BREAKOUT SESSION 💡 How to Motivate Employees to Motivate Themselves – Mindshift and Cultural Change in Dealing with Your Most Important Stakeholders! ⏰ 15:00-15:45
One obstacle to sustainability transformation is often not involving people in the company sufficiently. Health management that is integrated into the sustainability strategy and designed by employees for employees in a digital campus achieves top scores in terms of employee engagement, strategy approval and employer attractiveness.
The breakout session will be led by expert speaker Mario Rieder from our sponsor Unternehmen Bewegung GmbH, together with Jannik Tillmann. The speakers will show you how he implements the internal health strategy in terms of content and with the help of the digital management platform, how he achieves a sustainable interaction rate of over 60% and which KPIs the platform generates for S-Taxonomy in ESG reporting.
🎤 Mario Rieder | Managing Director, Unternehmen Bewegung GmbH
🎤 Jannik Tillmann | Employee Health & Personnel Development Officer and member of the General Staff Council, mhplus Krankenkasse
Find the full program on our website linked in the comments below.
We are almost there! The ESG Summit 2024 will take place on December 11, 9:00-22:00 at the Steigenberger Icon Grandhotel & Spa Petersberg near Bonn and is sponsored by Tecloman Energy Storage, Arvato Systems, Unternehmen Bewegung GmbH, JA Solar, Sopra Steria Next, Fujitsu, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and Pylontech!
Anerkennung und Wertschätzung sind und bleiben zentrale Elemente der Mitarbeiterbindung 🏆
Doch was heißt das? Wie kann man dem Gegenüber zeigen, dass man die erbrachte Leistung schätzt? Und wie bekommt man das als Unternehmen oder Führungskraft authentisch hin?
Neben Benefits gibt es da zum Glück unzählige Möglichkeiten und Hacking HR hat einige davon übersichtlich aufbereitet. Ein Blick lohnt sich, vielleicht findet man ja noch einen neuen Weg 🔍
Recognition is the key to talent retention, engagement, and belonging. However, "meaningful recognition" implies different things to people. It's not a one-size-fits-all.
To make recognition and rewards meaningful for your employees, you must first understand what they want.
There are countless ways to show your team members that they matter, celebrate small and big wins, promote wellness, and offer rewards that are actual memorable experiences.
Here are some highlights:
✨ Ask employees how they'd like to be recognized.
🎁 Combine recognition with rewards they genuinely value.
💻 Offer home office stipends or flexible schedules.
🏆 Use creativity to launch fun awards and activities.
📈 Invest in professional growth through learning budgets or mentorship programs.
💡 Do you want to dive deeper into innovative and effective strategies? Join Achievers' on-demand webinar "How to Get Employee Rewards Right."
Watch Now 👇
Das sind wirklich die Top 5 Skills für die Jobsuchenden, die eine sinnvolle und gut bezahlte Tätigkeit ausüben wollen. Nur alle fünf in einer Person zu finden, ist fast unmöglich. Eher in einem Team aus drei bis fünf Personen, die sehr eng zusammen arbeiten. Da kann jede die Schwachpunkte der anderen perfekt ausgleichen.
Creativity is one of the most important workplace skills. But why do so many employees struggle to create and innovate? 🤨
According to the World Economic Forum, over 70% of companies consider creative thinking the most crucial skill for the future of work. Yet, many people don’t feel comfortable expressing their creativity.
Here’s how you can create a culture where creativity and innovation thrive:
🤝 Foster psychological safety within your team
🔭 Give people the freedom to experiment and learn
🙌 Grant autonomy and empower people to tap into their creativity
💡 Discover how you can close the creativity gap in Doug Kirkpatrick’s blog post ➡️
Warum es so wichtig ist, in die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit zu investieren?
Weil sie für Mitarbeitende zum immer wichtigeren Entscheidungsfaktor wird. Das zeigt auch der aktuelle Randstad Workmonitor.
Wenn man also mit dem passenden Benefit auch das Privatleben der Angestellten verbessert, erreicht man den Großteil der eigenen Belegschaft dort, wo es wirklich zählt.
Global talent is increasingly putting happiness first.
Our latest Workmonitor report discovered that the traditional understanding of progression is shifting, and climbing the ladder is certainly not desired by everyone.
People are increasingly prioritizing their personal lives over their work life, with over 50% of respondents happy to stay in a role they enjoy despite no room for career progression.
The organizations who undertake a holistic and balanced approach to workplace wellbeing will increasingly attract the talent of today and tomorrow.
