Titelbild von foodwatchfoodwatch


Gemeinnützige Organisationen

NGO fighting for food safety & transparency. Offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and Vienna.


foodwatch entlarvt die verbraucherfeindlichen Praktiken der Lebensmittelindustrie und kämpft für das Recht der Verbraucher auf qualitativ gute, gesundheitlich unbedenkliche und ehrliche Lebensmittel. foodwatch ist unabhängig von Staat und Lebensmittelwirtschaft und finanziert sich aus Förderbeiträgen und Spenden. foodwatch ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, dem jeder beitreten kann.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
51–200 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von foodwatch


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    14.485 Follower:innen

    EU Vision? More like a Blind Spot! On February 19, the European Commission finally released its Vision for Agriculture and Food—but does it deliver on making our food healthier, safer, and more sustainable? The answer is a resounding NO. 💡 Remember the ambitious Farm to Fork Strategy of 2020? Five years later, not a single one of its key promises—on pesticides, food labeling, or sustainable food systems—has been delivered. Instead, we get a weak "vision" that sidesteps real action and hands over influence to Big Food and Big Agri once again. 📉 What’s missing? ❌ No clear plan to reduce pesticide use—only vague conditions for bans. ❌ No ban on exporting banned pesticides—just another impact assessment. ❌ No harmonized, mandatory Nutri-Score—leaving consumers in the dark. ❌ No ban on junk food marketing to kids—just more empty promises. ❌ No urgency on ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and harmful additives - Aspartame, anyone? 📢 foodwatch won’t sit back and wait. 👉 We call on Member States to implement the Nutri-Score nationally. 👉 We demand supermarkets take responsibility—reduce pesticides, improve transparency. 👉 We take legal action where needed—because voluntary measures don’t work. 🔗 Read the full analysis by Suzy Sumner, Head of our Brussels Office, who put a lot of effort into dissecting this so-called "vision" we’ve been waiting far too long for. 📖 Read more: https://lnkd.in/d6xddzdQ

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    The European Commission’s vision for agriculture fails to address the health impact of our food system. While green claims are highlighted, there are no concrete measures to improve nutrition or combat misleading health claims. Meanwhile, diet-related diseases are skyrocketing. The Commission won’t act - so Member States must take the lead. Clear front-of-pack labeling like Nutri-Score is crucial to protect public health and empower consumers with honest information!

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    We did it again! For the second time, foodwatch has taken over Politico online – putting EU decision-makers under pressure where they can’t look away. The European Commission has finally proposed limits on toxic mineral oil in food. But under industry pressure, the draft law is already being watered down. We can’t let that happen. 200,000 people have spoken out – but we need more. The fight isn’t over, and we still have a chance to stop weak compromises. Let’s send a clear message: Food safety must come before corporate interests! 📢 Sign and share the petition now! https://lnkd.in/d6uRTMX6

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    Profil von Charles Lefort anzeigen

    Consultant en communication d'influence (Stratégie - Création - Production)

    Les commissaires européens vont prendre un savon ! 🫧 Dans le cadre de la campagne d'influence contre les huiles minérales, ces particules d'hydrocarbures nocives pour notre santé qui s'invitent dans nos assiettes, foodwatch et foodwatch France ont souhaité cette fois directement sensibiliser les décideurs européens : la Commission et les Ministères européens concernés. 🫧 Pour cela, foodwatch leur a envoyé près de 150 savons avec en mention sur l'étiquette : "Keep your hands clean" puis "Take action against mineral oil in our food." pour les inciter à toujours "garder les mains propres" en proposant une loi qui interdise enfin toute présence d'huile minérale dans notre alimentation. Opération "Mains propres" toujours en cours... 🙏 Merci foodwatch et foodwatch France de votre confiance pour la conception et la production de ce dispositif hors média très propre. Merci Marc Le Seac'h pour la direction artistique tout aussi propre 💪 🙏 Merci Myriam Ezzine et Natacha C. pour votre soutien du début à la fin de cette belle aventure créative. Cela me conforte plus que jamais dans l'idée qu'un plaidoyer se fait aussi en images, à travers des concepts impactants qui savent toucher les gens et aident à les rassembler autour d'une même cause. 🤝 cc: Karine Jacquemart (jamais bien loin) #foodwatch #huilesminerales #mineraloils #huilestoxiques #communication #plaidoyer #horsmedia #influence

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    Profil von Ingrid Kragl anzeigen

    Directrice de l'information chez foodwatch

    [BREAKING NEWS] English below 💦Affaire des eaux filtrées illégalement, une excellente nouvelle : l’enquête judiciaire démarre suite aux plaintes avec constitution de partie civile déposées par foodwatch France. ⚖Ouverture d'une information judiciaire par le Tribunal judiciaire de Paris qui vise Nestlé Waters (Perrier, Vittel, Hépar, Contrex) et Sources Alma (Châteldon, Vichy, Cristaline), notamment pour "pratiques commerciales trompeuses". La justice doit maintenant faire toute la lumière sur les responsabilités dans cette affaire de fraude massive tant au niveau des entreprises que des autorités. 🌍Ces bouteilles d’eau filtrées illégalement ont été commercialisées dans le monde entier, au mépris des réglementations européennes et des consommateurs. Je suis particulièrement fière d'avoir travaillé sur ces plaintes avec nos avocats. 💦Case of illegally filtered water, excellent news: the judicial investigation is starting following complaints with civil action filed by foodwatch France. I am particularly proud to have worked on these complaints with our lawyers. ⚖Opening of a judicial investigation by the Paris Court of Justice targeting Nestlé Waters (Perrier, Vittel, Hépar, Contrex) and Sources Alma (Châteldon, Vichy, Cristaline), in particular for ‘deceptive marketing practices’. The Court must now shed full light on the responsibilities in this case of massive fraud, both at the level of the companies and the authorities. 🌍These illegally filtered water bottles were marketed all over the world, in defiance of European regulations and consumers. I am particularly proud to have worked on these complaints with our lawyers.   #foodfraud  #foodsafety  #consumersrights

