Imperdível!!! Daqui alguns minutos teremos a palestra do laureado em fisiologia Randy Schekman na Universidade de Brasília .
OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation
Atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas
Brasília, Federal District 413 seguidores
Together we can pioneer the possible!!
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OSI-Brasilia is the Swedish Government´s office for science and innovation in Brazil. Located at the Swedish Embassy in Brasilia (@swedeninbr), the office works under the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise (@klimatochnaringslivsdepartementet-se). Our mission is to develop and advance strategic collaboration between Sweden and Brazil in research, innovation, and higher education. We also promote Sweden's reputation as a knowledge nation and contribute to Team Sweden's initiatives.
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Link externo para OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation
- Setor
- Atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas
- Tamanho da empresa
- 2-10 funcionários
- Sede
- Brasília, Federal District
- Tipo
- Órgão governamental
- Fundada em
- 2018
- Especializações
- innovation, international cooperation, science diplomacy, bilateral calls, support e innovation dissemination
SES 807
Lote 29
Brasília, Federal District 70200-070, BR
📢Open positions for PhD or a postdoc in Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) projects 🚨 In this link you can find opportunities to pursue your studies in Sweden: They are selected fully-funded positions with a competitive remuneration, social protection, mobility, family, long-term leave and special needs allowances, when applicable. 📢 Posições abertas para PhD ou pós-doutorado em projetos Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) 🚨 Neste link, você pode encontrar oportunidades para continuar seus estudos na Suécia: São posições totalmente financiadas, com remuneração competitiva, proteção social, mobilidade, auxílio para família, licença de longo prazo e necessidades especiais, quando aplicável.
OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation compartilhou isso
🇧🇷 Brazilian researchers considering undertaking high-risk high-gain research in Europe: do not miss our webinar “Frontier research in Europe with the European Research Council (ERC)” on 2 December. A Brazilian ERC awardee and two evaluators will share their practical tips and recommendations for a successful ERC proposal and will engage in Q&A session with the audience. More: Speakers: - Jose Pedro Friedmann Angeli, ERC Consolidator DeciFERR project on Deciphering and exploiting ferroptosis regulatory mechanism in cancer project, Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg, Germany 🇩🇪 -Paulo Artaxo, ERC PE10 panel member, professor of environmental physics, Institute of Physics, USP - Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil - Jens Baumgarten, ERC SH5 panel member, Professor for Art History, Federal Unifesp - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil -Charlotte Grawitz, regional representative, EURAXESS LAC
🌟 Strengthening Brazil-Sweden Innovation Cooperation 🌟 OSI - Brasília, represented by the Acting Head of the office, Ana Carolina Bussacos, had the honor to participate at the 9th Meeting of the Brazil-Sweden Steering Group on Innovative High Technological Industrial Cooperation in Florianópolis, Brazil. This pivotal event, held during Innovation Week, underscored the robust partnership between Brazil and Sweden in driving forward high-tech innovation. This meeting was a testament to the ongoing commitment and collaborative spirit between nations. Together, we are paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in technology and innovation, fostering sustainable development, and enhancing the quality of life. The meeting started with the opening remarks of Daniel Almeida Filho, State Secretary from Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation), Tobias Karlström, State Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office, Eugenio Vargas Garcia, Director of Science, Technology, Innovation and Intellectual Property, from Ministério das Relações Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Camilla Mellander, Director General for Trade Policy, Regeringskansliet, Utrikesdepartementet (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Karin Wallensteen, Ambassador at Embaixada da Suécia no Brasil. After, it was the moment for the presentations of the Point of Contacts of the two countries. 🧬Health: Martin Schalling from Karolinska Institutet, Luiz Ary Messina and Paulo Roberto de Lima Lopes, from RNP. 🏙️Sustainable Cities: Gina Aspelin Hedbring from IVL, Claus Popp Larsen from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and David Peixoto from Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. 🌱Bioeconomy: Ewellyn Capanema, PhD from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and Bruno César Prosdocimi Nunes from Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. ⛏️Sustainable Cities: Mikael Larsson from Swerim AB and Marisa Monte from CETEM. Finally, we had the participation of the funding agencies, essential for the success of the cooperation. FINEP, Vinnova, CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, EMBRAPII - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial, FAPESP, and Fapesc. Thank you to all participants for your invaluable contributions and dedication to this partnership. Let's continue to innovate and inspire! #Innovation #BrazilSwedenCooperation #HighTech #SustainableDevelopment #InnovationWeek Photo by Fundação CERTI.
OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation compartilhou isso
✈️ Tio år av innovation och samarbete Vid årets högnivåmöte mellan Sverige och Brasilien, High-Level Group on Aeronautics (HLG), diskuterades resultaten från våra gemensamma FoU-projekt. Och vilken nytta de gör! Från avancerade flygsystem till hållbarhetsinnovation är projekten en katalysator för både tekniska framsteg och ekonomisk tillväxt. Genom program för mobilitet – med stipendiater och gästprofessorer – bygger vi också en stark bas av kompetens och nätverk för framtiden. Det här är inte bara forskning; det är en investering i innovation, hållbarhet och internationell konkurrenskraft. Stort tack till Mats Olofsson, som går i pension efter tio år av dedikerat arbete för att bygga relationer mellan länderna. "Det är hans engagemang och personlighet som lagt grunden till det fina samarbete vi ser idag," sade Brasiliens statssekreterare i sitt tacktal. 👉 Läs mer om samarbetets framgångar här: #Flygteknik #SverigeBrasilien #Innovation #Innovair
🌟 Innovation Week Kickoff in Florianópolis! 🌟 On the first day of Sweden Brazil Innovation Week, we also had the opening ceremony in Florianópolis. The event was organized by the Embaixada da Suécia no Brasil with support from OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Fundação CERTI e many others. The theme was innovation and space. ⭐ We were honored to hear the speeches from the State Secretary Tobias Karlström, the Brazilian State Secretary of Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, Daniel Almeida Filho, State Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of Santa Catarina, Marcelo Fett . And additionally, Gilberto Seleme from FIESC - Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Santa Catarina and the Rector of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Irineu Manoel de Souza, also spoke. The star of the event was Marcus Wandt , Swedish test pilot and astronaut, and Chief Innovation Officer at Saab. He captivated everyone by explaining his training and his experience at the International Space Station earlier this year. Following his talk, we had a fascinating discussion on innovation and space with: Dr. Paolo Gessini, Director of Strategic Intelligence and New Business, representing the Brazilian Space Agency (Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB/MCTI), Major General Jonas Wikman, Swedish Air Force Commander, Emilia Villani, Vice Dean of Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA, Camilla Mellander, Director General for Trade Policy at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Exciting times ahead as we explore the intersection of innovation and space! 🚀✨ #InnovationWeek #Florianópolis #SwedishEmbassy #Innovation #Space #OSIBrasilia #SwedenBrazil Foto: Embaixada da Suécia no Brasil
🌍 A maior colaboração da história humana? 🚀 Descubra como ideias pioneiras, como as baterias mais verdes do mundo, a reciclagem têxtil em larga escala e o aço livre de fósseis, estão abrindo caminho para a sustentabilidade.
🌍 The greatest co-lab in human history? 🚀 Discover how pioneering ideas like the world's greenest batteries, full-scale textile recycling and fossil-free steel are paving the way for sustainability. 👉 Follow us for more insights into sustainable solutions from Sweden. hashtag #Sustainability #Innovation #sweden #pioneerthepossible
🌟 Reflecting on the 12th Sweden-Brazil Innovation Week! 🌟 Part 1 Last week marked the 12th edition of the Sweden-Brazil Innovation Week, a celebration of a year's worth of collaborative efforts. Over the next few days, I'll be sharing highlights from this remarkable event. The week kicked off with the 10th High Level Group on Aeronautics, a significant meeting between Swedish and Brazilian authorities. We were honored to have distinguished Swedish representatives, including State Secretary Tobias Karlström, Camilla Mellander (Director General for Trade Policy, MFA), Brigadier Olof Hultgren (Ministry of Defense), and Major General Jonas Wilkman (Chief of the Swedish Air Force), among others. The Brazilian delegation was leaded by State Secretary Daniel Almeida Filho from Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. During the meeting, the participants conducted a review of the year's activities, including the Air Domain Study and the AI and Autonomy working group. It was a moment of celebration and, more importantly, a reaffirmation of the commitment to continued collaboration. One important moment was the recognition of the work of Mats Olofsson from Innovair. Stay tuned for more insights and updates from this inspiring week! 🚀🤝 #SBIW #OSIBrasilia #HLG #SwedenBrazil #innovation #aeronautic Photo by Força Aérea Brasileira - FAB and OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation
OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation was one the organizers and supporters of the 12th Sweden Brazil Innovation Week.