Dive into the full report here:
Chief People & Sustainability Officer Scout24 Group | Germany‘s 40 HR minds | CHRO of the Year 2023
#OldHR vs #NewHR? Really?
Today we had a panel discussion on this topic - moderated by the magical Gero Hesse, together with my wonderful colleagues Sirka Laudon, Cawa Younosi, Dietmar Knoess, Thomas Perlitz at the #EMBRACE festival #EF24 in Berlin. 💫
Some key take-aways:
👉 Understanding the business is a matter of course. Anyone who doesn't understand the business as an HR person today is wrong for this position.
👉 CHROs and their teams need to support short-term business goals but at the same time pursue a long-term talent strategy. Finding the balance is HR’s job.
👉 A positive employee experience leads to higher levels of engagement and retention. This plays an important role in the “S”, the social pillar, of ESG management. Investors are looking into employee experience and talent topics more frequently and more intensively – an advantage for HR.
👉 Leverage technology to streamline processes, improve communication, and collect data for decision-making. The younger generations are tech savvy and show great personal adaptability in terms of work tasks. In my experience, today’s working students in HR are a bit activist and therefore disruptive to traditional patterns of thinking and behavior. They are definitely our “wild ones” - embrace this!
👉 HR is the guardian of values: cultural values must be maintained to foster a good corporate culture for sustainable success. Behavioral changes take a long time, and at the same time disrespectful management behavior can quickly undermine trust and make it difficult to rebuild. HR needs to build trust to all parties involved to contribute to business success.
Overall, we highlighted the importance of adapting to changing workforce dynamics, embracing technical innovation, and at the same time focusing on the holistic well-being of employees. What a task! 🚀 Let's do it 💪
Thank you very much for this entertaining, dynamic and substantive debate - I enjoyed it very much.
Retention VS Rotation 💡@ SimpliOffice Coworking & Eventlocations sponsored by @ DIS AG
Haben Mitarbeitende ein Verfallsdatum❓ Warum ist Mitarbeiterbindung wichtig?
Was sind Do's und Dont's bei dem Thema Mitarbeiterbindung? ⛔▶️
Is there an expiring date for employees? Why is employee retention important?
What are Do's and Dont's when it comes to retention? ⛔ ▶️
Media Consulting & Solutions | Business Plans | Live Produktion | Kameras | Streaming & Postproduktion | Clouding Newsrooms für B2B | Partner Relationship Management | Open to Work | Blackmagic Design Consulting
Vorschlag zur Mitarbeiterbeteiligung @ DAVID Systems!
Innovation für die Zukunft !
DAVID Systems blickt auf eine über 33-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte zurück. Der anhaltende finanzielle und beziehungsmäßige Erfolg der letzten 10 Jahre ist das Ergebnis der Aktionärsorientierung und der Unternehmensmission, die von unseren großartigen Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Partnern unterstützt wird. Dies hat uns zu einem der stabilsten und profitabelsten Unternehmen der Branche gemacht.
DAVID ist stolz auf jeden Einzelnen im Unternehmen. Das Engagement und die Unterstützung waren die treibende Kraft hinter dem Erfolg.
Die Gesellschafter wollen den Staffelstab in der Herausforderung weitergeben, DAVID systems zu einem "forever company" zu entwickeln.
Hier ist David der Meinung, dass eine Übertragung des Eigentums an die Mitarbeiter eine natürliche Entwicklung und ein guter Weg ist, das Unternehmen so weiterzuführen, wie sie es kennen.
Um den Übergang operativ weiter zu begleiten, erwägen wir die Gründung einer Mitarbeitergenossenschaft mit dem Ziel, schrittweise die Mehrheit der Anteile an der DAVID Systems GmbH zu übernehmen.
DAVID ist auf d Suche nach Interessierten, die uns mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, um diese Initiative zu unterstützen.
Ihre Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit ist unerlässlich, egal ob Sie Kunde, Partner, Freund oder Mitglied der Medienbranche sind.
Angefangen bei unseren Mitarbeitern werden wir das gesamte Ökosystem stärken, zu dem DAVID gehört.
Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung das Engagement erhöht, Innovationen vorantreibt, Langlebigkeit gewährleistet und ein unterstützendes Umfeld fördert.
Genossenschaften können auch offen für andere Interessengruppen sein, was ihr Engagement für unsere Mission vertieft und uns dazu antreibt, uns in einer sich schnell verändernden Branche kontinuierlich zu verbessern und anzupassen. Dieser Schritt bringt die Interessen aller Beteiligten, einschließlich Kunden, Mitarbeiter, ihrer Familien und des breiteren öffentlichen Medienökosystems, in Einklang.
