

Environmental Services

Unlock the Change - Promote Transition

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Established in Brussels in 2005, Lumina Consult provides innovative solutions while building creative partnerships in political advocacy, strategic communications, public affairs and campaigning. Lumina Consult support EU public funding project application processes and is a beneficiary of EU R&D projects. We operate in Brussels and Italy. We offer ethical, smart and engaging practices tailored to make a difference. We work at EU and EU Member States level and provide the following services : political advocacy, strategic communications, public affairs, campaigns, Corporate Social Responsibility. We work for profit and not- for profit organisations. Consult our website to learn more about our engagement in the following sectors : Circular Economy, Energy and Climate, Animal Welfare, Biodiversity, Low- impact industry.

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    #AGRItransition. Transitioning to a sustainable agriculture in the EU? theAgricult is displaying the Brief from the European think-tank IEEP, highlighting the costs&benefits and the financial impacts at farm level. Here the main outcomes: 💰 Adopting sustainable agricultural practices induces both upfront investments and maintenance costs; 👷♂️ During the transition period, farmers benefit from reduced input costs, but might be faced with yield uncertainty and an increase in labour costs; 🌡 Evidence suggests that sustainable farming practices do not necessarily negatively affect profitability when compared to conventional farming, and are likely to increase resilience to extreme weather events and market disruption; 👩🌾 Additional transitional aid is needed to boost the uptake of sustainable practice. The IEEP Brief tackles the issue of 'de-risking the transition' and highlights the following: beyond initial and additional costs, there seems to be an economic rationale behind moving towards sustainable practices: new regulatory or market standards and higher market prices can provide a revenue uplift, while a lower and more sustainable consumption of resources decreases operational costs even during the transition period. These benefits increase further when multiple practices and diversified production systems are adopted. Funding the transition is key considering the timeframe needed, e.g. 5-10 years for regenerative agriculture, 5-10 years for organic fertilisation, 3- 4 years for grassland grazing-extentification. To read the IEEP Brief: Follow theAgricult on Livia Amidani Aliberti Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) Shiraz Moret-Bailly Melanie Muro Anastasiya Bondar Stefano Pozzetti

    The costs and benefits of transitioning to sustainable agriculture

    The costs and benefits of transitioning to sustainable agriculture

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    #FutureFarmingInitiative, led by Cà Foscari University; forthcoming opening on 6 December 2024 Roncade (Treviso, Italy), a public - private partnership aimed at launching a new industrial transformative and innovative course designed on Nature - based Solutions and applied to agri- food, pharma, cosmetics, advance materials, chemistry and other sectors. To read the program and register please find the information below. Carlo Bagnoli Livia Amidani Aliberti Massimo Portincaso

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    Professore ordinario

    Nella mia veste di presidente di Future Farming Initiative Srl sono orgoglioso di invitarvi all'evento di presentazione di: "Future Farming: una Visione Nuova per il Rilancio Industriale del Paese", che si terrà venerdì 6 dicembre dalle ore 9.30 presso H-Farm nell'aula The Big Hall. Future Farming precorre l'avvento della nuova rivoluzione industriale in atto ispirata alla Natura. Questa avrà un impatto ancora superiore alla rivoluzione digitale portando a trasformare radicalmente interi settori quali, l’agri-food, il pharma e la cosmetica, gli advanced materials, la chimica e, non ultima, la manifattura per la necessità di costruire impianti e macchinari dedicati. Future Farming si inserisce in un nuovo spazio di mercato potenzialmente immenso, all'intersezione tra la biologia e la tecnologia, integrando innovazioni energetiche, pratiche agricole sostenibili e nuove tecniche manifatturiere al fine di realizzare un’economia resiliente, circolare e rigenerativa. Future Farming si propone come la ricetta per il rilancio industriale del Paese che vogliamo condividere: una visione ambiziosa che presuppone un approccio corale e collaborativo in cui tutti possono recitare un ruolo da protagonisti. Alcuni cambiamenti sono così lenti che non ti accorgi di loro, altri sono così veloci che loro non si accorgono di te. Il 6 dicembre approfondiamo la risposta italiana a un cambiamento del secondo tipo già in essere. Per partecipare, iscriversi al seguente link:

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    #RegenerativeAgriculture&Climate. The current Agriculture system relies heavily on natural resources, nitrogen inputs and pesticides. Deforestation, depleting natural resources, over exploitation of the wild fisheries, dependence on fossil fuels, intensive agriculture production, GHG emissions, changing weather patterns and extreme weather events are some of the key drivers of the need for a Net Zero Food System. The Report NET ZERO FOOD SYSTEMS, led by Queen's University Belfast and produced for the EIT Food Platform, highlights the need to transition towards regenerative agriculture to achieve a Net Zero Food System by 2050. The analysis aims at aligning European agriculture with the EU target of Climate Neutrality by 2050 stemming from the UN Paris Agreement (2015). The priority opportunity explored by the Report is the transition to a 🥦 Regenerative Agriculture together with other outputs such as diversification of protein sources, data and value- chain integration, food loss and waste prevention recycling, behavioral change of farmers, scale – up of new technologies, robust research and education. 🌽 Healthy Soils are the most important holders of Co2 therefore can play the greatest impact on carbon sequestration. The ⚠ target discussed in the Report is to achieve 15% of farmers under regenerative farming practices by 2030 and 100% by 2050. Although there is no consolidated definition of Regenerative Agriculture, it is commonly accepted that those practices are associated with low emissions, carbon sequestration, regeneration of soils and biodiversity. 💡 The use of technology can improve the outcomes and contribute to further improvements. The Report addresses a route post- 2050 with  Food systems’ carbon sequestration level 'Net – positive' ( beyond Net Zero) featured by the following indicators: * reduced absolute values of food losses and food waste at all stages of the value chain; * increased biodiversity levels (quantity, diversity, and stability) across all parts of the agricultural system;* reduced environmental pollution and contamination and landfill from plastics and other food system impacts; * reduced freshwater and land use per volume of food/calories output; * enhanced consumer health and wellbeing outcomes from consumer education and awareness, alternative and new agricultural processes, ingredients, and products. 🔷 The Report acknowledges that accelerating the transition towards Regenerative food and farming systems cannot be done without policy makers, the business sector and transitional funding mechanisms. To read the Report: Livia Amidani Aliberti Stephane Durand Michaela Fox Agroecology Europe Association Zoltan Kun Anastasiya Bondar Stefano Pozzetti University of Gastronomic Sciences - Pollenzo Gabriele Cena

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    #deeptechVeniSIA. on 8th November, theAgricult will attend the event 'the Italian deep tech ecosystem' organised by VeniSIA - Venice, the oldest city of the future®Italian Tech Alliance and Indaco Venture Partners. VeniSIA is a sustainability innovation accelerator, based in Venice, and devoted to the development of business ideas and technology solutions able to face climate change and other environmental challenges. VeniSIA’s mission is to accelerate entrepreneurial ideas, corporate labs and start-ups to achieve environmental SDGs. Programme and registration: Livia Amidani Aliberti Francesco Cerruti Carlo Bagnoli Maria Claudia Pignata (she/her) Massimo Portincaso Visit:

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    #Agroecologia. La transizione verso un sistema agro- ecologico: il nuovo metodo OASIS proposto da Agroecology Europe. La strategia ecologica dell’agroecologia consiste nel sostituire completamente o parzialmente gli input basati sull’energia dei combustibili fossili, come i fertilizzanti e i pesticidi sintetici, i mangimi per animali concentrati,  o il carburante per i trattori - con i servizi ecosistemici forniti dalla biodiversità e dagli elementi naturali come il sole e il vento. L’ Agroecologia dunque promuove una biodiversità funzionale. L’agro- biodiversità ha in genere un effetto positivo anche sul patrimonio della biodiversità, come le specie di uccelli, farfalle e piante rare o minacciate di estinzione. La strategia economica dell’Agroecologia è generalmente orientata all’aumento del reddito agricolo. Questo obiettivo può essere raggiunto sia riducendo i costi di produzione sia aumentando i margini di profitto. Mentre, la strategia sociale si orienta alla creazione di un ambiente dignitoso e soddisfacente nelle aziende agricole e nell’intero sistema alimentare. OASIS è uno strumento progettato per sostenere  le aziende agricole nel passaggio verso pratiche agro-ecologiche. Attraverso  una metodologia con indicatori e valutazioni periodiche, OASIS consente di impostare e monitorare i progressi delle aziende nella transizione. La metodologia OASIS deriva da principi sviluppati dalla FAO; essa crea  un profilo per ogni azienda  e offre un quadro completo delle sue pratiche agricole, economiche e sociali così da sostenere gli imprenditori verso un nuovo corso; inoltre OASIS può generare  informazioni preziose sia per i responsabili politici e le amministrazioni, così che possano orientare il supporto finanziario in modo efficace necessario, sia per scienziati e studenti, che possono usare questi dati per ricerche e progetti di sviluppo agroecologico. Inoltre, OASIS promuove la differenziazione visiva dei prodotti venduti nei supermercati, aiutando i consumatori a riconoscere e sostenere pratiche agricole sostenibili attraverso appositi marchi e simboli. Esistono già molti strumenti che misurano la sostenibilità di un’azienda agricola,tuttavia, OASIS è uno strumento specificamente costruito su principi agro-ecologici e quindi unico nel suo genere. Ø Come acquisire la metodologia OASIS? La tappa preliminare per applicare OASIS è contattare Agroecology Europe per ricevere la guida ufficiale sulla metodologia e procedere poi ad organizzare la formazione. Come primo passo, si svolgeranno delle interviste poste dai valutatori OASIS ai responsabili dell’ azienda interessata. Alla fine del processo, verrà stilato un piano operativo condiviso, e a seguire, si attiverà un  processo di monitoraggio dei risultati. L’ obiettivo è quello di un processo di transizione che continui nel tempo. Per info: theAgricult è membro di Agroecology Europe Agroecology Europe Association Livia Amidani Aliberti

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    #Italy. We are pleased to announce that Livia Amidani Aliberti, founder of theAgricult, has been just appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - Venture Capital which is the largest Venture Capital manager in Italy and among the largest in Europe. It operates on strategic sectors for the future by investing directly and indirectly in startups, innovative SMEs and Venture Capital funds for the creation of a market infrastructure that can support the entire life cycle of startups. CDP Venture Capital SGR pays particular attention to environmental, social and governance factors, underpinning the essential aspects of its activities with principles of ESG responsibility, both in terms of investment opportunities and the creation of financial and economic value. For more info on CDP Venture Capital SGR: Livia Amidani Aliberti

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    #AgroecologyEurope. theAgricult is happy to announce that we have just become a member of Agroecology Europe, the non- profit association promoting the transition towards both Agroecological farming and food systems. Its goal is to promote Agroecological research, education, and training as well as share and disseminate Agroecological knowledge, and promote Agroecology in the farming and food sectors and in society. To discover the work and publications of Agroecology Europe: Livia Amidani Aliberti Agroecology Europe Association Paolo Barberi Lili Balogh Paola Migliorini LuminaConsult

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    EU- wide Projects on Sustainability and Animal Welfare- Lumina Consult,Brussels EU Policy and Advocacy Strategist. President, Green Impact.

