COP29: The Global South Neglected Again 🌐 The outcomes of COP29 in Baku were underwhelming, especially for poorer countries heavily impacted by climate change. 🌡️ Despite high expectations for a "Financing COP", the $3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ billion pledged annually by 2035 falls far short of the actual needs for mitigation, adaptation, and addressing loss and damage. The Loss and Damage Fund remains underfunded and reliant on voluntary contributions, leaving many questions unanswered. 💰 With key decisions postponed to the next COP in Brazil, progress on critical climate action is delayed yet again. For vulnerable countries, this means rising hunger, poverty, and escalating costs as climate impacts worsen. 🚨 The time for action is now—not at the next conference. 💪 #COP29 #ClimateCrises #ZeroHunger #ClimateConference
We are one of the largest and most respected private organisations for development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. As a politically and confessionally independent organisation, our value-oriented actions are always based on ethical principles. Our vision is clear: "Zero Hunger by 2030"
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- Gemeinnützige Organisationen
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- 1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Bonn
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- Nonprofit
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- 1962
- Spezialgebiete
- Emergency Aid, Development Cooperation, Poverty Reduction, Elimination of Hunger, Food Security, WASH, Resilience, Nutrition Security, Sustainable Development Goals und ZeroHunger
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1
Bonn, 53173, DE
Reinhardtstr. 18
Berlin, Berlin 10117, DE
Beschäftigte von Welthungerhilfe (WHH)
How to maximize impact for people and the planet? 🫂🌍 Together with our Alliance2015 members—Ayuda en Acción, Helvetas, People in Need, and ACTED—we are joining forces to amplify impact through collaboration with so called impact investors. 🤝 What distinguishes this collaboration from others? 🚀 By combining our worldwide presence with specialized knowledge on the ground, we as European non-governmental organizations can access multiple connections throughout Europe and in partner countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This collaboration provides opportunities for local businesses, governments, and academia to work together to create tangible impact. We focus our efforts on: 1️⃣ Leveraging private sector resources to scale the impact of projects implemented in developing countries 2️⃣ Setting up economically viable business models to ensure sustainability 3️⃣ Integrating a pro poor and gender focused approach to support the most vulnerable. We are looking forward to welcome you to our session at Impact Week 2024! 👋 Let's discuss the "Catalytic role of INGOs in the impact investing space – Filling the gap": 🗓️ 28th November, 2024 🕥 11.30-12.45 CET 📍 Impact Week, Bilbao/Spain #ImpactWeek #Collaboration #DevelopmentCooperation
🫘 Five Reasons Why Forgotten Foods Matter 🖐🏾 At #COP29, we’re uncovering the power of these hidden gems to drive resilience and sustainability. Here's why! 1️⃣ Resilience: Traditional crops are often better suited to local climates and ecosystems, particularly in areas facing extreme weather patterns due to climate change. 2️⃣ Nutrition: Forgotten Foods are rich in nutrients, offering a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds that are essential for human health. 3️⃣ Biodiversity: Supporting soil health, water retention, and diverse ecosystems, they reduce the need for harmful pesticides. 4️⃣ Women Empowerment: Women are at the forefront of traditional agricultural practices. Empowering women in this role leads to more sustainable and climate-resilient agroecology. 5️⃣ Food Sovereignty: Local, low-cost, and independent—traditional crops put communities in control over their food systems. Forgotten foods like millets, WUF, and NUS are critical for tackling today’s global challenges. 🌍 As climate change, soil degradation, and food insecurity rise, these crops nurture resilience. 🌱 Yet, as global diets homogenize, they’ve steadily declined—often dismissed as forgotten. It’s time to bring them back to our plates. 🍽️ #COP29 #FoodSystems #GreenerTogether #ClimateProtection #ZeroHunger
