
The World Leader in Scanning Probes


The World Leader in Scanning Probes. Since 1990 researchers world-wide rely on the guaranteed high quality of NANOSENSORS™ probes for Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy. NANOSENSORS™ SPM tips are used in university research and commercial R&D labs where high resolution, consistent quality and reproducibility of results are essential. NANOSENSORS™ is a trademark of NanoWorld AG. Impressum

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AFM Probes, AFM Tips, SPM Probes, SPM Tips, AFM Cantilevers, SPM Cantilevers, Membrane-type Surface-stress Sensors (MSS), probes for Atomic Force Microscopy und probes for Scanning Probe Microscopy



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    It is again time to wish all users of our #AFMprobes Happy Holidays! After we shared a “Halloween tree” in October we now finally have occasion to share this year’s Christmas tree picture with you. Enjoy the upcoming holiday season and have a good start into the new year. We are looking forward to working together with you in 2025.  #happyholidays #seasonsgreetings #merrychristmas #happynewyear2025  #afmprobes #afmtips #AFMcantilevers #SPMprobes #AFMカンチレバー #AFMプローブ #AFM探针 #atomicforcemicroscopy #scanningprobemicroscopy #原子力显微镜探针 #原子力显微镜

    • picture of an illuminated Christmas tree at night in a historic village square
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    Traditional Joule dissipation omnipresent in today’s electronic devices is well understood while the energy loss of the strongly interacting electron systems remains largely unexplored. #Twistedbilayergraphene ( #tBLG) is a host to interaction-driven correlated insulating phases, when the relative rotation is close to the magic angle (1.08∘). * In the article “Energy dissipation on magic angle twisted bilayer #grapheneAlexina Ollier, Marcin Kisiel, Xiaobo Lu, Urs Gysin, Martino Poggio, Dmitri K. Efetov and Ernst Meyer report on low-temperature (5K) nanomechanical energy dissipation of tBLG measured by #pendulumatomicforcemicroscopy ( #p_AFM). * Owing to high force sensitivity, pendulum geometry Atomic Force Microscopy (p-AFM), oscillating like a tiny pendulum over the surface, is perfectly suited to measure tiny amounts of energy loss.* The ultrasensitive cantilever tip acting as an oscillating gate over the quantum device shows dissipation peaks attributed to different fractional fillings of the flat energy bands. Local detection allows to determine the twist angle and spatially resolved dissipation images showed the existence of hundred-nanometer domains of different doping. * Application of magnetic fields provoked strong oscillations of the dissipation signal at 3/4 band filling, identified in analogy to Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, a wavefunction interference present between domains of different doping and a signature of orbital ferromagnetism.* During the Pendulum #AFM energy dissipation measurements, series of insulating states of tBLG were detected under ultra high vacuum (UHV) conditions with highly n-doped silicon NANOSENSORS AdvancedTEC ATEC-CONT tip-view #AFMprobes. * The #AFMcantilever with resistivity ρ = 0.01 − 0.02 Ωcm, spring constant k = 0.18 N/m and frequency f0 = 13 kHz was coupled capacitively to the quantum device, and the #AFMtip oscillation amplitude A = 1 nm was parallel to the sample surface (pendulum geometry). The sensor was annealed before experiment at 700∘ under UHV conditions for 12h. The process leads to removal of water and weakly bounded molecules from the cantilever surface and the tip. Moreover, the long-term annealing minimizes the amount of the static charges localized at the AFM tip. * Please have a look at the NANOSENSORS blog for the full citation and a direct link to the full article. #nanomechanicalenergydissipation #AFM探针 #摆式原子力显微镜

