Did you know that over 1/3 of all food produced is either lost or wasted along the food chain? At Lantmännen Unibake, we’re committed to reducing bakery waste by 50% by 2030. 🌱 Our Global Sustainability Manager, Maria Nelving , shares three key drivers in our fight against food waste: 1️⃣ Limiting Production Breakdowns – A smooth production line minimizes waste and keeps us efficient. 2️⃣ Rethinking Product Specifications – Collaborating with our customers to focus on quality without sacrificing perfectly good products. 3️⃣ Streamlining Our Product Portfolio – Simplifying production transitions to reduce waste and increase sustainability. This journey is complex, but we’re dedicated to making a positive impact. Let’s work together toward a sustainable future where every bite counts. 🍞💚 Check out our latest blog post for the full insights 👉 https://bit.ly/3UXm68E #Sustainability #FoodWaste #LantmännenUnibake #FoodWasteReduction #SustainableProduction #BakingForABetterWorld
Lantmännen Unibake
Produktion af føde- og drikkevarer
Join our global team of warm-hearted and top competent colleagues You'll work with people with an appetite for more!
Om os
Lantmännen Unibake is a leading international bakery company within the Lantmännen Group, a farmer-owned cooperative founded in the Nordics. Our value to the world is very clear and simple to us. We exist to deliver tasty, sustainable bakery products to consumers all over the world. We bake the products that will eventually result in billions of smiling tummies. Baked goods are staples for millions of people and are served in everyday settings across the planet. We bake on an industrial scale, and we serve a broad range of customers in international food service, QSR and retail, but our bakers still strive for the same standards - creating the best products with the best ingredients - just like any proud artisan baker has ever done. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, Lantmännen Unibake operates more than 30 modern bakeries in Europe, Australia and the US and has sales in more than 60 countries. Our brand portfolio comprises a range of well-established B2B and B2C brands e.g. Schulstad, Bonjour, Myllyn Paras, Korvbrödsbagarn, Vaasan, Pastridor, Hatting and Schulstad Bakery Solutions. Lantmännen Unibake has a turnover of EUR 1.2 billion and employs approximately 6,000 people in more than 20 countries. Appetite for more? Visit us at lantmannenunibake.com
- Websted
Eksternt link til Lantmännen Unibake
- Branche
- Produktion af føde- og drikkevarer
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 5.001 – 10.000 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen S
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 1880
- Specialer
- Danish & French Pastry, Fast Food, Savouries, par-baked bread, pre-proved pastries, pre-proofed pastries, Consumer Goods, Food, Refreshments, retail, Food service, QSR, burger buns, hot dog rolls, Croissants, Rye breads, Wholegrain products, loaves, B2B, B2C, Artisan breads og bakery products
Medarbejdere hos Lantmännen Unibake
Exciting news from Lantmännen Schulstad in Denmark!✨ They’ve developed the world’s first rye bread durum to make whole grains more appealing to teens, tackling a worrying decline in rye bread consumption. 🍞 A great step in promoting healthier eating habits! 🙌 Did you know that 17% of Danish teens eat rye bread only once a month or less? With rye bread being the largest source of whole grains in Denmark, this decline is concerning. Together, we’re working to reverse this trend by creating new, tasty options like the rye bread durum and spreading awareness about the benefits of whole grains. For those speaking Danish, visit https://www.kernetal.dk/ to dive deeper into the data and check out the cool video 🎥: https://lnkd.in/dUvngQCV #RyeBread #WholeGrains #BakingForABetterWorld #LantmännenUnibake
Verdens første rugbrødsdurum?! Dét har vores egen Mads Frydendahl sammen med Tænketanken Frej gået i køkkenet for at udvikle. Du kan se videoen fra Frejs besøg nede i kommentarerne. Vi arbejder i Schulstad på at sætte fokus på en sund kost – og herunder at udvikle det klassiske rugbrød, så vi kan gøre det endnu mere attraktivt for især de unge, som skærer ned på rugbrødsindtaget. I vores https://www.kernetal.dk/ fremgår det, at 17 % af de 13-17-årige kun spiser rugbrød én gang om måneden eller sjældnere. Dét kan være en udfordring, fordi de ikke får fuldkorn fra den største kilde i Danmark – rugbrød. Og netop fuldkorn er en vigtig del af en sund kost. Vores rugbrødsdurum er en del af Schulstads bidrag til Tænketanken Frejs projekt ’Fra jord til skolebord’, hvor vi kommer med alt vores viden om brød og fuldkorn målrettet madkundskabsundervisere og de unge.
