🎯INTER PARES is excited to share the successful results of the first Youth Parliamentary Academy (YPA). Hosted by the National Assembly of Zambia, the YPA aimed to empower young people by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to engage effectively with the Assembly. Over the course of 4 engaging days, 20 participants aged 19-24 from all across Zambia: - Enjoyed presentations from the parliaments of Zambia, Austria and Ireland; - Explored the functions and organisation of parliament; - Considered existing and new ways to engage with parliament; - Shared their input on a proposed educational toolkit and youth engagement strategy. To conclude the programme, they presented a 90-second pitch on how the National Assembly of Zambia could best serve young people by 2030, to senior members of the administration of the National Assembly—what an accomplishment! 💡 We are impressed and inspired by our youth participants' contributions, enthusiasm and continued engagement. We sincerely thank them for making this such an inspiring week! We're also very grateful to the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Clerk, Deputy Clerk, and all the members of the #NationalAssemblyofZambia for their guidance and participation. This initiative was also made possible with the invaluable support from the Parlamentsdirektion and the Houses of the Oireachtas. A heartfelt thanks to their representatives for their generous support throughout. Lastly, our sincere appreciation to the European Union for believing in #YouthParticipation in #Democracy and for funding this initiative, to the European Union in Zambia for its support and to EU Ambassador Karolina Stasiak for joining us. 🚀 WHAT’S NEXT? We are developing a YPA toolkit for public use to support other parliaments wishing to launch similar youth programmes. Stay tuned for updates!