    • Fig. 1 from Alexina Ollier et al 2023 “Energy dissipation on magic angle twisted bilayer graphene”: 
Pendulum atomic force microscope (p-AFM) AdvancedTEC ATEC-CONT tip oscillating on top of a twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) device is measuring energy loss.
a schematics of the measured device. The sample is composed of a p-doped silicon backgate (dark gray), followed by a 300 nm thick silicon dioxide layer (violet) and 10 nm hexagonal boron nitride (hBN, light blue). From the top tBLG is encapsulated with 10nm hBN film. b p-AFM image of the tBLG device, the white dotted rectangle is the device with a size of 4.1 μm × 5.8 μm. In c the typical dissipation (Γ) spectrum versus doping concentration (n) is shown. Different peaks in Γ spectrum are identified as ν = ± 1/4, ν = ± 1/2, ν = ± 3/4, and ν = 4/4 and colored in red and blue for holes and electrons, respectively. The inset shows the corresponding frequency shift Δf(3ns/4) spectrum. The measurement was performed at temperature T = 5 K.
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Molybdenumdisulfide ( #MoS2) is commonly used as a dry lubricant due to its enhanced performance in the absence of oxygen and its elevated temperature stability, which make it suitable for extreme environmental conditions. For these reasons, MoS2 has well-established applications in the automotive and aerospace industries, metal forming and cutting tools, electrical contacts, and nano- and micro-electromechanical systems.* Experimental #characterizations such as those made possible by #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM) are the most important tool to gain quantitative insights on the #wearresistance of those #materials on the #nanoscale.* In the article “A comparative nanotribological investigation on amorphous and polycrystalline forms of MoS2” by Hesam Khaksar , Dr. Prashant Mittal, Ph.D., Nabil Daghbouj, Grzegorz Cios ,Tomas Polcar and Enrico Gnecco, the wear behavior of two amorphous and polycrystalline forms of MoS2 prepared by magnetron sputtering is characterized in a combined nanoindentation and atomic force microscopy (AFM) study supported by Raman and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis.* From the morphology of wear tracks estimated after scratching the surfaces with a Berkovich indenter and a loading force up to 2 mN, the authors conclude that, on the microscale, both forms follow the Archard’s wear equation, and the wear resistance is about four times higher on the amorphous MoS2.* The coefficient of #friction is much lower on the worn areas, which is associated to significant smoothing of the surfaces caused by the scratching process. With normal forces in the µN range, the analysis is made difficult by the fact that the linear dimensions of the wear tracks are comparable to those of the smallest surface features. Even if the Archard’s equation looses validity, the wear resistance is considerably larger on amorphous MoS2 also on the nanoscale.* The results presented by Hesam Khaksar et al. conclude that the polycrystalline form of MoS2 has poor tribological properties at the micro/-nanoscale as compared to the amorphous form and hence less suited as a solid coating in ambient conditions.* NANOSENSORS™ diamond coated PointProbe®Plus DT-NCHR #AFMprobes were used to create the scratches and capture the images, allowing for a detailed examination of the surface features and #materialproperties. For AFM-based #friction measurements, NANOSENSORS™ PointProbe®Plus PPP-LFMR #AFMprobes, with a typical force constant of 0.2 N/m were employed. NANOSENSORS™ PointProbe®Plus PPP-NCHR #AFMprobes (typical force constant: 42 N/m typical resonance frequency 330 kHz) were used for standard tapping mode imaging. Please have a look at the NANOSENSORS blog for the full citation and a direct link to the full article: #tribology #characterization #nanoscratching #materialsresearch #AFM探针 #原子力显微镜探针

    • Figure S5 from Hesam Khaksar et al. 2024 “A comparative nanotribological investigation on amorphous and polycrystalline forms of MoS2”:

 AFM image on the scratched area with the AFM (contact mode image)
Fig. S5 shows a collection of images captured by the atomic force microscope, which displays scratches on two different materials. The first row shows scratches on amorphous material, while the second row shows scratches on polycrystalline material. Within each row, the force used to create the scratches was increased from 2 to 15 μN . The diamond coated NANOSENSORS DT-NCHR AFM cantilever was used to create the scratches and capture the images, allowing for a detailed examination of the surface features and material properties.
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    #Singleentityelectrochemistry (SEE) is an emerging area of research that aims at evaluating the electrochemical response of #materials at the micro- and #nanoscale. * SEE in combination with complementary #characterization techniques has opened the door to a new type of characterization known as correlative-SEE that holds exceptional potential toward understanding #nanomaterials for energy applications. In such methods, spectroscopy and/or microscopy are used in tandem with SEE to correlate the electrochemical response to chemical and/or structural properties of probed entities. * In the article “Carbon Thin-Film Electrodes as High-Performing Substrates for Correlative Single Entity Electrochemistry” Marc Brunet Cabré, Christian Schröder, Filippo Pota, Maida A. Costa de Oliveira, Hugo Nolan, Lua Henderson, Laurence Brazel, Dahnan Spurling, Valeria Nicolosi, Pietro Martinuz, Mariangela Longhi, Faidra Amargianou, Peer Bärmann, Tristan Petit, Kim McKelvey and Paula E. Colavita discuss properties and demonstrate applications of #graphitizedcarbonthinfilmelectrodes as substrates for correlative-SECCM.* The authors first discuss chemical and structural properties of these films and how they can be tuned through synthesis/deposition conditions to deliver several of the above-mentioned requirements of correlative-SECCM. * Marc Brunet Cabré et al. demonstrate the capability and versatility of these substrates using three nano-entities of very distinct morphological and chemical composition, such as #carbonencapsulatednickelnanoparticles ( Ni@C), #carbonnanocubes (CNC), and #2DMXenes (Ti3C2Tx). Correlative-SEE of these was achieved by coupling SECCM with a range of widely accessible scanning microscopies, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM). * Finally, Marc Brunet Cabré et al. demonstrate correlative-SEE applications that integrate advanced synchrotron techniques such as scanning X-ray microscopy (SXM) in transmission and total electron yield (TEY) modes. Using SXM the authors show that it is possible to obtain both nm-resolution imaging and spectroscopic chemical information from X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) on these thin films substrates to correlate against the electrochemical response of nano-entities. * NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus PPP-NCHR #AFMprobes (typical resonance frequency: 330 kHz, typical force constant: 42 N/m) were used for the atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization in non-contact mode. You'll find the full citation and a direct link to the full article in the NANOSENSORS blog: #2Dmaterials #mxenes #Xraymicroscopy #graphitizedcarbonthinfilmelectrodes #nanoscale #scanningprobemicroscopy #materialsresearch #AFM探针

    • S15 from Marc Brunet Cabré et al 2024 “Carbon Thin-Film Electrodes as High-Performing Substrates for Correlative Single Entity Electrochemistry”
SI-5: Morphology of isolated MXene (Ti3C2Tx) on anC by AFM
Figure S15: AFM images of two different regions of anC substrate with dropcasted MXene flakes. (A) Displays an isolated flake on anC and (B) displays multiple flakes which present partial stacking between them.

NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus PPP-NCHR AFM probes were used for the scanning probe microscopy (SPM) characterization in non-contact mode.
    • Figure 2 from Marc Brunet Cabré et al 2024 “Carbon Thin-Film Electrodes as High-Performing Substrates for Correlative Single Entity Electrochemistry”

