Consulate General of India, Frankfurt

Consulate General of India, Frankfurt



The Consular jurisdiction of CGI Frankfurt extends to the states of Hessen, North RhineWestphalia, Rhineland Palatinate and Saarland. Besides carrying out Consular functions that include issuing of visas, passports, PIO, OCI cards and rendering other welfare services, the Consulate strongly focuses on strengthening economic and business ties between India and Germany. The Commercial Wing of the Consulate assists importers and exporters with trade queries, facilities Indian participation at trade fairs within the four states and organizes several Seminars and Business events in association with its German partner associations and trade organizations. An India Business Forum has been set up to bring together the Indian business community, professionals and entrepreneurs on a common platform. A deepening of intercultural understanding is a crucial aspect of any bilateral partnership. CGI Frankfurt therefore lays a lot of emphasis on promoting cultural activities and supports Indian cultural Associations and Indo-German societies in its jurisdiction. The Consulate is also closely associated with all the major India-related cultural events that take place within its jurisdiction.The number of Indian students in German universities and educational institutions is rising rapidly. The Consulate seeks to actively engage with the Indian students and ex-students in its consular jurisdiction to maintain a close interaction with them.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Consulate General of India, Frankfurt


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