Sprechen Sie auf der IBC24 mit DAVD - Vincent Benveniste , Albert Menacher, Christof WegenastStephan K. Schindler#ibc2024#ibc#ibc24#filmtvvideo#DAVIDSystems#investment#shareholder#NASDAQ#broker
Non Executive Director | Business Development | People | M&A
Innovating for the Future: Proposing Employee Ownership for DAVID Systems
DAVID Systems has a track record of over 33 years. The continued financial and relational success over the past 10 years has been a result of shareholder focus and corporate mission supported by our great employees, customers and partners. This has made us one of the most stable and profitable companies in the industry. We are proud of each and every one of you at DAVID Systems GmbH. Your dedication and support have been the driving force behind our success.
We as shareholders want to pass on the baton in the challenge to develop DAVID systems into a "forever company".
Here we think that a transfer of ownership to the employees is a natural evolution and a good way to continue the company as they have known it. While continuing to support the transition operationally, we are considering the foundation of an employee cooperative with the goal of gradually taking the majority of shares of DAVID Systems GmbH.
We are looking for interested parties to provide advice and ideas to support this initiative. Your support and cooperation is essential, whether you are a customer, partner, friend or member of the media industry. Starting with our employees, we will strengthen the entire ecosystem of which DAVID is a part.
There's no doubt that employee ownership increases engagement, drives innovation, ensures longevity and fosters a supportive environment. Cooperatives can also be open to other stakeholders, deepening their commitment to our mission and driving us to continually improve and adapt in a rapidly changing industry. This move aligns the interests of all stakeholders, including customers, employees, their families and the broader public media ecosystem.
Speak to us at IBC if you are there
Vincent Benveniste, Anthony Savelli, Albert Menacher, Christof Wegenast, DAVID Systems GmbH#DAVIDSystems#EmployeeOwnership#SustainableFuture#PublicMedia#forevercompany
☕ Am 5. Dezember geht es weiter mit unserer Coffee Mornings Webinar-Serie, diesmal mit dem Thema: Individuelle Mitarbeitererlebnisse mit Workday People Experience.
🔗 Jetzt anmelden:
📢 In unserem interaktiven Webinar erfährst Du, wie Workday People Experience personalisierte Erlebnisse schafft, die Mitarbeiter durch Übergänge und kritische Momente begleiten. Das Ergebnis? Mehr Produktivität und eine stärkere Mitarbeiterbindung. 💪
Der Wertvollste stabilisator im Arbeitsumfeld ist nicht nur der Titel, das Gehalt oder die Benefits – es ist das Gefühl, wirklich wertgeschätzt zu werden. Wenn Menschen wissen, dass ihre Anstrengungen gesehen und anerkannt werden, stärkt das ihre Motivation, Loyalität und fördert eine positive Unternehmenskultur. Anerkennung muss nicht immer groß sein; schon ein einfaches ‘Danke’ oder das Hervorheben von guter Arbeit kann einen großen Unterschied machen. Denn wenn wir uns wertgeschätzt fühlen, geben wir unser Bestes, Tag für Tag 💨
#1 in the world for Careers & Coaching on LinkedIn | Helping people land $200K-$500K roles they'll love | Follow for posts about the job search, career growth, personal branding, and AI tools
The most powerful workplace perk?
Doesn’t cost a dime.
The most fulfilling workplaces are those where you feel genuinely valued.
Being appreciated at work is NOT about:
• Having a cool office space
• Enjoying frequent happy hours
• Getting free snacks and drinks
Being appreciated at work is really about:
• Being recognized for your efforts
• Feeling your voice is heard
• Experiencing genuine respect
Want to find a job where you feel valued?
Here’s how:
1. Research Phase
↳ Explore the company's website, employee reviews, and social media for signs of employee recognition and appreciation.
↳ Connect with current or former employees on LinkedIn to learn about workplace culture.
2. Application and Interview Phase
↳ Ask targeted questions about how the company values and appreciates its employees, and observe the interviewer's response.
↳ If visiting the office, notice the atmosphere, employee interactions, and visual cues of recognition.
3. Follow-Up and Reflection
↳ Assess the communication quality post-interview and reflect on whether the company's actions align with their stated values.
Prioritize finding a workplace that truly values you.
You’ll be…
A lot happier.
More productive.
And find work more meaningful.