I was delighted to contribute to this article by Stephen Lunn in The Australian today outlining the benefits of physical activity, particularly with advancing age. Many individuals are apprehensive about commencing physically activity, particularly in middle / old age, fearing that it will be too hard, or place them at risk of injury. The evidence is however, that the greatest benefits for physical, mental and emotional health accrue with the transition from sedentary behaviour to light exercise. Doing a small amount of light exercise on a regular basis is hugely beneficial, compared to sedentary, sitting behaviours.
As well as the obvious advantages to the individual, society can benefit enormously from huge health cost savings that could be delivered by a more physically active community. Non-communicable diseases (type 2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis etc.) were estimated to have cost the Australian community in excess of $100 billion in 2018/2019. Regular physical activity significantly reduces the risk of many of these non-communicable diseases.
Individuals, communities and governments have a role to play in educating and promoting greater levels of physical activity, for the benefit of all.
Australian Sports Commission
Australian Institute Of Sport
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care