A) AFM image of anC:NG substrate; red section indicates the approximate region that is expanded in B); both images show a smooth and homogeneous substrate surface. C) Cross section SEM image of the anC:NG substrate: Si, SiO2 and anC:NG layers can be observed in side view, with the anC:NG layer displaying constant thickness and no evidence of inhomogeneities. D) Comparison of Raman spectra of anC, anC:NG and anC:NP displaying the characteristic D and G bands of amorphous carbons, as previously discussed.[13] E) Example of Raman mapping of the D/G intensity ratio across a typical anC:NG surface and F) summary of D/G value distributions for all carbon materials.
NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus PPP-NCHR AFM probes were used for the atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization in non-contact mode.
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Mechanicalforces are key regulators of #cellularbehavior and function, affecting many fundamental #biologicalprocesses such as #cellmigration, embryogenesis, immunological responses, and pathological states.* Specialized #forcesensors and imaging techniques have been developed to quantify these otherwise invisible forces in #singlecells and #invivo. However, current techniques rely heavily on high-resolution microscopy and do not allow interrogation of optically dense tissue, reducing their application to 2D cell cultures and highly transparent #biologicaltissue.* In the article “Deformable microlaser force sensing” Eleni Dalaka, Joseph S. Hill , Jonathan H. H. Booth, Anna Popczyk, Stefan Pulver, Malte Gather and Marcel Schubert introduce DEFORM, deformable microlaser force sensing, a spectroscopic technique that detects sub-nanonewton forces with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. DEFORM is based on the spectral analysis of laser emission from dye-doped oil microdroplets and uses the force-induced lifting of laser mode degeneracy in these droplets to detect nanometer deformations. The authors use gold-standard #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM) measurements to validate the absolute scale of the extracted forces and to evaluate the optical response of individual droplets in order to be able to demonstrate the ability of DEFORM to extract absolute mechanical forces in a later step. The controlled deformations of single droplet microlasers were performed using an #atomicforcemicroscope which was installed on the inverted microscope that was used for the lasing experiments, allowing simultaneous optical and mechanical characterization of the droplets. For #indentation, a 17 µm glass sphere was glued to the #AFMtip of a soft #AFMcantilever with nominal stiffness of k = 0.01 N/m ( NANOSENSORS™ uniqprobe qp-SCONT). Eleni Dalaka et al. also developed a model that links changes in laser spectrum to applied force and allows to extract the eccentricity of the flexible microlaser droplets. Based on the known deformation of the microlasers, the applied force can then be directly calculated. NANOSENSORS™ #uniqprobe #AFMprobes offer an outstanding uniformity of the mechanical AFM cantilever characteristics which is particularly important for applications where a large number of AFM probes with known and near identical #forceconstants or #resonancefrequencies are needed. The #AFMcantilevers of the uniqprobe series are especially adapted for applications in #molecularbiology, #biophysics and #quantitativenanomechanicalstudies . Please have a look at the NANOSENSORS blog for the full citation and a direct link to the full article #biomechanics #biomechanicalmeasurements #cellmechanics #AFMforceindentationcurves #characterization #surfacetension #AFMprobes #AFM力距离曲线 #原子力显微镜 #AFMプローブ

    • Fig. 2 from Eleni Dalaka et al. 2024 “Deformable microlaser force sensing”:
DEFORM reliably measures sub-nanonewton forces.
a Schematic illustration of the deformation of single microlaser droplets by an atomic force microscope (top) and visualization of a typical push-and-release experiment (bottom). b Microlaser spectra detected before, during, and after the application of a 200 pN force with the AFM (symbols as in a). c Typical force-distance curve used to calculate the stiffness of the droplets. d Variation in stiffness for a batch of droplet microlasers (N = 27). Boxplot showing the median and standard deviation, while whiskers represent the 5th and 95th percentile. e Evolution of the microlaser spectrum under increasing applied force. The gray bars below each spectrum indicate the fitted mode splitting, i.e. separation in wavelength between the leading and trailing edge of the mode. 
Find the full description in the cited article.
    • Fig. 2 a from Eleni Dalaka et al. 2024 “Deformable microlaser force sensing”:
DEFORM reliably measures sub-nanonewton forces.
a Schematic illustration of the deformation of single microlaser droplets by an atomic force microscope (top) and visualization of a typical push-and-release experiment (bottom).
For indentation, a 17 µm glass sphere was glued to the AFM tip of a soft AFM cantilever with nominal stiffness of k = 0.01 N/m (NANOSENSORS™ uniqprobe qp-SCONT). *
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    The association of #2Dmaterials and #ferroelectrics offers a promising approach to tune the optoelectronic properties of atomically thin #TransitionMetalDichalcogenides (TMDs). * In the article “Light-Induced Ferroelectric Modulation of p-n Homojunctions in Monolayer MoS2” by Mariola O Ramirez, Jaime Fernandez-Tejedor, Daniel Gallego, Javier Fernández-Martinez, Pablo Molina, David Hernández Pinilla, Julio Gomez Herrero, Pablo Ares and Luisa E. Bausá, the combined effect of #ferroelectricity and light on the #optoelectronicproperties of monolayer (1L)-MoS2 deposited on periodically poled #lithiumniobate crystals is explored. * Using scanning micro-photoluminescence, the effect of excitation intensity, scanning direction, and #domainwalls on the 1L-MoS2 #photoluminescence properties is analyzed, offering insights into charge modulation of #MoS2. * The findings unveil a photoinduced charging process dependent on the #ferroelectricdomainorientation, in which light induces charge generation and transfer at the monolayer-substrate interface. * This highlights the substantial role of light excitation in ferroelectrically-driven electrostatic doping in MoS2. Additionally, the work provides insights into the effect of the strong, nanometrically confined electric fields on #LiNbO3 domain wall surfaces, demonstrating precise control over charge carriers in MoS2, and enabling the creation of deterministic p-n homojunctions with exceptional precision. The results suggest prospects for novel optoelectronic and photonic application involving monolayer TMDs by combining light-matter interaction processes and the surface selectivity provided by ferroelectric domain structures. To corroborate the optical results, Mariola O Ramirez et al. measured current-voltage (I-V) curves by using two #AFMcantilevers with platinum-coated #AFMtips in contact with the 1L-MoS2 i) on a single domain region, and ii) on both sides of a ferroelectric domain wall where the p-n junction is formed. The results are shown in Figure 3c. (cited in here). The #electricalcharacterization was carried out by means of a home-built two-terminal probe station with 2 sets of xyz piezomotors that allow precise positioning of the electrical probes. NANOSENSORS™ AdvancedTEC™ ATEC-EFM #tipviewAFMprobes, conductive AFM tips that protrude from the very end of the AFM cantilever, ensuring real AFM tip visibility from above for a soft and accurate mechanical and electrical contact. * To characterize the electrical properties of the system, the ATEC-EFM probes were brought into direct contact with the MoS2 flakes , as verified using a force sensor with a sensitivity of ≈1 mN located underneath the sample. This ensures a good electrical contact between the #AFMprobes and the MoS2. * Full citation and direct link to the full article in our blog:

    • Figure 3 from Mariola O Ramirez et al. 2024 “Light-Induced Ferroelectric Modulation of p-n Homojunctions in Monolayer MoS2”:
Nanometric control over charge carriers in MoS2. a) Integrated PL intensity of 1L-MoS2 on the vicinity of a ferroelectric domain wall in LiNbO3 for an excitation intensity close to 103 W cm−2. b) PL spectra of 1L-MoS2 in different regions: I and IV correspond to the Pdown and Pup domain surfaces, respectively; II and III correspond to the vicinities of the domain wall surfaces. The spectral positions of the exciton (A) and trion (A−) bands are indicated. c) Dark intensity-voltage (I–V) curves measured contacting the 1L-MoS2 by using two Pt-coated tips on a same single domain surface (blue) and both sides of a single domain wall (red). Schematics of the experimental configuration are shown in the right panels.
Conductive NANOSENSORS™ AdvancedTEC™ ATEC-EFM tip-view AFM probes were used.
    • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) image of NANOSENSORS™ AdvancedTEC™ tip-view AFM probe - side view of AFM tip and AFM cantilever
    • Figure 3 c from Mariola O Ramirez et al. 2024 “Light-Induced Ferroelectric Modulation of p-n Homojunctions in Monolayer MoS2”: 
Nanometric control over charge carriers in MoS2. 
c) Dark intensity-voltage (I–V) curves measured contacting the 1L-MoS2 by using two Pt-coated tips on a same single domain surface (blue) and both sides of a single domain wall (red). Schematics of the experimental configuration are shown in the right panels.
Conductive NANOSENSORS™ AdvancedTEC™ ATEC-EFM tip-view AFM probes with a nominal stiffness of 2.8 N m−1 were used for the electrical characterization ensuring real tip visibility from above for a soft and accurate mechanical and electrical contact. To characterize the electrical properties of the system, the ATEC-EFM AFM probes were brought into direct contact with the MoS2 flakes

