The Sels Group, headed by prof. Bert Sels, is part of the center of sustainable catalysis and engineering (CSCE), within the faculty of bioscience engineering at KU Leuven, Belgium.
🎯Our mission is to advance knowledge in heterogeneous catalysis for a circular and carbon-smart economy.
Through innovative catalytic material and process design we transform renewable carbon resources such as:
🌳 Biomass
♻️ Recyclates
💨 CO2
Into sustainable chemicals and materials with:
💪Preserved or improved functionality
🌍Reduced environmental impact (degradability, toxicity, synthesis)
Which we leverage into scientific, societal, and economic value through:
📣Dissemination via high impact publications & conferences
🤝🏻(Inter)national collaboration with universities & industry
📜Patenting and licensing
🏭Upscaling and spin-off creation
Research Services
Company size
51-200 employees
Heverlee, Flemish Region
Catalysis, Biorefining, Plastics Recycling, CO2 utilisation, Catalyst synthesis, Catalytic process development, and Advanced analytics