Why we look to the G20 summit with hope 🌍🌟 This year's summit is especially significant as it marks the launch of the 'Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty'. Marlehn Thieme, President of Welthungerhilfe, emphasizes: "It is the most ambitious initiative to end hunger in a long time. A powerful 'Global Alliance' must also put more emphasis on the human right to adequate food, as one in eleven people still suffers from chronic hunger." 💬 📢 Our appeal to the global leaders attending the summit: Ensure stronger participation of civil society from the Global South in the planning of future summits! 🫱🏽🫲🏿 Together, we can achieve #ZeroHunger! 💪 #G20 #RightToFood #SDG2 G20 Brasil 2024
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) hat dies direkt geteilt
📅 The Role of Seasonal Calendars and Hazard Timelines in Anticipatory Action ☀ 🌧 🌾 Working with local communities and stakeholders to develop crisis calendars is a powerful way to inform and strengthen Anticipatory Action Plans and Anticipatory Actions. 💡 These tools provide invaluable insights into the timing of critical agricultural and climate patterns, identifying key windows for opportunity to mitigate the impacts of hazards like droughts and floods. 📊 The example here illustrates how we work with local data to capture out events such as planting, harvest, and lean seasons but also livelihood and vulnerability factors. By aligning these with expected climate patterns and hazard occurrence, we’re able to identify “readiness activities” and “anticipatory action” triggers - initiating actions, such as disseminating early warning information or distributing supplementary fodder and cash, when they will have the greatest impact. 🔎 Right now, our team and partners in #Madagascar are currently exploring alternative formats for crisis calendars. This participatory approach not only improves the way we prepare for hazardous events, but also fosters ownership, ensuring that anticipatory actions are timely and relevant. Have you used crisis calendars in your work? Share your experiences in the comments below! 🙏 With WHH Madagascar - Welthungerhilfe, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, and SAF / FJKM. #AnticipatoryAction #CrisisCalendars #WAHAFA
📢 Our COP29 Demands! Currently, the 29th UN Climate Change Conference COP29 Azerbaijan is taking place in Baku. 🌐 We want to use this occasion to highlight the urgent state of global development and climate financing, especially in light of stagnant public finances. The countries negotiating at COP29 have a responsibility to intensify their national climate efforts and increase financial support to combat poverty and hunger! 🌱💸 At COP29, we are calling for three key actions: 1️⃣ Climate Justice through a New Global Goal (NCQG): This goal must prioritize the needs of low-income countries, which require billions of USD annually to adapt to climate impacts. 2️⃣ Support for Sustainable Food Systems: COP29 should commit to supporting sustainable initiatives like the Food Security Standard (FSS) and promoting food systems that both protect the environment and ensure food security. 3️⃣ Full Implementation of the Loss and Damage Fund: The fund must be fully operationalized to meet the urgent needs of the most affected countries. Climate change poses a complex, multi-layered threat to food security. 🌡️ Extreme weather events and rising temperatures are causing devastating crop losses year after year. The time to act is now! Climate protection requires governments to uphold the right to food through meaningful action. 💪 #COP29 #FoodSystems #GreenerTogether #ClimateProtection #ZeroHunger
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) hat dies direkt geteilt
Nonprofits like Alliance2015 members have unique local insights & networks that can be game-changers for de-risking investments and accelerating progress towards the SDGs. Join us at #ImpactWeek to explore bold collaborations & solutions: with Antonia Potter Prentice (Alliance2015), Andreas Müller (Helvetas), Jan Kever (Welthungerhilfe (WHH)), Aurélien DAUNAY (Acted), Jorge Cattaneo (Boosting Opportunities) & Ondřej Nádvorník (People in Need)