Have a look at the NANOSENSORS blog or the cited article to see the full figure and description.
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Morphogenesis requires #embryoniccells to generate forces and perform mechanical work to shape their #tissues. Incorrect functioning of these #forcefields can lead to congenital malformations.* Understanding these #dynamicprocesses requires the quantification and profiling of three-dimensional mechanics during evolving #vertebratemorphogenesis.* In the article “Quantifying mechanical forces during vertebrate morphogenesis” Eirini Maniou, Silvia Todros, Anna Urciuolo, Dale A. Moulding, Michael Magnussen, Ioakeim Ampartzidis, Luca Brandolino, Pietro Bellet, Monica Giomo, Piero G. Pavan, Gabriel L. Galea and Nicola Elvassore describe elastic spring-like #forcesensors with micrometre-level resolution, fabricated by intravital three-dimensional #bioprinting directly in the closing #neuraltubes of growing chicken #embryos.* Integration of calibrated sensor read-outs with computational mechanical modelling allows direct quantification of the forces and work performed by the #embryonictissues. As they displace towards the embryonic midline, the two halves of the closing neural tube reach a compression of over a hundred nano-newtons during neural fold apposition. Pharmacological inhibition of Rho-associated kinase to decrease the pro-closure force shows the existence of active anti-closure forces, which progressively widen the neural tube and must be overcome to achieve neural tube closure. * Overall, the author’s approach and findings highlight the intricate interplay between #mechanicalforces and #tissuemorphogenesis.* The #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM) described in the article was conducted using a commercially available #atomicforcemicroscope.* The #forcedisplacementcurves were acquired using NANOSENSORS™ PointProbe® Plus  PPP-CONTSCR silicon #AFMprobes with a typical spring constant of 0.2 N/m. * The #AFMcantilever #springconstants were calibrated by the manufacturer prior to use. The sensitivity of each AFM cantilever was adjusted by measuring the slope of the #forcedistancecurve acquired on a hard reference material prior to each experiment. * #Indentation experiments were repeated at least three times for each sample, at different locations. All AFM measurements were done in a fluid environment (PBS) at room temperature.* The #Young’smodulus was calculated by applying a fit of the Hertz model to the force–distance curve, assuming a Poisson ratio of 0.5, as is common practice for PEG #hydrogels. Preliminary in silico analyses of the #AFMtesting procedure were carried out to evaluate the effects of boundary conditions on the estimation of Young’s modulus.* You will find the full citation and a direct link to the full article in the NANOSENSORS blog: #forcespectroscopy #scanningprobemicroscopy #polymers #biology #生物学 #AFM探针 #原子力显微镜探针 #力距离曲线

    • Fig. 1 from : Eirini Maniou et al. 2024 “Quantifying mechanical forces during vertebrate morphogenesis”:

The i3D bioprinting with accurately determined position, geometry and stiffness.
a, Schematic of a chicken embryo illustrating the experimental workflow: 2–3 µl i3D polymer is pipetted directly onto the rhombocervical neuropore (RNP) and photo-crosslinked with a two-photon laser. The iMeSH structures are shown in green throughout. b, Stereoscope image of an embryo with a star shape photo- crosslinked on the flat neural plate. Scale bars, 200 µm. The star dimensions are indicated in the inset. c, Schematic showing iMeSH compression by apposition of the neural folds. d, Time-lapse images showing the sequential displacement of a rigid iMeSH shape, shown as a 3D confocal reconstruction superimposed on the embryo imaged with transmitted light. Cyan shading, open neural tube; *, zippering point; arrow indicates rotation of the printed shape; scale bar, 50 µm. - full text in blog
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are celebrating tomorrow’s #SwissNationalHoliday courtesy of Basel University ( NanolinoBasel ) with the smallest #SwissCross – made of 20 single atoms. Enjoy the holiday everyone in #Switzerland! ( a NANOSENSORS PointProbePlus PPP-NCL #AFMprobe was used for this image achieved with #atomicforcemicroscopy ). #svizzera #suisse #1aout #1august #1agosto

    • 20 bromine atoms positioned on a sodium chloride surface using the tip of an atomic force microscope at room temperature, creating a Swiss cross with the size of 5.6nm. The structure is stable at room temperature and was achieved by exchanging chlorine with bromine atoms. (Fig: University of Basel, Department of Physics)