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    14.485 Follower:innen

    Curious about why foodwatch has been mobilised on #MineralOils for so long? This excellent fact bite from our Food Packaging Forum colleagues will help you figure out within minutes! #StopMineralOilsContamination #foodcontaminants #foodsafety

    Unternehmensseite für Food Packaging Forum anzeigen

    5.519 Follower:innen

    🤔 What are mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOHs), and how can they get into my food? 🧪 These chemical mixtures are derived from crude oil and are commonly measured in many foods and in human tissues. Food contact materials containing MOHs, like plastics or paper and board, as well as food processing equipment can be potential sources of contamination. ⚠️ This is a problem because MOHs can change genetic material, cause cancer, and disrupt hormone systems. And they have the potential to gradually build up in our bodies. Curious to learn more? Our free resources summarize the science and regulation of these compounds: ➡️ This background article and dossier offer easy-to-understand introductions to MOHs: https://lnkd.in/db22qWNehttps://lnkd.in/dZ-8SUWJ ➡️ In 2023, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updated its risk assessment on MOHs in food: https://lnkd.in/d_DMTjXH ➡️ MOHs have been detected in various European food products: https://lnkd.in/d8ybv4k5 ➡️ foodwatch International is currently running a petition to better address mineral oils in food: https://lnkd.in/d6uRTMX6

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    14.485 Follower:innen

    📝 Our advocacy towards #MineralOils free food continues! ➡️ This week, we are sending our new "don't get your hands dirty" visual and soap to all Member States Permanent Representations in Brussels to remind them that over 200,000 citizens still await protective regulation against the avoidable contamination of our food by these harmful contaminants and that Member States have a critical role to play in delivering it. #foodcontaminants #MineralOils #MOAH #foodsafety #consumerprotection

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    💣 BREAKING - New report from foodwatch International out. 👉 CLEAN WASHING ASPARTAME Why aspartame needs to be banned, based on independent science. What you'll find in it: 1️⃣ Aspartame is found in 6,000+ Products worldwide 2️⃣ In 2023, IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization (the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer) classified aspartame as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" 3️⃣ According to foodwatch's analysis nearly threequarters of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)'s so-called reliable studies on aspartame were funded or influenced by the industry 4️⃣ Studies by the Ramazzini Institute and other independent bodies show dose-dependent carcinogenic effects in animal models, supporting the need for regulatory intervention 5️⃣ Emerging research links aspartame to other health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, neurotoxicity, and negative effects on the gut microbiome 6️⃣ JECFA's (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) 2023 conclusion that aspartame does not pose a threat to consumers at current consumption levels relied heavily on a single industry-funded study from 1981 7️⃣ European Commission should apply the precautionary principle and ban aspartame Link to the report https://lnkd.in/dTcTgFtV #BanAspartame

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    ⛔ One year ago today, the EU Commission withdrew the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR), putting an end to the proposal to halve pesticide use in European agriculture by 2030. 📢 Now, a year later, 85 NGOs are joining forces to present a pragmatic roadmap for phasing out pesticides. Their approach focuses on better implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) and crop-by-crop solutions to exiting pesticides. ✅ The momentum for sustainable agriculture continues—because a healthier, pesticide-free future is much needed! #PesticideFreeEU 👓 Read more here https://lnkd.in/da4xd6du

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    Profil von Julie Chapon anzeigen
    Julie Chapon Julie Chapon ist Influencer:in

    Co-fondatrice & CEO Yuka

    🔴 Mobilisons-nous pour interdire l'aspartame 🔴 Avec Yuka, nous lançons aujourd’hui une grande pétition européenne pour demander l’interdiction de l’aspartame dans notre alimentation, aux côtés de la Ligue contre le cancer et de l’association foodwatch. Pourquoi agir ?   👉 L’aspartame est un édulcorant artificiel utilisé pour remplacer le sucre dans de nombreux produits allégés ou sans sucre. Il a été classé "cancérogène possible pour l'homme" par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC). 👉 Il serait également associé à un risque accru de développement de diabète de type 2 et de maladies cardio-vasculaires. 👉 Plusieurs études montrent qu’il n’aurait aucun effet positif sur le poids et pourrait même, sur le long terme, favoriser le surpoids. Face à ces risques inacceptables, il est temps d'agir ! Chaque signature compte. En unissant nos voix, nous pouvons faire pression sur la Commission européenne, mobiliser les médias, et envoyer un signal fort aux industriels 📣 Ensemble nous pouvons faire la différence 🙏 ➡️ Pour signer la pétition, c'est par ici : https://lnkd.in/gsydiCCF

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