FPInnovations is grateful to be participating in this and other #fuel #treatment #efficacy work in British Columbia, learning how best to manage landscapes for #wildfire #risk is a shared responsibility! FPInnovations est reconnaissante de participer à ce travail et autres projets sur l'#efficacité du #traitement des #combustibles en Colombie-Britannique, qui permet d'apprendre qu'une meilleure gestion des paysages en fonction du risque d'#incendie de forêt est une responsabilité partagée !
I had a chance to visit an experimental fuel mitigation site located south of Lumby, BC. The plots have varying amounts of residual chips from pruning and thinning, left on site. The plots have PB prescriptions planned and the impact of the varying residuals will be evaluated. It will be interesting to see if this approach can be used just down the road in the District of Coldstream. The experiment is overseen by FPInnovations and the contractor on site is Rider Ventures Ltd.