    #ComingSoon: JOIN us Online or in- person ( Rome, Italy) at the 19th Sept. Workshop on Sustainable Value AGRI - FOOD Chains & international trade. TRADE4SustainableDevelopment project ( EU Horizon 2020). Program below ( page 2). Where: LUMSA University. ( Rome), WEBEX ( link below). TIME: 9.00 - 13.00 ( CEST). CREA Ricerca Università LUMSALUMSA Master School Trade4SD - EU Horizon 2020 giovanni ferri LuminaConsult

    19 September Hybrid Workshop- TRADE4SD. LUMSA Univ. Rome. Check the agenda and join the event via webex.

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    #EIB and the next EU Agriculture Policy. The European Investment Bank Group (comprising the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund) actively participated in the extensive consultation process leading to the 2024 publication titled "The Future of EU Agriculture – A shared Prospect for Farming and Food." This publication is intended to guide the formulation of the next Common Agricultural Policy (2028-2032), with policy guidelines expected to be presented by the President of the European Commission by the end of 2024.   The Group has identified Agriculture and the Bioeconomy as key priorities in its 2024-2027 Roadmap. As the largest multilateral financial institution globally, the EIB Group has been financing climate and environmental sustainability projects across Europe and beyond for decades. Over the past 10 years, the Group has provided €5 billion annually for agriculture and bioeconomy projects, with €4 billion invested in the EU, of which two-thirds were directed to SMEs. Acknowledging the need for increased funding, the Group has proposed the establishment of complementary funds to be provided by the European Commission and EU Member States.   According to the Group’s Roadmap, priority should be given to young farmers, gender diversity, and climate and environmental sustainability. The EIB Group is currently conducting a study aimed at accelerating investment in the bioeconomy, focusing on innovation, low-carbon technologies, and the circular economy. It has also published a briefing on Nature-based Solutions and Forestry, which could inform the design of new financial products. This briefing (link below) concludes that nature-based solutions are cost-effective interventions that deliver environmental, social, and economic benefits while enhancing resilience.   Regarding the next EU Agricultural Policy, the Group has suggested, among others, the implementation of a Venture Debt Program, along with a Private Equity program leveraging EU resources, particularly for agri-tech, food tech, and the blue economy. In alignment with many of the stakeholders who contributed to the Report, the EIB Group advocates for incentivizing sustainable farming practices such as organic farming, agroecology, agroforestry, and regenerative agriculture. European Investment Bank (EIB)   For more information: The future of the EU Agriculture – a share prospect for farming and food (2024), Report and Executive Summary Link: EIB, Agriculture, bioeconomy and rural development (2021). Link: EIB, Investing in Nature based solutions. State-of-play and way forward for public and private financial measures in Europe (2023). Link:

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    🟢 Gli orsi bruni italiani sono un tesoro da proteggere! 🟢 Oltre ad essere onnivori, gli orsi bruni seguono una dieta prevalentemente vegetariana. L'80% della loro alimentazione è infatti costituito da bacche, frutti, erbe e radici, con un piccolo contributo di insetti, piccoli mammiferi e carogne. Questa dieta variegata dimostra la loro incredibile adattabilità! 🥬 Gli orsi bruni comunicano tra loro attraverso marcature visive e olfattive: graffiano gli alberi e si strofinano su di essi, lasciando segni e odori per delimitare il territorio e scambiare informazioni su identità e stato riproduttivo. 🐾 Purtroppo, la gestione degli orsi in Trentino Alto Adige, dove furono reintrodotti negli anni '90 grazie al progetto Life Ursus, per una serie di fattori, si è rivelata completamente inadeguata. ❌ Nel corso degli anni, la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha infatti commesso vari errori, spesso contraddicendo le proprie politiche. 🚩 Il Piano Faunistico Provinciale prevede misure di prevenzione, monitoraggio e comunicazione, come l'installazione di cassonetti anti-orso, il monitoraggio degli orsi con radiocollari, il miglioramento della gestione del bestiame, il potenziamento dei corridoi faunistici e un piano di comunicazione. 💪🏼 Tuttavia, nessuna di queste misure è stata effettivamente attuata. L'unica azione prevista è la “rimozione” degli orsi considerati pericolosi o problematici. Questa non può essere la giusta strada per la custodia di questo straordinario tesoro. 💔 È fondamentale ricordare che questi magnifici animali sono un patrimonio di tutti e la loro protezione deve essere una priorità! 🐻 Fonti: - ISPRA - [L'orso bruno: Biologia e Comportamento]( | [Il monitoraggio degli orsi bruni in Italia]( -

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