Feliz Ano Novo! Caros clientes, colaboradores e parceiros, que 2025 seja um ano de sucesso, crescimento e novas oportunidades! Estamos entusiasmados com o caminho que temos pela frente e ansiosos para alcançar a excelência juntos. Desejamos a todos um ótimo ano novo! Emanuela Vunge (managing partner) #happynewyear #happy2025 Dentons LEAD Dentons #tonewbeginnings #success #growth #partnership #excellence #legalexcellence
Dentons LEAD
Serviços advocatícios
Talatona, Luanda 1.443 seguidores
Sobre nós
Dentons LEAD is a leading law firm in Angola with extensive experience in the Angolan legal market and as a member of Dentons, the world's largest law firm, connects clients to opportunities around the globe. Our deep knowledge of the Angolan legal market, its specificities and challenges, enable us to assist our clients in an efficient, cost-effective and responsible manner. Our lawyers are fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.
- Site
Link externo para Dentons LEAD
- Setor
- Serviços advocatícios
- Tamanho da empresa
- 11-50 funcionários
- Sede
- Talatona, Luanda
- Tipo
- Empresa privada
- Fundada em
- 2016
- Especializações
- Civil Law, Litigation, Arbitration, Corporate Law and Private Investment, Employment Law, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Tax Law and real Estate, Natural Resources e Public Procurement and legislative drafting
Avenida Dubai
Via AL 15
Talatona, Luanda, AO
Funcionários da Dentons LEAD
António Caxito Marques
Founding Partner at Dentons LEAD
Jacira Da Costa Fernandes
Assistente Administrativa e Financeira na LEAD ADVOGADOS
Fausta Lourenço
Advogada | Lawyer | Compliance Officer | Docente Universitária
Jessica Ribeiro
Advogada Associada |Dentons LEAD ADVOGADOS
PT: Dentons LEAD participa e apoia a XIII Conferência Internacional de Arbitragem de Luanda (CIAL) A CIAL é organizada pela Ordem dos Advogados de Angola (OAA), em parceria com a Sociedade de Advogados Manuel Gonçalves & Associados (MG ADVOGADOS) e o Centro de Arbitragem Comercial (CAC) da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa. O evento está a decorrer hoje, 27 de Novembro de 2024, no Auditório Saydi Mingas, Museu da Moeda, em Luanda, sob o tema “Construindo Caminhos pela Arbitragem: Transparência, Infraestruturas e Tributação”. Este encontro visa promover o debate sobre a arbitragem em Angola e no mundo, destacando a importância das formas alternativas de resolução de litígios como ferramentas para uma justiça mais célere, especializada e com impactos económicos e sociais significativos. Emanuela Vunge, Managing Partner e Sócia da Dentons LEAD, será a moderadora do terceiro painel: “Arbitragem Tributária em Angola: chegou o momento?”. Para mais informação: https://lnkd.in/gnCzCq-T EN: Dentons LEAD participates in and sponsors the XIII Luanda International Arbitration Conference (CIAL) This Conference is organized by the Angolan Bar Association (OAA), in partnership with the law firm Manuel Gonçalves & Associates (MG ADVOGADOS) and the Commercial Arbitration Centre (CAC) of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The event is taking place today, November 27, 2024, at the Saydi Mingas Auditorium, Museu da Moeda, in Luanda, under the theme “Building Pathways through Arbitration: Transparency, Infrastructure, and Taxation.” This conference aims to foster debate on arbitration in Angola and globally, highlighting the importance of alternative dispute resolution methods as tools for delivering faster, specialized justice with significant economic and social impact. Emanuela Vunge, Managing Partner and Partner at Dentons LEAD, will moderate the third panel: “Tax Arbitration in Angola: Is the Time Now?” For more information: https://lnkd.in/gRjbyhT5 #arbitragem #arbitration conferenciaarbitragemluanda #legalconference #conferenciainternacionaldearbitragemluanda #angola
PT: É com grande entusiasmo que anunciamos que a Dentons LEAD foi novamente nomeada para os prestigiados Chambers Africa Awards 2025 como Sociedade de Advogados Angolana do Ano! Este reconhecimento celebra a excelência em várias jurisdições africanas, nomeadamente Angola, e reflete o trabalho excecional da nossa equipa em competência jurídica, crescimento estratégico e serviço de excelência ao cliente. Agradecemos aos nossos clientes e parceiros pela confiança e apoio contínuos. ING: We are thrilled to announce that Dentons LEAD has once again been shortlisted for the prestigious Chambers Africa Awards 2025 as Angolan Law Firm of the Year! This recognition celebrates excellence across various African jurisdictions, including Angola, and reflects the exceptional work of our team in legal competence, strategic growth, and superior client service. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our clients and partners for their continued trust and support. Chambers and Partners #chambersafricaawards #recognition #angola
