
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg 892 Follower:innen

Food systems that support transitions to healthy and sustainable diets


FEAST aims to catalyse Europe’s just transition to a ‘Win-Win-Win-Win' food system that sees major gains for people, the planet, and the public and private sectors. Through HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-15 (Horizon Europe Project 101060536), we aim to support European food systems to shift away from the current ‘Lose-Lose-Lose-Win' food systems that sees only large food corporations ‘winning’ at the expense of enormous negative consequences for the environment, health and the public sector. FEAST aims to advance the state of the art by leveraging current best practice and co-designing novel solutions throughout Europe with food system stakeholders, including diverse vulnerable groups, to identify how they can be supported and empowered to facilitate and benefit from the just transition to healthier and more sustainable dietary behaviour – at all levels (micro, meso and macro) and in all sectors (producers, distributors, retailers and consumers) of the food system.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg



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    892 Follower:innen

    We are enthusiastic about this development in Denmark.  🍏 🥦 🍲 🥰 A big thank you to Carina Bastlund Woollhead from the Guldborgsund Kommune in our FEAST Living Lab, who is very committed to supporting local stakeholders in providing healthy meals in schools.

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    Specialist, Guldborgsund Municipality

    En spændende torsdag i Guldborgsund Kommune: Præsentation af "Perspektiver på skolemad" for byrådet med efterfølgende politiske drøftelser. Som embedskvinde er det spændende at få lov at arbejde med ting, som er af betydning for samfundsudviklingen i det helt store perspektiv, og sådan et emne er skolemad. Det er nyt for os i Danmark (udenfor København og Århus), og giver helt naturligt anledning til mange overvejelser og spørgsmål. Personligt er jeg så glad for at Kommunen er med i EU Horizon projekt FEAST som Living Lab, så vi kan hente inspiration, erfaring og data fra andre lande. I New Zealand, fx, der iværksatte de skolemad nærmest fra den ene dag til den anden i 2019 (mener jeg det var), og havde nogle helt fantastiske, målbare effekter på folkesundheden ud af det. Forleden fik jeg tilsendt evalueringskonceptet for skolemad på Londons skoler. Man får en masse relevant viden fra de andre partnere, som krydsbestøver vores lokale arbejde og giver netværk, udsyn og perspektiv. Det er godt at have nogen at støtte sig til, for det er et stort emne, og heldigvis har vi, her i Danmark, Madkulturen og deres rejsehold, som rådgiver og støtter kommunerne i disse processer - tak for det!

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    892 Follower:innen

    Our second FEAST Policy chat webinar wrapped up successfully! We would like to extend our thanks to Timothy Mark Lang, Anant Jani, and Molly D. Anderson for sharing their perspectives on alternatives to put the One Health agenda back in the light, something that is missing in the Draghi report. We would also like to thank Samuele Tonello and Sofia R. from EuroHealthNet for organizing the event, and to all the participants for making this Policy Chat a success! Those who missed this interesting talk, please watch the recording on our FEAST YouTube channel (link below 👇).   We have also uploaded the speakers’ presentation to FEAST’s Resources section. Feel free to download the presentation at: https://lnkd.in/ebkBgEQX #feast2030 #PolicyChat #Webinar

