South America Offshore Wind compartilhou isso
Lula sanctioned the Offshore Wind Law and vetoed the polemic amendments. Moving forward!
South America Offshore Wind is held in support of the recent spur in interest for offshore wind development in South America, more specifically in Brazil and Colombia. FWS SAM attracts a core of corporate and local representatives of Developers and Supply Chain Companies and all other stakeholders in these markets, such as the local and national authorities. The conference covers the authorities’ views on early development and permitting planning, developers sharing their views on their project portfolios and discussion of the many capabilities of the established Global Offshore Supply Chain. The mission of the FWS events is to create a platform for bridging Supply and Demand while facilitating commercialization of this industry’s projects. FWS-SAM is organized by Quest Offshore, the co-founder and organizer of the 1st OTC Brasil, Floating Wind Solutions Houston and many other energy related events. A world class Steering Committee ensures that the program is extremely focused on the principles of this mission.
Link externo para South America Offshore Wind
Av. Niemeyer, 121 - RJ, 22450-220, Brazilië
Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22450-220, BR
South America Offshore Wind compartilhou isso
Lula sanctioned the Offshore Wind Law and vetoed the polemic amendments. Moving forward!
Port of Açu and Yamna announce agreement to reserve an area for the development of a green ammonia plant
South America Offshore Wind compartilhou isso
#OffshoreWind Colombia Alert! The Colombia Energy Planner (UPME) has proposed a major grid infrastructure project for integrating large Offshore Wind (OSW) capacity to the system, among other modernization estrategies. The propposal which is called "Ring road 500 kV Caribe Centro" enables 4 GW of OSW mainly with HVDC technology and two collecting substations. This is an important step for defining the future of OSW in Colombia. Check out the plan: Ministerio de Minas y Energía Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos Dirección General Marítima - Dimar International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) ESMAP - Programa de Asistencia para la Gestión del Sector Energético Energistyrelsen Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo Ingrid Amaya Paola Andrea Bautista Duarte Jose Libardo Manzano Valbuena Maria Jisset Calvo Saad Review Energy Reuters Energía Estratégica Latinoamérica
#MisiónTransmisión | Para la incorporación del recurso eólico offshore al SIN, el #PlanMaestro de expansión de la transmisión de UPME Oficial propone una #MegaObra: La Circunvalar 500 kV Caribe-Centro. Considerando el estudio del Banco Mundial de 2022, "Hoja de ruta para el despliegue de la energía eólica costa afuera en Colombia", se plantea como referencia, y para temas indicativos de la infraestructura requerida, una penetración de 4.000 MW de generación eólica. Para abordar este desafío, surge como una solución tecnológica el desarrollo de un sistema HVDC de 500kV en anillo, o alternativamente la implementación de una red de extra alta tensión en AC de 750kV, y con una extensión de 1500 km aproximadamente. Se plantea la expansión red, con 2 subestaciones de recolección SR1 y SR2, y un enlace directo a la zona Oriental para que circunde la infraestructura actual y se logre evacuar su energía superando las restricciones de transferencia actuales. Los analisis de esta posible obra serán ampliados en nuestro siguiente documento de la misión. #TransiciónEnergética Enlace al documento:
Moving forward in Colombia!
#offshorewind #womeninwind #Colombia Alerta ‼️ Desde el equipo de gobierno de energía eólica costa afuera Ministerio de Minas y Energía Dirección General Marítima - Dimar Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos nos complace compartir que, a partir del 20/12/24 hasta el 31/01/2025 el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible tiene puesto a comentarios el proyecto: “Por la cual se adoptan los Términos de Referencia para la Elaboración del Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, requerido para el trámite de licencia ambiental de los proyectos de Uso de Energía Eólica Costa Afuera” Una señal muy importante desde el componente ambiental para el mercado de #offshorewind en Colombia; invitamos a todos los interesados en la primera ronda de energía eólica costa afuera, que remitan sus comentarios frente a la propuesta de TdR en los términos señalados. Arturo Pulido Pérez Jose Libardo Manzano Valbuena Ingrid Amaya Maria Jisset Calvo Saad Juan Carlos Bedoya Ph.D. Diana María Velandia Cañón Carolina de Mas Luisa Castellanos Mora INVEMAR José Alejandro García Quintero Ineke Steinhauer Yvonne A'Campo Federico Jensen Kristian Lund Kofoed Martijn Groen BlueFloat Energy DEME Group Powerchina Int Col Ecopetrol Celsia Energía Dyna Energy Jan De Nul Group Adriana Delgado Uribe CTG Latam Christian R. Jaramillo H. Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development Danish Energy Agency Bernardo Busel Niedmann Nadia Plazas Fajardo Laura Carreño Zarante
Foreign Investment Fuels Colombia’s Green Energy Revolution
South America Offshore Wind compartilhou isso
Driving the future of Offshore Wind in Brazil 🌬️ We’re thrilled to celebrate a historic milestone: #Brazil has approved its first-ever #OffshoreWind Regulatory Framework! This landmark development represents a turning point for clean energy, combining economic growth with environmental stewardship, positioning Brazil as a global renewable energy leader. 🌍 At OW Ocean Winds, we’re proud to have contributed to this significant step, bringing our global expertise from 16 offshore wind projects and 18.5 GW of capacity worldwide, and with an ongoing collaboration with national stakeholders, as the country finalises sub-regulations and initiates seabed concessions in 2025. #ProudtobeOW #RenwableEnergy #pOWeringtoday
EDF Files Applications for 10+ GW of Offshore Wind in Brazil, Lists 21 MW Turbines as Preferred
South America Offshore Wind compartilhou isso
O Senado aprovou o marco regulatório para a exploração de energia eólica offshore no Brasil. Apesar de seu potencial para ampliar o uso de energias renováveis no país, o projeto foi amplamente criticado por incluir "jabutis" – trechos inseridos em um projeto, mas que não têm relação com seu tema central – que favorecem os setores de carvão e gás, ambos altamente poluentes. Em entrevista à Folha de São Paulo, nosso sócio de #Energia e #RecursosNaturais, Rogério M. R. Campos, destacou que a inclusão dos "jabutis" desviou a atenção do objetivo central do projeto: promover a geração de energia eólica em alto-mar, uma fonte com potencial para ampliar e diversificar o mix de energias renováveis do Brasil. Confira na íntegra: #somoscma #renovaveis
Brazil Senate approves the draft legal framework, with “riders”, for Offshore Wind power
All Applicants Pre-Qualified for Colombia’s First Offshore Wind Tender