Kalder alle sundhedsinnovatører! 📢👩🔬👨🔬 Frem til 31. januar kan du ansøge om et BETA. HEALTH grant. Foruden en bevilling på 500.000 DKK modtager du også et seks måneders skræddersyet acceleratorforløb, der bringer dit innovative sundhedsprojekt hurtigere ud at gøre gavn for patienterne. Se, om dit projekt opfylder kravene til en BETA. HEALTH-bevilling🎯👇 Du er også mere end velkommen til at booke en af vores innovationskonsulenter for at få sparring til din ansøgning 👉 https://lnkd.in/dAK4ugsw Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! #Sundhedsinnoavtion #Kliniskinnovation #LifeScience #BETAHEALTH #Funding
Check if your project is in the scope for a BETA. HEALTH grant!🎯👇 Our call for grant applications is open until January 31st In addition to a grant of 500,000 DKK, the BETA. HEALTH program offers 6-9 months of tailored accelerator support to help your project reach real-world patient impact faster🚀🏥 Read the full guidelines and access the application form on our website (link in comment below). Still have questions? Book a 1:1 consultation with one of our innovation consultants at: https://shorturl.at/lMlIy We look forward to receiving your application! #BETAHEALTH #ClinicalInnovation #HealthcareInnovation #Funding #LifeScience