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    8.874 Follower:innen

    This week, Ursula von der Leyen unveiled the European Commission’s competitiveness compass, outlining its plans to steer Europe towards growth and innovation. In a recent FEAST Policy Chat we hosted along with open science for open societies - os4os, Samuele Tonello linked this drive for competitiveness to a crucial question: how did it gain so much momentum in Europe, and why is it vital for health sector representatives to resist surrendering to it?   Experts including Professor Tim Lang (City, University of London), Anant Jani (Heidelberg University), and Molly D. Anderson (Middlebury College) pointed out the potential challenges of this narrow focus—especially for Europe’s fragile food systems.   So, what were our key takeaways? 🗨️ Tim Lang: climate change and geopolitical conflict increasingly turn food into a tool of control. Fragile global chokepoints for essentials such as soy, wheat, and maize put Europe at constant risk. 🗨 Anant Jani: sustainable, healthy food must be accessible to everyone—not just privileged consumers. 🗨 Molly Anderson: Europe must rethink urbanisation and strengthen rural producer-consumer connections.   This fixation on market competition with the US and China distracts from more pressing issues:   🥕 Alternatives matter. Should resilience, not competitiveness, guide our future? 🌱 Food democracy goes beyond consumer choice—it requires active citizenship and community engagement. 🥗 Future-proofing food systems demands decentralisation, reduced corporate dominance, and stronger local ties.   👉We weren’t part of the Draghi process—but it’s time we claimed a seat at the table. Europe’s future should prioritise feeding all people well, fostering resilient systems, and safeguarding democracy—not just chasing global competitiveness.   Missed it? No problem. Catch up on the chat here: https://lnkd.in/eeNsqs_d   #PublicHealth #EU #Europe #FoodSystems #Sustainability #FoodDemocracy #EconomyofWellbeing #Economics #Competitiveness #CompetitiveCompass #HealthInequalities #HealthEquity

    FEAST Policy Chat 02 - Food systems in times of shock (Part01)


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    Profil von Paul Belcher FRCP MFPH 🇪🇺🇬🇧🇪🇸 anzeigen, Grafik

    European Public Health🔹Fellow, Royal College of Physicians🔹Honorary Member, Faculty of Public Health/European Public Health Association🔹Expert Committee, European Health Forum🔹EU Advisor, EurohealthNet🔹Member,CMT-UK

    💢 LIVE: #Health and the new #EU mantra of '#Competitiveness' 💬 "There is a health alternative, we must not surrender our agenda" - Samuele Tonello, EuroHealthNet 💬 "Mr Draghi's report is too narrow for food and health" - Timothy Lang, Professor of Food Policy, City, University of London 💬 "Reframing competitiveness is needed to encourage healthier and more sustainable food and socially inclusive economies" - Anant JaniHeidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Oxford 💬 "We have lost our vision and are moving to a fortress world" - Professor Molly D. Anderson, Middlebury College FEAST EuroHealthNet EU Health and Food Safety Caroline Costongs Charlotte Marchandise EUPHA - European Public Health Association Florence Berteletti

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    8.874 Follower:innen

    As the EU drives forward with plans to boost competitiveness and productivity, as outlined in the Draghi report, one crucial question remains: is this the right focus in a world grappling with climate change, health crises, and the fragility of our food systems? Join us this month for an engaging Policy Chat organised by us in collaboration with FEAST—a Horizon Europe project driving Europe’s transition to a 'Win-Win-Win-Win' food system. Together, we’ll challenge the current ideologies and explore actionable alternatives that prioritise health, sustainability, and inclusivity. What to expect: 🌱Expert insights on building healthier, more sustainable food systems. 🌱Interactive Q&A. 🌱Opportunities to shape Europe's future policy direction. 💬Featured speakers: - Professor Molly D. Anderson (Middlebury College) - Professor Tim Lang (City, University of London) - Anant Jani – (Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Oxford, and FEAST Coordinator) Moderated by Samuele Tonello & Sofia Romagosa Vilarnau 📅 28 January 2025 🕑 14:00–16:00 CET 📍 Online 🔗 Register to attend via this link: https://lnkd.in/erjDZy2B #FoodSystems #EU #Europe #Economics #PublicHealth #HealthInequalities #Event #Climate #Sustainability

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  • FEAST hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Irene Fabricci anzeigen, Grafik

    Food systems research | Project management

    Tomorrow we'll be presenting the FEAST project and the work of two FEAST Living Labs at the HEBEDI Lunch Talk. Come by if you are curious about what we are doing to support the transition towards healthier and more sustainable diets! #sustainablefoodsystems

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    EU-funded project promoting sustainable, resilient, inclusive cities through edible nature-based solutions

