Join us at this one-of-a-kind workshop for physicians, researchers, industry professionals and students, to explore the potential of artificial intelligence in revolutionising healthcare—balancing innovation with critical thinking and ethical considerations. 🤔 🧠 Copenhagen MedTech is proud to be joining forces with IDA and Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, to co-host a workshop by a delegation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University led by Dr Leo Anthony Celi, MD, MSc, MPH, coming to Copenhagen 🇺🇸 🥳 🇩🇰 LIMITED TICKETS - APPLY NOW ‼️ 🚀 SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION: 🚀 The speakers will be in-person at the workshop so seize the unique opportunity to meet them 🌐 : Martin Hylleholt Sillesen Clinical Research Lecturer in Surgery, Rigshospitalet.🇩🇰🇪🇺 Matilda Dorotic. Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway. 🇸🇯 Ericka Johnson Professor, echnology and Social Change, Linköping University, Sweden. 🇸🇪🇪🇺 Anna Schneider-Kamp. Qualitative Health Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Management, Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark 🇩🇰🇪🇺 Mads Bundgaard Nørløv MSc BME student, Johns Hopkins Center for Bioengineering Innovation & Design & Founder/Chair, Copenhagen MedTech.🇺🇸🇩🇰🇪🇺 João Matos PhD Student, University of Oxford Researching applications of AI in healthcare with a focus on ethical considerations in patient data management. 🇬🇧 David Restrepo PhD Student, Applied Mathematics, CNRS, CentraleSupelec, Paris-Saclay University. 🇫🇷🇪🇺 Chris Sauer MD, MPH, PhD, Physician, Universitätsmedizin Essen, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Researcher 🇩🇪🇪🇺🇺🇸 Nikolaj Munch. Senior Tech Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Udenrigsministeriet) 🇩🇰🇪🇺🌐 Joan Hentze, Global Director, Life Science, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Udenrigsministeriet) 🇩🇰🇪🇺🌐 Along with representatives from the Technical University Hospital of Greater Copenhagen (DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Rigshospitalet & Region Hovedstaden) In addition we also expect participation from our the Copenhagen MedTech Team in London with our partner organisation MedTech UCL, thanks to Attachés Grace Rachel Humphreys & Arman Athwal and our Ambassador to London Tristan Derry 🇬🇧 🤝 🎉 This event is made possible thanks to support from DDSA - Danish Data Science Academy 💙 Fee: 50 DKK (no-show: 500 DKK). Seats are limited, so apply early to increase your chances. More info: When: Tuesday, January 21st 2025 Where: IDA Conference, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, 1560 København V. Anders Gjølbye M. | Henning Boje Andersen | Jonathan Patscheider | Lasse Hyldig Hansen | Sebastian Ray Mason | Jacob Pohl Stangerup Nielsen | Aurelia H. Chen | Kateryna Morhun.
Copenhagen MedTech
Student organisation, connecting students and stakeholders in the MedTech industry, through our summit and other events.
Om os
Copenhagen MedTech is a non-profit, volunteer driven student organisation. We focus on medical device and digital health innovation. Our mission is to equip students with the tools and mindset for open and creative problem solving throughout their education. Moreover, it is our clear goal to motivate students to partake in research and innovation by empowering them by highlighting how their skills can be used to improve healthcare and ultimately save lives through innovation.