 The image was taken using a NANOSENSORS PointProbePlus PPP-NCL AFM probe
  • Unternehmensseite von NANOSENSORS anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Ice plays a crucial role in our environment, with natural ice formations, such as glaciers, permafrost, river ice, and snow, strongly influencing the temperature, humidity, and weather patterns on Earth.* Because of its importance in our lives, extensive experimental and theoretical studies have been conducted to understand the characteristic properties of ice.* An in-depth analysis of the interface between ice and water is essential for a complete understanding of ice near-natural conditions.* In the article “The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy” Ryo Yanagisawa, Tadashi Ueda, Keiichi Nakamoto , Zhengxi Lu, Hiroshi Onishi and Taketoshi Minato investigate the interface between ice and organic solvents using #atomicforcemicroscopy ( #AFM).* Atomically flat ice surfaces were prepared and observed by AFM in 1-octanol, 1-hexanol, and 1-butanol.  The results show differences in #surfaceroughness influenced by the interaction of ice and alcohols. The #Young’smodulus of ice was analyzed by #forcecurvemeasurements, providing valuable insights into the properties of ice in liquid environments. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements were conducted with a commercially available AFM that was placed in an acoustic enclosure and was cooled with the vapor of liquid nitrogen and a copper tube cooled with antifreezing fluid to maintain the environmental temperature at 264.7–270.2 K.  #Topographicimages were obtained in the #amplitudemodulationmode with NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus PPP-NCHAuD #AFMprobes with gold coating on the detector side of the #AFMcantilever. The spring constant of each lever was calibrated from the Brownian motion of the AFM cantilever. To analyze Young’s modulus from the #forcecurve, the deflection sensitivity and #AFMtip radius were calibrated using Young’s modulus of mica (70 GPa). To confirm the reproducibility of the atomic force microscopy results, the measurements were performed on 6–32 points (the distance between the points was more than 100 µm) from 3–16 ices under each condition. Although the interface between alcohols and ice is different from that between water and ice, Ryo Yanagisawa et al. expect that careful selection of suitable organic solvents will lead to new insights that mimic essential features of the ice–water interface.* Ryo Yanagisawa et al. they observed the surface structure of ice in liquid environments and demonstrated the analysis of physical properties, such as Young’s modulus, through force curve measurements in these liquid systems. The results showed the characteristics of the ice surface in different solvents, suggesting potential applications in understanding surface and interface phenomena associated with ice under realistic conditions.* Please have a look at the NANOSENSORS blog for the full citation and a direct link to the full article.

    • Figure 1 (a) from Ryo Yanagisawa  et al. (2024) “The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy”:
(a)  AFM image (500 × 500 nm2) of the ice surface obtained in N2 at 267.1 K. 
for 1 b) The line profile of panel (a). please refer to the cited article
Topographic images were obtained in the amplitude modulation mode with a NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus AFM probe with gold coating on the detector side PPP–NCHAuD.
    • Figure 2 (a) from Ryo Yanagisawa  et al. (2024) “The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy”:
(a)	AFM image (1 × 1 µm2) of the ice surface in 1-octanol at 265.9 K. 
for (b) The line profile of panel (a) please refer to the cited article
Topographic images were obtained in the amplitude modulation mode with a NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus AFM probe with gold coating on the detector side PPP–NCHAuD.
    • Figure 3 (a) from Ryo Yanagisawa  et al. (2024) “The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy”:
(a) AFM image (5 × 5 µm2) of the ice surface obtained ice in 1-hexanol at 270.2 K. 
for (b) The line profile of panel (a) please refer to the cited article
Topographic images were obtained in the amplitude modulation mode with a NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus AFM probe with gold coating on the detector side PPP–NCHAuD.
    • Figure 4 from Ryo Yanagisawa  et al. (2024) “The interface between ice and alcohols analyzed by atomic force microscopy”:
AFM image (3.5 × 3.5 µm2) of the ice surface obtained ice in 1-butanol at 267.7 K.
Topographic images were obtained in the amplitude modulation mode with a NANOSENSORS PointProbe® Plus AFM probe with gold coating on the detector side PPP–NCHAuD.

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