    Join us at 13:00 (CET) on January 28th, 2025 for the Healthy and Biodiverse Edible Cities Lunch Talk N° 14: "Transforming Food Systems: Healthy Diets for People and Planet" with Irene Fabricci, Marie Mauer and Kaja Zapȩdowska-Kling from the Horizon Europe project FEAST FEAST aims to catalyze the transition to a healthy and sustainable food system. The project’s mission is to make it easy for every person in Europe to eat a delicious, healthier and more sustainable diet. FEAST includes 12 Living Labs that co-create and test innovative solutions to tackle challenges at the intersection of food and health. Starting from a focus on vulnerable groups, Living Labs work with the double goal of transforming behaviour and shaping food environments. In the webinar, you will be introduced to the project, its overarching goals and its approaches. We will then delve deeper into the work of the two Living Labs in Lodz (Poland) and Leuven (Belgium). More info and registration on Eventbrite: https://lnkd.in/egvApG7k

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    892 Follower:innen

    Our first CoP session of 2025 is here!   Each of our Community of Practice (CoP) sessions, organized by the FEASTies Dirk Wascher and Aleksandra Jovanovic from SUSMETRO: Sustainable Design for Metropolitan Landscapes, highlights different aspects of food, health, and sustainability.   This time, in the CoP session titled “Food Connects - Food Strategy of Leuven,” the speaker, Hilde van Rillaer from Living Lab Leuven, will share with us the current situation around the city’s food strategy, #FoodConnects. The strategy, which focuses on sustainable, healthy, and affordable food, has been co-created by the Living Lab, together with the stad Leuven, Leuven 2030, and multiple other stakeholders.   This session will serve as a great practical example for other cities that are working on or have the ambition to work on a #CityFoodStrategy.   ❓ When: 29th of January'25, 10:00 am - 11:00 am (CET Amsterdam) ❓ Where: Online To know more about the session, click here: https://lnkd.in/e9itGTcJ #feast2030 #KnowledgeSharing #LivingLab

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    892 Follower:innen

    Have you registered for our second Policy Chat Webinar with EuroHealthNet yet?   Join our thought-provoking and policy-focused webinar and hear from three leading experts on: • Should we completely challenge the competition framework? • Or can we redefine competitiveness to prioritise health, sustainability and equity? Meet the speakers: • Molly D. Anderson, Professor of Food Studies at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, USA and a member of the International Panel of Experts in Sustainable Food Systems • Tim Lang, Professor Emeritus of Food Policy, Centre for Food Policy, City University of London. • Anant Jani, Researcher Heidelberg University, Oxford University When: 28th January 2025, 14:00 to 16:00 pm (CEST) Where: Online Registration: https://lnkd.in/eq4WDMrx #feast2030 #ExpertTalks #FoodSystem #EuropeanUnion

    FEAST Policy Chat 02

    FEAST Policy Chat 02


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    FEASTies at The @Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) Lunch Talks   We are glad to announce that our FEAST Living Labs are invited to share their insights at EdiCitNet Lunch Talks series - Healthy and Biodiverse Edible Cities - organized by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.   Irene Fabricci from ICLEI Europe, together with Marie M. and Kaja Zapędowska-Kling, will give a glimpse into the methods being explored in FEAST. Representatives from two of our Living Labs, Leuven and Lodz, will share their experiences, challenges and inspiring insights into creating sustainable food system environments in their respective Living Labs.   Theme: Transforming Food Systems: Healthy Diets for People and Planet When: January 28, 2025 | 13:00–14:00 (CET) Where: Online More info and registration on Eventbrite: https://lnkd.in/e362scWk Organizer: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Engage in this interactive session and join an open discussion on shaping healthier, sustainable diets for both people and the planet.   #feast2030 #Webinar #LivingLab #Biodiversity

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    892 Follower:innen

    Join our second Policy Chat webinar “Beyond competitiveness: rethinking the ideologies shaping our food systems” designed around a critical question “Is the EU's focus on competitive framework the right path forward?”   The Draghi report has sparked a major shift in EU priorities, focusing on boosting competitiveness to close productivity gaps with global competitors like the US and China. While this direction incorporates environmental sustainability with a focus on decarbonisation, health—viewed through the lens of One Health—has taken a backseat.   Yet, with climate change a daily reality and food systems influencing both human and environmental health, we must ask: Is this narrow focus on productivity growth enough for Europe’s future?   As we all contribute to shaping the future together, we must dare to ask hard questions and envision bold alternatives.   Click below to register and participate in this thought-provoking discussion organized by Samuele Tonello and Sofia Romagosa at EuroHealthNet   When: 28th January 2025, 14:00 to 16:00 pm (CEST) Where: Online Speakers: Molly D. Anderson, Tim Lang and Anant Jani Moderators: Samuele Tonello, Sofia Romagosa Registration: https://lnkd.in/eq4WDMrx #feast2030 #PolicyChat #Webinar #EuroHealthNet

