particle and
is Plank’s constant. De Broglie’s hypothesis says that the free movement of particles with a certain energy E and impulse p is defined through the wave function
corresponding to the De Broglie wave:
The De Broglie wavelength is given by:
The nature of this wave holds an unexplained role and De Broglie considered it a pilot wave.
It will be shown later that if we review this matter from a broader perspective, there is an oscillation for every particle at rest:
Then from the Lorentz transformation, a De Broglie wave corresponds to any particle traveling in a constant speed v. This approach has methodological value since it demonstrates that instead of using the two hypotheses (1) and (1’), one can just use (1)―Plank’s hypothesis.
2. Basic Relations
Let us define a four-dimensional wavevector with the following components:
Then, the wave’s phase (1’) is given by:
To make it simpler, let us analyze a one-dimensional motion along the z axis with a constant speed v i.e. this is the speed of the reference frame K (where the particle stays at rest) relative to K’. Then, it is agreed that for the general formulas after a four-vector transformation, we have [2]:
From (3), considering (4), we get:
From (2), considering (5), we get:
From (6), we furthermore get that:
The wavelength,
, can be obtained from the next relation:
When by considering (5) and (4), it can be shown that:
Let us note that from (1”), we get:
But the impulse p relates to the energy E through the following relation [2]:
So, we finally have:
which matches the De Broglie wavelength [1].
3. Conclusions
It can be shown that if a particle at rest has some harmonic oscillation, then a traveling particle corresponds to a De Broglie wave that can be explained as a wave in spacetime as a consequence of relativistic transformations of Lorentzian coordinates. This shows that instead of using the two hypotheses (1) and (1’), one can just use (1)―Plank’s hypothesis.
Sometimes, quantum mechanics is called ‘‘wave mechanics”, but from our point of view, it would be better to call it “oscillation mechanics”, as the wave possesses a secondary effect.
4. Postscript
By defining the phase velocity
and the group velocity
of the wave:
The following is given for the De Broglie wave:
The interesting thing is that this relation is satisfied by electromagnetic waves in open space and in a waveguide [3].
Accidentally, or not, this result may be found in a future study.