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Copenhagen, DK
Medarbejdere hos Copenhagen MedTech
Adar Benli
Student at DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Frederik Espersen Knudsen
Protein biochemistry | Computational Biology | Structural Biology | Modelling
Hannah Wandall
Medical Student, University of Copenhagen
Nina Zomorrodnia
Går på Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen
Thank you for participating in Copenhagen MedTech Innovation Summit 2024 on 6th November! It was an amazing experience to host attendees and speakers from both Denmark and abroad 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🤝 🇩🇰 Thanks to Tuborgfondet, Medicoindustrien and DMTS - Dansk Medicoteknisk Selskab for making the event possible through their support, and MedTech UCL for bringing an entire delegation of students from London 🙌 Prior to the summit the networking between DK and Johns Hopkins started with a symposium by SURGiC, Surgical Ultrasound Research Group in Copenhagen. Then Medicoindustrien 💜 held their enticing MedTech Careers Fair with Novo Nordisk, Cook Medical, Ferrosan Medical Devices, GE HealthCare and Mermaid Medical Group. With MedTech start-ups from the ecosystem and Boston Scientific joining later as we opened the summit. The Innovation Summit itself was kicked-off by Jan Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen and Christina Kruuse, representing The Technical University Hospital of Greater Copenhagen (a partnership between Region Hovedstaden and DTU - Technical University of Denmark). 💜 We then hosted a panel with inspiring perspectives from Thomas Gabriel, CEO of Cook Medical, Rasmus Hother le Fevre, CEO of Ferrosan, Joachim Hee Rasmussen, Senior Manager of Urology at GE Healthcare, Martin Ebro, Head of Innovation Project Management & Partnerships at Novo Nordisk, and Marcus Kildegaard Nielsen, Sales Director at Mermaid Medical. Our following talks on how to empower the future of MedTech innovation and its ecosystem featured: Tobias Todsen (H&N Surgeon, Assc. Prof. and Chairman of Danish Ultrasound Diagnostics Society (DUDS)), Fatemeh Makouei (Biomedical Engineer, Assc. Proff) and Kyriakos Spartalis (from both their innovation team and Copenhagen MedTech 💙) Martin Lundsgaard Hansen, Head of Radiology at Rigshospitalet, who shared intriguing perspectives on both the potential and concerns of AI in medicine. 🏥 🤖 Leila Jean Mady Head & Neck Oncology Surgeon and Assc. Proff. from Johns Hopkins Medicine and Clinical Mentor at Johns Hopkins Center for Bioengineering Innovation & Design. Dr. Mady shared insights from her work with engineering students working to solve clinical needs with her in the clinic and operating room. Tejs Jansen, Neuroanaesthesiologist at the RH Neuro ICU, Head of the Rigshospitalet Innovation Lab and Clinical Specialist at BETA.HEALTH® – An innovation platform sponsored by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. and Rigshospitalet Innovation 🧡 Lastly Dr. Mady and Dr. Jansen joined our Copenhagen MedTech PLUS+ panel with Grace Rachel Humphreys (President of MedTech UCL, Copenhagen MedTech Attaché), Arman Athwal (Treasurer of MedTech UCL, Copenhagen MedTech Attaché), Tristan Derry (medical student at Bart's and The London School of Medicine and Ambassador to London for Copenhagen MedTech), Ronnie Andersen (Board member of Copenhagen MedTech and Senior Treasury Manager at Export and Investment Fund of Denmark). Video credit: Orbion
Copenhagen MedTech genopslog dette
Dansk Medicoteknisk Selskab (DMTS) var til stede ved Copenhagen MedTech Innovation Summit 2024, hvor vi oplevede en aften fyldt med inspiration og banebrydende samtaler om fremtidens medicinske innovationer og karrieremuligheder inden for MedTech. En særlig tak går til de internationale gæster, der gjorde dagen ekstraordinær – en delegation af studerende fra London og en dygtig kirurg fra Johns Hopkins i USA, som deltog i panelet og delte interessante perspektiver fra deres erfaringer i global patientbehandling. Deres tilstedeværelse bidrog til en endnu dybere forståelse af, hvordan samarbejde på tværs af grænser kan forme fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Copenhagen MedTech Innovation Summit 2024 markerer endnu et stærkt eksempel på samarbejdet mellem Copenhagen MedTech og DMTS, siden organisations stiftelse med støtte fra DMTS i 2022. Mere end 500 studerende fra ind og udland var samlet til både Medicoindustriens karrieredag og Summit, hvor industrien og fremtidens talenter mødtes for at udforske muligheder og udfordringer i MedTech-branchen. Tak til alle, der deltog og gjorde denne dag til en stor succes – vi ser frem til endnu flere spændende initiativer og fremtidige samarbejder!