DENTONS AFRICA PARTNER MEETING IN MAURITIUS: BUILDING TOMORROW TODAY We were thrilled to participate in the Dentons Africa Partner meeting from October 17-19 in beautiful Mauritius! A special thank you to the Mauritius team at Dentons Mauritius for their warm hospitality and to our hosts Robin Sivakumaren Mardemootoo and Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul ! With a remarkable blend of lawyers and professionals from Africa and around the globe, we engaged in enriching discussions on how to shape the future, under the main theme - Building Tomorrow Today. It was an incredible opportunity to connect, collaborate, and strengthen our bonds, and we are thrilled to witness the African region's growing momentum and potential! Here’s to new ideas and continued success together! #Dentons #Africa #dentonslead #BuildingTomorrowToday
PT: É com grande orgulho que a Dentons LEAD premiou Filipe Lunzitisa Ndumbo, o melhor estudante finalista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica de Angola UCAN, com um prémio monetário de 1 milhão de kwanzas e a oportunidade de realizar um estágio remunerado na nossa sociedade. Este prémio marca o início de uma parceria duradoura com a UCAN, com o objetivo de incentivar a excelência académica e proporcionar experiências profissionais valiosas para os futuros profissionais do Direito. “Acreditamos que este prémio, mais do que um reconhecimento pelo esforço, incentiva os estudantes a destacarem-se academicamente e a encontrarem no estágio uma excelente oportunidade profissional onde se sintam galvanizados.”, afirmou Emanuela Vunge, Managing Partner da Dentons-LEAD. Estamos entusiasmados por continuar esta colaboração, a apoiar talentos e a formar a próxima geração de especialistas jurídicos em Angola. UK: CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE IN LEGAL EDUCATION Dentons-LEAD awards the best student in the Law and Economics specialization at the Catholic University of Angola It is with great pride that Dentons-LEAD has awarded Filipe Lunzitisa Ndumbo, the top finalist student from the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN), with a monetary prize of 1 million kwanzas and the opportunity to undertake a paid internship at our firm. This prize marks the beginning of a lasting partnership with UCAN, aimed at promoting academic excellence and providing valuable professional experiences for future legal professionals. "We believe this award, more than just recognising effort, encourages students to excel academically and find in the internship an excellent professional opportunity where they feel galvanised," said Emanuela Vunge, Managing Partner at Dentons-LEAD. We are excited to continue this collaboration, supporting talent and shaping the next generation of legal specialists in Angola. #dentonslead #excelênciaAcadémica #empreendorismo #profissionaisdedireito #ensinojuridico #investirnofuturo #angola #legalprofessionals #academicexcellence
PT: A Dentons LEAD assessora a Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), no projecto do corredor ferroviário Zâmbia-Lobito, uma iniciativa transformadora que liga o noroeste da Zâmbia à linha ferroviária de Lobito, em Angola. A AFC lidera o projeto em parceria com o Governo dos EUA, a União Europeia, o Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento e os governos de Angola, da RDC e da Zâmbia. A nossa equipa — Emanuela Vunge, Djamila Pinto de Andrade e Raquel Aço Lourenço — foi responsável pela assessoria jurídica em Angola, prestando assessoria em matérias de direito local. A assessoria jurídica global está a cargo da Linklaters, com equipas em Lisboa e Paris, lideradas por Justin C. Faye e Francisco Ferraz de Carvalho, e a participação de Aymeric Voisin, Laura Nunes Vicente, Maria de Athayde Tavares e Isabela Moraes Sarmento. Na Zâmbia, a AMW é a responsável pela assessoria, com James Banda, Nakasamba Tikambenji Banda-Chanda e Chisala Chamaombe. Este projeto representa um passo crucial para melhorar a conectividade regional e impulsionar o desenvolvimento económico na África Austral. ING: Dentons LEAD advises Africa Finance Corporation on landmark Zambia-Lobito Rail Project. Dentons LEAD is advising the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) on the Zambia-Lobito rail corridor project, a transformative initiative connecting northwestern Zambia to the Lobito rail line in Angola. The AFC is leading the project in partnership with the U.S. Government, the European Union, the African Development Bank, and the governments of Angola, the DRC, and Zambia. Our team—Emanuela Vunge, Djamila Pinto de Andrade, and Raquel Aço Lourenço — provided legal counsel in Angola, offering advice on matters of local law. Global legal counsel is being led by Linklaters, with teams in Lisbon and Paris, headed by Justin C. Faye and Francisco Ferraz de Carvalho, and supported by Aymeric Voisin, Laura Nunes Vicente, Maria de Athayde Tavares, and Isabela Moraes Sarmento. In Zambia, AMW is providing legal counsel with James Banda, Nakasamba Tikambenji Banda-Chanda, and Chisala Chamaombe. This project marks a crucial step toward enhancing regional connectivity and driving economic development in Southern Africa.
it's a great honour to Dentons LEAD to take part in such Angolan relevant projects!
