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Nest Guard

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Arlo’s new Home Security system is exactly what a Nest Guard sequel should have looked like

arlo home security system

Google axed the Nest Guard security system in 2020 without warning or a replacement on the horizon, and to this day, there’s still no ideal solution for a proper security system that integrates with Google Assistant without a catch. This week, Arlo is launching its own entry in the home security system market, and it’s exactly the sort of thing Google Nest should be taking notes on.

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Comment: Google shouldn’t give up on alarm systems like the Nest Secure — here’s why

nest guard

Earlier this month, Google brutally pulled the plug on Nest Secure, its 3-year-old alarm system that doesn’t have a successor of any kind in sight. While that product won’t be fully left out to dry anytime soon, Google has been completely silent regarding a new alarm system. Here’s why they shouldn’t give up on it.

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