Copenhagen MedTech genopslog dette
🦾 Meeting the future of MedTech 🦾 Last Wednesday, three of our colleagues attended MedTech Career Day in Copenhagen, an event organized by Medicoindustrien and Copenhagen MedTech. Here, Siska, Marcus, and Anne connected with over 500 ambitious students eager to explore careers in MedTech. The atmosphere was fantastic, and meeting the next generation of MedTech professionals was truly inspiring. Marcus also joined a compelling panel discussion on future patient care, industry trends, career opportunities, and the growing role of AI in a sustainable healthcare system. A big thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth! 🙌 #innovation #MedTech #AI
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Innovation is a Team Sport👥 This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr Leila J. Mady, MD PhD MPH, head and neck surgeon at Johns Hopkins, to join a SURGiC research symposium🤩 It was an interdisciplinary meeting, including clinical and technical presentations, followed by exciting discussions with a clinical leader in multidisciplinary research and innovation. The future MedTech Innovation was also the theme for the following Copenhagen MedTech Conference, where it was very inspiring to learn about the CBID program at Johns Hopkins👏 With lectures from Jan Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Tejs Jansen, Martin Lundsgaard Hansen, and many more, the conference sparked great discussion on how to enhance MedTech Innovation in Denmark💡 #SURGiC #Ultrasound #3Sonic #Innovation
Copenhagen MedTech genopslog dette
Inspiring Visit from Johns Hopkins 🇺🇸 🇩🇰 We had the pleasure of welcoming Leila J. Mady, MD PhD MPH from Johns Hopkins Medicine to do a lecture at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & Audiology at Rigshospitalet. Dr. Mady, who leads the innovation research program in the Division of Head and Neck Surgery at Johns Hopkins, delivered an insightful lecture that highlighted her work in integrating bioengineering innovations into surgical practice. Her presentation on advanced robotic projects and the start-up ecosystem fostered by the CBID program at Johns Hopkins was truly inspiring. At my research group SURGiC, we share a commitment to multidisciplinary research and innovation, making it a privilege to have Dr. Mady participate in our research symposium on surgeon-performed ultrasound. It was an honor to have her visit our outpatient cancer clinic as well, where we showcased how surgeon-performed ultrasound makes fast-track diagnostic workup of head and neck cancer possible. This approach allows us to perform ultrasound-guided biopsies, and, through close collaboration with our outstanding pathologist colleagues at Afdeling for Patologi, patients receive their cancer diagnosis on the very first day of their visit! Thank you, Dr. Mady, for an inspiring exchange of ideas and for sharing insights that resonate deeply with our goals of advancing patient care through research and innovation 🚀
Copenhagen MedTech genopslog dette
Inspirerende morgensession om multidisciplinær innovation i sundhedsvæsnet Vi havde den store fornøjelse at byde Dr. Leila J. Mady, MD PhD MPH fra The Johns Hopkins University velkommen til en stærk præsentation i vores ØNH-afdeling i dag. Hendes oplæg, “Driving Healthcare Forward: The Essential Role of Multidisciplinary Innovation,” var både tankevækkende og energigivende. Hovedpointe: Dr. Mady understregede vigtigheden af at fremme en kultur for innovation, der er rodfæstet i samarbejde på tværs af forskellige felter som bioengineering, robotteknologi og computervidenskab. Ved at integrere disse discipliner viste hun, hvordan sundhedspleje kan revolutioneres for at forbedre patientbehandlingen og omdefinere medicinens fremtid. Innovativt lederskab i aktion: Dr. Mady leder forskningsprogrammet for sundhedsydelser og innovation ved Johns Hopkins og går ind for en “team science” tilgang. Hendes arbejde forbinder medicin, folkesundhed og ingeniørvidenskab og fremmer banebrydende samarbejder på tværs af School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Carey Business School og Whiting School of Engineering. Hvem er Dr. Leila J. Mady? Som adjunkt i afdelingen for otolaryngologi – hoved- og halskirurgi ved Johns Hopkins afspejler Dr. Madys karriere en dyb ekspertise, med en M.D., Ph.D. og M.P.H. fra Rutgers University. Hun tog sin specialeuddannelse ved University of Pittsburgh Medical Center og fellowship ved University of Pennsylvania i hoved- og halsonkologi samt mikrovaskulær rekonstruktion. En stor tak til Dr. Mady for at dele sine inspirerende indsigter og for at tage sig tid til at besøge os i København. #InnovationISundhed #TværfagligtSamarbejde #ØNH #JohnsHopkins
Copenhagen MedTech genopslog dette