Linklaters Lisbon and Linklaters Paris have advised the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) in relation to two concession agreements with the governments of Angola and Zambia for the development and operation of the Zambia-Lobito Rail Project. The agreements were signed on 24 September in a ceremonial signing held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. The Linklaters cross-border team was a collaboration between the Paris and Lisbon offices. The team was headed by Justin C. Faye (pictured left), partner in the Energy and Infrastructure practice in Paris and global head of Africa Group, and Francisco Ferraz de Carvalho (pictured right), partner and head of Energy and Infrastructure in Lisbon. The team also included, in the Paris Energy and Infrastructure practice, Aymeric Voisin (counsel and global mining sector leader) and Laura Nunes Vicente (managing associate), along with, in the public law team in Lisbon, Maria de Athayde Tavares (head of public law and managing associate) and Isabela Moraes Sarmento (associate). AMW acted as Zambian counsel to AFC with James Banda, Nakasamba Tikambenji Banda-Chanda and Chisala Chamaombe and Dentons LEAD acted as Angolan counsels to AFC with Emanuela Vunge, Djamila Pinto de Andrade and Raquel Aço Lourenço. #IberianLawyer #operation #energy #lawfirm #lawyers Read the full article -->https://lnkd.in/dj2kNQPv
PT: A nossa sócia Emanuela Vunge foi mais uma vez reconhecida como “Highly Regarded Practitioner” na área de Direito Fiscal no ranking “ITR World Tax Leaders – EMEA”. Este reconhecimento sublinha a sua notável contribuição e impacto no setor fiscal. Parabéns, Emanuela! ING: Our partner Emanuela Vunge has once again been recognized as a “Highly Regarded Practitioner” in Tax Law in the “ITR World Tax Leaders – EMEA” ranking. This recognition highlights her remarkable contribution and impact in the tax sector. Congratulations, Emanuela! Link to rankings: https://lnkd.in/dcjMT3Y2 #itrworldtaxleaders #dentonslead #leadinglawyers #leadinglawfirms #angola
PT: O Diretório ITR (International Tax Review) divulgou recentemente o ranking “ITR World Tax Leaders", distinguindo a Dentons LEAD como leading law firm na área de Direito Fiscal, na categoria General Corporate Tax. Este reconhecimento reflete o nosso compromisso com a excelência em Direito Fiscal e a nossa dedicação em prestar serviços de alta qualidade em Angola e a nível internacional. ING: The ITR (International Tax Review) directory recently released its "ITR World Tax Leaders" ranking, recognizing Dentons LEAD as a leading law firm in Tax Law, under the General Corporate Tax category. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to excellence in tax law and our continued dedication to delivering outstanding services across Angola and beyond. Link to rankings: https://lnkd.in/dcjMT3Y2 #itrworldtaxleaders #dentonslead #leadinglawyers #leadinglawfirms #angola
PT: Djamila Pinto de Andrade e Emanuela Vunge distinguidas pelo segundo ano consecutivo como 'Leading Individuals', no The Legal 500 . Parabéns às nossas sócias Djamila Pinto de Andrade e Emanuela Vunge, líderes no setor jurídico em Angola. Destacam-se respectivamente nas áreas de M&A, Corporate e Financeiro, e Fiscal, Direito Público e Concorrência. Reconhecidas por seus clientes como advogadas de excelência, com resposta técnica e inovadora aos desafios. Citações Clientes: "Djamila Pinto de Andrade destaca-se pelo seu conhecimento, experiência e reconhecimento no sector, estando sempre disponível e entusiasmada para novos desafios." "Emanuela Vunge lida com direito público e fiscal, e tem sempre uma visão sensata das questões. "Persiste até que os assuntos sejam resolvidos com êxito." ENG: Djamila Pinto de Andrade and Emanuela Vunge are once again ranked as Leading Individuals by the Legal 500, 2024 Edition. The Legal 500 Review: Congratulations to our Partners, Djamila Pinto de Andrade and Emanuela Vunge, considered to be leading lawyers in the legal sector in Angola. They stand out respectively in the areas of M&A, Corporate and Finance, and Tax, Public Law and Competition. Regarded by their clients as outstanding lawyers, demonstrating high technical expertise and providing innovative and appropriate responses to challenges. Client Feedback: ‘Djamila Pinto de Andrade stands out for her knowledge, expertise and recognition, and for always being available and enthusiastic about new challenges.’ ‘Emanuela Vunge handles public and tax law, and always has a sensible view of questions. She doesn’t give up until the matters are sorted out successfully.’ Saiba mais / Find out more: Tier 1 | Dentons LEAD: https://lnkd.in/dpubmXG #legal500 #rankings #lawyerrecognition #toplawyers #lawyerrankings