Invest In Odense

Invest In Odense

Civile og sociale organisationer

We match businesses and investors with relevant local partners.

Om os

Invest in Odense wants to make Odense the best robotic hub in Europe. Odense is a city undergoing rapid development. Over the next 10-15 years, investments of Euro 3.2 billion will transfer Odense from a big Danish City into a great Danish City – a city where knowledge of international caliber is the foundation. In Odense, we provide strong public support to new investors and companies that locate here. The development of the city makes Odense an excellent strategic location for doing business. In Odense you will find a large robotic hub. More than 85 companies are working with industrial robots, drones or health technologies. More than 30 higher education programs. All within a distance of approximately 20 kilometers. In this well-functioning ecosystem, profitable ideas are generated every day. Invest in Odense help investors and companies to succeed when they choose Odense as their location. Invest in Odense - connect, collaborate and create with robotics, drones and health technology. Mission In Odense, ideas become good business in a strong and closely connected network of business, research/education and public actors within robotics. Vision To become the capital of Europe for start-ups and development of robotic technology.

Civile og sociale organisationer
2-10 medarbejdere
Odense C


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