Justice and Equity 🟰 Key to Achieving #ZeroHunger Gender inequality, food insecurity, and climate crisis intersect, creating serious challenges for households, communities, and countries. Women and girls are often the most affected by hunger and malnutrition, as well as the effects of climate extremes and emergencies. ♀️ Gender justice—equity for all people in every sphere of life—is essential to achieving a fairer world, climate justice, and food security. 🤝 Achieving gender justice requires change at every level, from individuals to entire systems, and involves three interconnected elements: 1️⃣ recognition 2️⃣ redistribution 3️⃣ representation All climate and food systems policy processes and initiatives must ensure the representation and leadership of women and marginalized groups, drawing on their valuable expertise in managing natural resources. 🌿 #GenderEquity #ClimateJustice #ZeroHunger #FoodSecurity
🎉 Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir gemeinsam mit Lucky Shareman den Digital Media Award Germany 2024 gewonnen haben! 🎉 Die BUNDESGESELLSCHAFT FÜR DIGITALE MEDIEN hat uns in der Kategorie Influencer Marketing für die Kampagne "Hunger auf Leben" mit dem Digital Media Award ausgezeichnet. 🏆 Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle Beteiligten, die mit großem Engagement und Kreativität diesen Erfolg möglich gemacht haben! 💚 Gemeinsam sind wir stark, und gemeinsam werden wir weiter alles geben, um unser Ziel #ZeroHunger zu erreichen. 🤝 #Kooperation #Entwicklungszusammenarbeit #LeaveNoOneBehind
And the winner is…Welthungerhilfe (WHH) und Lucky Shareman. 🏆💥 Gestern ging der Digital Media Award Germany 2024 in der Kategorie Influencer-Marketing an uns. Wir durften die Welthungerhilfe dabei unterstützen und haben gemeinsam eine Kampagne geschaffen, die Wirkung zeigt und Menschen bewegt. 💚 Danke, danke, danke an das gesamtes Team, das immer wieder kreativ ans Werk geht und Influencer-Marketing aufs nächste Level hebt. Mit dem Award im Gepäck geht’s zurück aus München – und wir sind bereit, weiterhin Hand in Hand gegen Hunger anzutreten. Hans Neubert, BUNDESGESELLSCHAFT FÜR DIGITALE MEDIEN, EQOLOT, Natascha Austin, Katharina Backenberg, Jacqueline Jarraß, Adam Szmidt, Christian Mahr, Darja Mahr, Isabell Lopes de Carvalho, Sebastian Sorejevic, Patricia Clare, Maria Zimmermann,
Hunger bleibt eine Waffe Zwischen Hunger und gewaltsamen Konflikten besteht eine gefährliche Wechselwirkung: Ohne sicheren Zugang zu Nahrung ist Frieden kaum möglich 🕊️ – und ohne Frieden bleibt das Ziel #ZeroHunger unerreichbar. ❌ In Ländern wie Afghanistan, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, dem Sudan, Syrien und aktuell im Gazastreifen zeigt sich dieser Zusammenhang besonders deutlich. In diesen Ländern sind aktuell die meisten Menschen von einer Hungekrise betroffen und dort herrschen − zum Teil seit Jahren − schwere bewaffnete Konflikte. 💥 In den letzten zehn Jahren haben sich die gewaltsamen Konflikte weltweit mehr als verdoppelt. 📉 Wo Krieg herrscht, wagen sich Bäuer*innen nicht mehr auf ihre Felder, Ernten werden vernichtet und wichtige Infrastruktur wird zerstört. Die Folge: Hunger – der oft gezielt als Waffe eingesetzt wird. 🍽️ "Kriegsparteien verhindern die humanitäre Versorgung durch Hilfsorganisationen, indem sie die Versorgungsrouten blockieren oder sogar die Konvois mit den lebenswichtigen Mitteln plündern. Das bedeutet: Lebensmittel und Medikamente kommen bei den Bedürftigen nicht an, was die bereits angespannte Situation der Zivilbevölkerung unerträglich macht. Das Aushungern der Bevölkerung wird gezielt als Druckmittel eingesetzt, um Druck auf die beteiligten Konfliktparteien auszuüben", erklärt unser Vorstandsvorsitzender Mathias Mogge. 💬 Die Ursachen für Hunger und Konflikte sind sehr komplex und individuell, doch es gibt lokale Lösungsansätze, die Hoffnung machen. Zum Beispiel im Südsudan: Dort nehmen geflüchtete Familien gemeinsam mit armen Haushalten aus den sie aufnehmenden Gemeinden an landwirtschaftlichen Trainings teil. So verbessern sie gemeinschaftlich ihre Lebenssituation. 🤝 🗨️ "In solchen Projekten wird die humanitäre Hilfe eng mit Komponenten zur Ernährungs- und Friedenssicherung verknüpft. Damit lässt sich ein bedeutender Beitrag leisten, den Teufelskreis zwischen Hunger und Krieg nachhaltig zu durchbrechen", sagt Mathias Mogge. "Hunger bleibt eine Waffe" wurde als Gastbeitrag von Mathias Mogge von der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung veröffentlicht: #ZeroHunger #Konflikte #HumanitäreHilfe #Entwicklungszusammenarbeit