On Theta Transitivity in a Topological Space with Countable Base ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, we have investigated and introduced some new definitions of transitivity in topological space. To study the dynamics of a self-map
means to study the qualitative behavior of the sequences
as n goes to infinity when x varies in X, where
denotes the composition of f with itself n times:
By a topological system I mean a pair
, where X is a locally compact Hausdorff topological space (the phase space), and
is a continuous function. The dynamics of the system is given by
and the solution passing through x is the sequence
, then the set
is called an orbit of x under f and is denoted by
, so
is the set of points which occur on the orbit of x at some positive time, and the sequence
is called the trajectory of x. Any point with dense orbit is called a transitive point. A point which is not transitive is called intransitive.
Topological dynamics is concerned with the behavior of iterations of a continuous map f from a space X into itself. Suppose for some
, sequence
converges to some point say
, then we must have
, because f is continuous. Such points we call as fixed points. We say that the point x is attracted by the fixed point
. The set of all points in X attracted by
is called the stable set or the basin of attraction of the fixed point
and is denoted by
. A fixed point
is said to be attracting if its stable set is a neighborhood of it.
A point
is said to be periodic if there exists a positive integer
such that
. The set of all periodic points of the map f is denoted by per(f).
A point
is called a θ-adherent point of A [1] , if
for every open set U containing x. The set of all θ-adherent points of a subset A of X is called the θ-closure of A and is denoted by
. A subset A of X is called θ-closed if
. Dontchev and Maki [2] have shown that if A and B are subsets of a space X, then
and that
. Recall that a space (X, τ) is Hausdorff if and only if every compact set is θ-closed. The complement of a θ-closed set is called a θ-open set. The family of all θ-open sets forms a topology on X and is denoted by
. This topology is coarser than τ and that a space (X, τ) is regular if and only if
[3] .
2. Basic Definition and Theorems
Definition 2.1 [4] By a topological system I mean a pair
, where X is a locally compact Hausdorff topological space (the phase space), and
is a continuous function. The dynamics of the system is given by
and the solution passing through
is the sequence
Definition 2.2. 1) Let
, then the set
is called an orbit of x under f and is denoted by
, so
is the set of points which occur on the orbit of x at some positive time, and the sequence
is called the trajectory of x.
2) Let X be a topological space,
be a sequence in X, and let
. Then
converges to x if for all open sets U containing x, there exists an integer N such that
for all n >N, Note that if this sequence is convergence then it converges to a fixed point, say y, i.e.
Any point with dense orbit is called a transitive point. A point which is not transitive is called intransitive.
Definition 2.3. 1) (Transitivity) Let X be a topological space with no isolated point. Then the function
is said to be transitive if for any two open sets U and V in X, there is a point
and an n > 0 such that
. It is easily to show that if f is transitive then for every pair U, V of non-empty open sets, there exist a positive integer n such that
2) Let X be a topological space, the function
, is said to be topologically mixing if for every pair U, V of non-empty open sets, if there exist N such that
for all
Definition 2.4. (topological weak mixing) Let X has no isolated point. g is topologically weakly mixing, if the product of two functions
is topologically transitive.
Proposition 2.5. Every topological mixing function implies topological weak mixing. But the converse is no necessarily true.
Proof: It is easily to prove the foregoing theorem.
Definition 2.6. A map f is said to be transitive (resp., θ-transitive [5] ) if for any non-empty open (resp., θ-open) sets U and V in X, there exists
such that
Theorem 2.7 [5] . Let X be a non-empty locally θ-compact Hausdorff space. Then the intersection of a countable collection of θ-open θ-dense subsets of X is θ-dense in X.
Corollary 2.8. A subset A of a space
is θ-dense if and only if
for all
other than
Two topological spaces
are called homeomorphic if there exists a one-to-one onto function
such that f and
are both continuous.
Note that any homeomorphic spaces have the same dynamics, if we have any notion about first space then we have the same notion about the other one.
A map
is a homeomorphism if it is continuous, bijective and has a continuous inverse.
A function
is called θ-irresolute [6] if the inverse image of each θ-open set is a θ-open set in X.
A map
is θr-homeomorphism if it is bijective and thus invertible and both h and
are θ-irresolute.
Theorem 2.9. Let
be a topological system where X is a non-empty θ-compact topological space and
is θ-irresolute map and that X is separable. Suppose that f is topologically θ-transitive. Then there is an element
such that the orbit
is θ-dense in X.
Proof: Let
be a countable basis for the θ-topology of X. For each i, let
Then, clearly
is θ-open and θ-dense. It is θ-open since f is θ-irresolute, so,
is θ-open and θ-dense since f is topological θ-transitive map. Further, for every θ-open set V, there is a positive integer n such that
, since f is θ transitive.
Now, apply theorem 2.7 to the countable θ-dense set
to say that
is θ-dense and so non-empty. Let
. This means that, for each i, there is a positive integer n such that
for every i. By Corollary 2.8 this implies that
is θ-dense in X.
Definition 2.10. The function
, is strongly transitive [7] if for any nonempty open set
for some s > 0. It is easily seen that
for any nonempty open set
if and only if
is dense in X for any
We may consider that, the last statement of the foregoing definition as lemma, because we can use this statement to prove the following corollary.
Lemma 2.11.
for any nonempty open set
if and only if
is dense in X for any
According to the definition 2.10 and lemma 2.11, we have the following important corollary.
Corollary 2.12. If
is dense in X for any
, then the function
, is strongly transitive.
3. Conclusion:
There are the following results:
Proposition 3.1. Every topological mixing function implies topological weak mixing. But the converse is no necessarily true.
Theorem 3.2. Let
be a topological system where X is a non-empty θ-compact topological space and
is θ-irresolute map and that X is separable. Suppose that f is topologically θ-transitive. Then there is an element
such that the orbit
is θ-dense in X.