Research group leaders Aida Maraj and Türkü Özlüm Çelik at the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics have received the “TUD Young Investigator” status from the Technische Universität Dresden. The “TUD Young Investigator” status strengthens excellent, independent junior research group leaders by fostering their integration into the faculties and offering a qualification program, FAST FORWARD, tailored to their particular needs. The faculties integrate TUD Young Investigators more closely and offer a range of qualifications specifically tailored to their needs. Aida and Türkü are now connected to the Faculty of Mathematics. 🎉 Congratulations! 🎉
MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Our research spans multiple scales of magnitude, from molecules to organelles, cells, tissues, organs, & organisms.
The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden, founded in 1998, is one of over 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society, Germany's most successful research organization. We do pioneering work in the field of basic research: over 500 curiosity-driven scientists representing 50 nationalities work at the MPI-CBG and ask: How do cells form tissues? We research the molecular principles underlying morphogenesis, such as regulation of size and shape, and how the morphology of cells and tissues emerges from the interactions between individual molecules and cells. Our research programs span multiple scales of magnitude, from molecular assemblies, to organelles, cells, tissues, organs and organisms. Ultimately, our goal is to take a multi-scale approach to link tissue-level organizational principles to molecular activity. The MPI-CBG invests extensively in Services and Facilities to allow research scientists shared access to sophisticated and expensive technologies. The Institute also develops new technologies necessary to realize the research mission. The MPI-CBG hosts the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevoSys) in collaboration with the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). It is a structured 4-year PhD Program which trains young talents in the life sciences who are passionate about truly cross-disciplinary research, integrating Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science. Impressum:
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Externer Link zu MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
- Branche
- Forschungsdienstleistungen
- Größe
- 501–1.000 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Dresden
- Art
- Nonprofit
- Gegründet
- 1998
- Spezialgebiete
- Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Biophysics und Computational Biology
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
Dresden, 01307, DE
Beschäftigte von MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Per Widlund
Eric Geertsma
Technology Development Group Leader Membrane Biochemistry, Head Protein Biochemistry (PEPC) facility at MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular…
HongKee M.
Lead Scientific Software Engineer at Scionics Computer Innovation for MPI-CBG
Julia Jarrells
Facility Lab Leader at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Machine learning algorithm, PICNIC, can predict which proteins are involved in biomolecular condensates, regardless of their structure. Publication in Nature Portfolio (Nature Communications) by the groups of Agnes Toth-Petroczy and Anthony Hyman at the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and the Center for Systems Biology. News article: Original Publication:
Agnes Toth-Petroczy, research group leader at the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and the Center for Systems Biology Dresden, becomes a member of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme. The programme supports young group leaders in Europe and beyond. Congratulations! 🥳
MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics hat dies direkt geteilt
Kann sich Europa in der #KI- und #Biomedizin-Forschung behaupten? Mit dem neuen Forschungsprogramm „BioAI Dresden“ macht die Max Planck Society einen wichtigen Schritt, um diese Frage zukünftig mit einem klaren "Ja" beantworten zu können. Die neue Forschungszusammenarbeit zwischen Dresden und dem im vergangenen Jahr in Wien gegründeten Institut AITHYRA, wird uns dabei helfen, grundlegende Erkenntnisse über die menschliche Gesundheit zu erlangen. Gefördert wird das Projekt von der gemeinnützigen Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung, dem Freistaat Sachsen und unserem langjährigen Partner der Technische Universität Dresden. Die akademische Forschung in Deutschland gehört aktuell noch zu den TOP TEN in der KI-Forschung. Im „Nature"-Ranking liegt die Max Planck Society auf Platz sieben, gefolgt von der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. An der Spitze steht die Chinesische Akademie der Wissenschaft vor Harvard und dem MIT sowie fünf Universitäten aus China. Aber: Das ist nichts, worauf man sich ausruhen kann. Wenn wir nicht sofort was tun, dann fallen wir aus dieser Spitzengruppe raus, weil die anderen sich rasant entwickeln und wachsen. Deshalb sind Programme wie „BioAI Dresden“ so wichtig. Sie setzen auf wissenschaftliche Exzellenz und ethische Verantwortung – ohne kommerzielle Interessen im Hintergrund. Denn oft kommen Lösungen aus Ecken, aus denen man sie nicht erwartet. Zusammen mit dem Präsidenten der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Heinz Faßmann habe ich mit der FAZ darüber gesprochen, welche Chancen das neue Forschungsprogramm bietet, wie KI bereits heute Leben rettet und warum akademische Forschung an KI essenziell ist. Link in den Kommentaren. 📸Pawel Sosnowski/pawelsosnowski.c
MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics hat dies direkt geteilt
New research division to combine AI and biomedicine in Dresden ⚕️ In the presence of Minister President Michael Kretschmer and Minister of Science Sebastian Gemkow, representatives of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, the Max Planck Society, and TUD Dresden University of Technology gathered at the Saxon State Chancellery to sign a contract for the establishment of the innovative research program Biomedical Artificial Intelligence (AI) – BioAI Dresden. The non-profit Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation is supporting the project with EUR 20 million over a period of ten years, thereby providing half of the EUR 40 million total. The Max Planck Society, TU Dresden and the Free State of Saxony are financing the other half of the project, which aims to facilitate research in the field of biological and biomedical AI. BioAI Dresden combines innovative AI methods with knowledge from biochemistry and physics across the entire spectrum of biology, with the aim of making a decisive contribution to a new scientific understanding of our health. Further info ➡️
MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics hat dies direkt geteilt
Sachsen ist in der Medizin- und Biotechnologie ein Kompetenzzentrum mit weltweiter Strahlkraft. 40 Millionen Euro investieren die Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung, der Freistaat Sachsen, die TU Dresden und die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in den Aufbau eines Forschungsprogramms zur biomedizinischen Künstlichen Intelligenz in Dresden. Wissenschaft, Forschung und Innovationen haben in den vergangenen Jahre große Fortschritte bei der Erkennung und Behandlung gemacht. Die Verbindung von Biomedizin und Künstlicher Intelligenz ist ein weiterer Schritt, um die Weichen für die Zukunft unseres Forschungslandes Sachsen zu stellen. (Red) 📸 Pawel Sosnowski MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Technische Universität Dresden
New research division to combine AI and biomedicine in Dresden: Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, Max Planck Society, Technische Universität Dresden, and the Free State of Saxony agree on joint financing of EUR 40 million. In the presence of Minister President Michael Kretschmer and Minister of Science Sebastian Gemkow, representatives of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, the Max Planck Society, and TUD Dresden University of Technology gathered at the Saxon State Chancellery today to sign a contract for the establishment of the innovative research program Biomedical Artificial Intelligence (AI) – BioAI Dresden.
New research division to combine AI and biomedicine in Dresden
We welcome new research group leader Michael Weber 🎉 , who will build up his group “Nanoscale Optical Bioimaging" at the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. With his group, Michael will observe biological processes in real time with high-speed optical microscopy and by using a multidisciplinary approach encompassing biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering.
New Research group for nanoscale optical bioimaging
Meritxell Huch, Director at the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, receives this year's prestigious Otto Bayer Award from the Bayer Foundation for her pioneering research on human organoids. Congratulations!
Otto Bayer Award for Meritxell Huch
Meritxell Huch, Director at the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, talks about her research on liver and pancreas organoids, and her story of moving throughout Europe to pursue her scientific passions in this latest Stem Cell Podcast. .
Today's episode features Dr. Meritxell Huch from the MPI-CBG - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics! Tune in to learn about her research on liver and pancreas #organoids, and her story of moving throughout Europe to pursue her scientific passions. ▶️