Nyss hemkommen från mycket givande resa i Brasilien under ett antal dagar. Jag hade förmånen att få leda en svensk delegation bestående av representanter från svenska myndigheter, flygvapnet, forskningsinstitutioner och företag. Sverige och Brasilien har en 200 år lång historia av diplomatiska relationer och sedan mer än 100 år är svenska företag etablerade här. Bara i São Paolo har svenska företag 42 000 anställda. 2014 beslutade Brasilien att köpa Gripen. Det blev startskottet på ett utvecklat samarbete mellan våra länder. Ett omfattande program för innovation inom flygområdet etablerades. Jag hade förmånen att tillsammans med min brasilianska kollega Statssekreterare Daniel Almeida Filho leda det tionde Högnivåmötet inom just detta samarbete. Inom programmet bedrivs en rad spännande delprojekt med många aktörer, senast uppdaterat med projekt inom AI. Samma dag som jag anlände till Brasilien tecknade försvarsministrarna från Sverige och Brasilien ett letter of intent som både innehåller avsikten för Sverige att införskaffa taktiska transportflygplanet C-390 från Embraer och en möjlig utökning av antalet Gripenflygplan från Saab till Brasilien. Bra för både Sverige och Brasilien och det fortsatta bredare samarbetet. Sedan nio år har även ett samarbetsprogram inom ytterligare innovationsområden och branscher byggts upp. Även här fick jag förmånen att leda årets högnivåmöte. Programmet omfattar numera konkreta projekt inom hållbara städer, hälso- och sjukvård, gruvnäring och bioekonomi. Väldigt kul att se hur långa relationer mellan två länder, förstärkt av ett konkret och stort samarbete som Gripenprojektet har lett till gemensamma innovationsprojekt och affärsmöjligheter för svenska företag, inte bara inom försvarssektorn. Till detta har besöket även innehållit en rad möten med representater från styret nationellt och regionalt i Florianapolis respektive São Paolo. Möten med latinamerikanska ledningen i svenska företag och med svenska startups med intresse för möjligheter i Brasilien. I São Paolo bevittnade jag och den regionala statssekreteraren för klimat och infrastruktur, undertecknandet av nästa steg i ett projekt för biogas som Swedfund finansierar. Jag har även haft möjligheten att hålla ett par anföranden för att berätta om svenska regeringens prioriteringar. Jag vill passa på att tacka Sveriges ambassadör i Brasilien, Karin Wallensteen och all personal från Embassy of Sweden in Brazil samt medarbetare på regeringskansliet för väl genomförda arrangemang. Även tack till Flygvapenchef Jonas Wikman, Astronaut och chief innovation officer på Saab Marcus Wandt samt alla representanter från FMV, Vinnova, Business Sweden, RISE, Swedfund samt SAAB och övriga svenska företag och institutioner för fina insatser under våra gemensamma aktiviteter. Brasilien må ligga långt bort men är helt uppenbart en viktig partner inom handel och innovation för Sverige, historiskt och i framtiden.
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OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation compartilhou isso
EN The Sweden-Brazil Innovation Week 2024 is about to begin! And the Swedish partners and guests for this event, which celebrates, strengthens and provides opportunities for strategic partnerships between the two countries, are already preparing to land in Brazil. This is the case of Niklas Jedefors, CEO of Inomet, a Swedish material technology company that develops products for the mining sector and other areas, and works to generate the best production solutions for customers around the world with a sustainable approach, based on know-how and R&D, and challenging industry standards. Watch the video! Learn more about #SBIW2024 on the website: And also follow OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation _____ PT A Semana de Inovação Suécia-Brasil 2024 está prestes a começar! E os parceiros e convidados suecos para este evento, que celebra, fortalece e oportuniza parcerias estratégicas entre os dois países, já estão se preparando para aterrisar no Brasil. É o caso de Niklas Jedefors, CEO da Inomet, empresa sueca de tecnologia de materiais, que desenvolve produtos para o setor de mineração e outras áreas, e que trabalha para gerar as melhores soluções produtivas para clientes em todo o mundo com uma abordagem sustentável, baseada em know-how e P&D, e desafiando os padrões da indústria. Assista ao vídeo! Saiba mais sobre a #SBIW2024 no site: E siga também OSI Brasília - Office of Science and Innovation #SwedeninBrazil #SuécianoBrasil #TeamSweden #GreenTransition #SustainableMining #Innovation #Digitalization