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    Meet the authors of Ireland's #first Business Impact Assessment on Obesity and Population-level Nutrition and the Business Impact Assessment on Sustainability report! As a part of the FEAST project, The School of Public Health UCC’s researchers, Margaret Steele and Janas Harrington, published a report on “Food companies' commitments on population nutrition, health, and sustainability in Ireland”. The report was launched at a public event in December 2024, sparking conversations about the role of the food industry in shaping healthier and more sustainable food environments.   The report summarizes a detailed assessment of companies based in Ireland, categorized into three industry sectors: food and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturers, supermarkets and quick-service restaurants.   Get insights into: ➡️ How these companies influence our food choices, ➡️ An assessment of these companies’ commitments to nutrition, health, and sustainability, and ➡️ Clear, actionable recommendations for driving positive change in Ireland’s food system. Read more here: https://lnkd.in/e46ejnBB #feast2030 #ResearchReport #Launch

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    At the heart of society’s organised efforts to prevent disease and protect the health and wellbeing of the population.

    Ireland’s food industry falls short on health and sustainability goals Ireland’s food industry could be part of the solution to the health and sustainability crisis in our food system, but are trailing international counterparts, according to a report published by researchers at University College Cork’s (UCC) School of Public Health. UCC researchers examined statements 35 companies make publicly, for example on their websites or in their annual reports, relating to product formulation, nutrition labelling, and marketing for the nutrition assessment. In the sustainability assessment, the focus is on statements relating to factors such as emissions, packaging, food waste, water use, and product portfolio. The results are contained in Ireland’s first ever report on Business Impact Assessment (BIA) on Obesity and Population-level Nutrition and Business Impact Assessment on Sustainability. Visit https://lnkd.in/e46ejnBB to find out more. Dr Janas Harrington, Senior Lecturer and principal investigator of the Food Policy Research Team at UCC’s School of Public Health said: "Unhealthy diets pose a growing threat to population health and to our environments, with increased consumption of high fat, salt and sugar foods leading to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. If we want to reverse these trends, we have to ensure that everybody in Ireland has the opportunity to choose a tasty, wholesome, healthy diet that does not harm the environment." Dr Margaret Steele, who led the data collection for the study, says that, while companies can do more, so can government. "Currently, large global corporations have a disproportionate influence on food policy in Ireland and around the world. In certain key respects, everyone is forced to play the game by their rules, including local retailers, producers and other companies who might wish to do things differently. Government can begin to level the playing field between smaller Irish-owned companies and huge global competitors by setting legally binding requirements around things like advertising and nutrition labelling." FEAST Ella Arensman Cork Healthy Cities Seán Millar MPH, PhD Maura Smiddy Colette Cunningham John Cryan John O'Halloran #healthyfood #onesity

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    892 Follower:innen

    Wishing the LinkedIn Family a Joyful Christmas! - Team FEAST   Maybe never, but during festivities, we tend to deviate from eating healthy and sustainably. We prepare more than required, we eat more than needed, and we waste much more than usual. (Food waste increases by 30% to 50% in many European countries during Christmas compared to other times of the year!)   So, this festive season, we can do our bit to save us and the planet by: -       Preparing a shopping list to avoid over-purchasing and food waste. -       Consuming healthy yet delicious meals in smaller portions. -       Storing food appropriately and consuming leftovers -       Sharing food with those in need by collaborating with local food assistance charities such as food banks.   Let’s celebrate the relevance of healthy, delicious, and sustainable food.   Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone in this amazing community!   #feast2030 #Sharing #SaveFood

    Merry X-Mas


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