🚀👉 Fuldt fokus på medicobranchens karrieremuligheder, da mere end 500 unge lagde vejen forbi Panum til MedTech Careers-karrieredag og Innovation Summit 2024 👈🚀 Der var god stemning samt masser af interesse og spørgelyst ift. medicobranchens mange karrieremuligheder, da Medicoindustrien i samarbejde med virksomhederne bag MedTech Careers-kampagnen og studenterorganisationen Copenhagen MedTech i går afholdt karrieredag efterfulgt af Copenhagen MedTech Innovation Summit 2024. Igen i år mødte de studerende talstærkt op for at høre mere om medicobranchen, først til en spændende karrieremesse, der sitrede af god stemning, og efterfølgende til Copenhagen MedTech Innovation Summit, der bød på en perlerække af stærke talere fra både ind- og udland. Ved selve karrieredagen var der rig mulighed at lære virksomhederne bag MedTech Careers bedre at kende og høre om branchens spændende karriereveje ved at tale med repræsentanter fra Novo Nordisk, Cook Medical, Ferrosan Medical Devices, GE HealthCare og Mermaid Medical Group. Efterfølgende begyndte årets Innovation Summit, hvor Medicoindustrien stillede op med et skarpt panel med repræsentanter fra MedTech Careers-virksomhederne, som drøftede potentialerne i fremtidens patientbehandling, udviklingstendenserne for medicobranchen, karrieremulighederne i industrien, og hvordan kunstig intelligens får større og større betydning for et fremtidssikret sundhedsvæsen. Her kunne man opleve inspirerende perspektiver fra Thomas Gabriel, CEO i Cook Medical, Rasmus Hother le Fevre, CEO i Ferrosan, Joachim Hee Rasmussen, Senior Manager, Urology hos GE Healthcare, Martin Ebro, Head of Innovation Project Mgmt & Partnerships og (Interim) Head of Technology Exploration hos Novo Nordisk og Marcus Kildegaard Nielsen, Sales Director I Mermaid Medical. Der skal lyde en stor tak til virksomhederne bag MedTech Careers for at bakke op om dagen og repræsentere medicobranchen på bedste vis til Jeanne Culmsee, Tine Sørensen, Christian Behrenthz Guldhammer, Pihla Adalmiina Raevaara og Pernille Stoltze 👏👏 Og ikke mindst en kæmpe tak til Copenhagen MedTech for endnu engang at gøre et imponerende stykke arbejde for at få dagen til at lykkes og køre som smurt 🦾🦾 #medtech #dklifescience #sundpol #dkpol
+ 5
Copenhagen MedTech genopslog dette
Feeling emotional at the Copenhagen MedTech Innovation Summit today 🥹 Exactly a year ago at this event, I sat in the audience listening to SIGNE LAGONI share insights about the groundbreaking work in medical devices at Novo Nordisk. Signe was very convincing saying that nothing is more exciting and challenging than working at the intersection of Pharma and MedTech. That was the moment I knew: THIS was where I wanted to be. Fast forward to today, and I'm now a Novo Nordisk team member, happily six months into a role that has exceeded every expectation. I’m part of an incredible team working to ensure the patient safety of an expansive portfolio of medical devices, drug-device combinations, and software as medical device (SaMD). And let me tell you, SIGNE LAGONI was absolutely right - it is as challenging and exciting as she promised 😁🚀 Today feels like a full-circle moment to attend this event again and hear Martin Ebro saying the words that set me on this journey last year: “You’re probably wondering what a pharmaceutical company is doing at a MedTech event? Well, we have a device department at Novo Nordisk.” ✨ Takeaways for fellow professionals: 1. Stay Curious – Attending industry events is powerful; you never know when inspiration will strike. 2. Set Bold Goals – If you have a dream, pursue it with determination. A year ago, this was just a vision for me. 3. Celebrate Your Milestones – Whether it’s six months or six years, each step on your career journey matters. —— 👉 Feel free to reach out if you just like me didn’t know about this exciting intersection of Pharma and MedTech. 👉 If you know of other inspiring industry events, please share them! I’d love to attend, learn, and connect 🤓
DOORS OPEN SOON! Hundreds have signed up... but we still have some space for those of you still hoping to join. 💙 Sign up now and join us: Medicoindustrien will kick-off with the MedTech Careers Fair after which they will host a panel with: Cook Medical with Thomas Gabriel, CEO of Cook Medical Europe. Ferrosan Medical Devices, with CEO Rasmus Hother le Fevre. Novo Nordisk with Martin Ebro, Head of Innovation Project Management & Partnerships. Mermaid Medical Group, with Marcus Kildegaard Nielsen, Sales Director and General Manager at Mermaid Medical. BK Medical with Joachim Hee Rasmussen, Manager of Urology Innovations. Along with many more including our international attendees who will be there in person representing Johns Hopkins, UCL, King's College London and Bart's and London School of Medicine. See you all soon. We're very excited 😊 (photos are from our 2023 summit)