For centuries, bread has been a staple, providing essential grains and fiber for our health.✨ 🍞 Research shows that our diets have a significant effect on our long-term health. Our ambitious goal? To more than double the volume of healthier products by 2030! Here’s what we’re aiming for by 2030: 💚 100% of our bread and fast-food bread will contain at least 3% fiber, with 30% of our wheat bread hitting a minimum of 6% fiber 💚 33% of the grain ingredients in our wheat and rye bread will be whole grain 💚 10% reduction in average salt content across our bread range 💚 10% reduction in average kcal per serving, with 40% of our sweets portfolio capped at 250 kcal per serving 👉Discover more about our journey towards healthier choices: https://brnw.ch/21wOWkv #LantmannenUnibake #LifeAtUnibake #BakingForABetterWorld
📍 Location: Scandic Grand Central Helsinki ❔ What? Unibake Day 2024 for Unibake Finland & Baltics Frozen 😋 Feeling: Billions of smiling tummies ✅ Color: Green for Lantmännen Unibake & ♻ Our people dressed up in green and made their way to our yearly personnel event this time at the heart of Helsinki, Finland. Together we celebrated the highlights of the passing year and long-term employees as well as discussed the plans for the upcoming year. With Eeva Jaakonsalo and our own Unibake Leadership Tool trainers we also made a deep-dive into High-Performing Teams by Patrick Lencioni on our journey in becoming a group of high-functioning teams through well-being and productivity. 🙌 Most of all, we built stronger connections with colleagues near and far. ✨ Thank you for participating and making the event memorable. We hope to see you all again next time. #Bakingforabetterworld #Appetiteformore
Have you ever faced rejection on your journey? "When I moved to the UK, I certainly did!" says Egija Klavina. But determination paid off, and she eventually joined Lantmännen Unibake as a supply chain analyst, later transitioning into procurement. 🥐 Today, she leads an incredible team, always on the lookout for problem-solvers who thrive on challenges. The best career advice she got? Embrace the 80/20 mindset: focus on what matters most and don’t sweat the small stuff. Read the full story here 👉 https://brnw.ch/21wOQ7U
🌟 We were delighted to participate in the FoodService & Hospitality Expo 2024 in Bucharest, where we enjoyed three inspiring days of networking and engaging conversations. Our stand featured our exceptional Natur’A bread specialties, which garnered significant attention and praise. We are incredibly proud of our dedicated Romanian team for their outstanding efforts. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visited our stand and contributed to the success of the event!🙏 #LantmannenUnibake #AppetitieForMore
+ 1
🌾 Celebrating International Wholegrain Day at UBI! 🌾 This year, we celebrated in the best way possible—by coming together with our colleagues to enjoy delicious wholegrain bread and learn more about the benefits of whole grains in our everyday lives! 🍞 Thank you Mikkel Andersen , Marika Lyly, Stine Frank Kristensen for informing and inspiring us to eat more wholegrain. 🌾💚 Swipe through to see some behind-the-scenes moments of our team, sharing wholegrain goodness, smiles, and a commitment to healthier choices. 👉 Head over to our blogs and dive into how we’re making healthier choices every day: https://lnkd.in/dSvETBa8 #InternationalWholegrainDay #LantmannenUnibake #LifeAtUnibake #BakingForABetterWorld
🎉 Exciting Job Opportunities at Lantmännen Unibake in Horsens🎉 On October 10th, Lantmännen Unibake welcomed 32 interested candidates for an insightful afternoon. The event included a tour of the production facilities, meetings with employee representatives, and personal interviews. Production Manager Linda Gammelgaard C. highlighted the success of the collaboration, noting the high level of candidate engagement and preparation. Results? Out of 31 candidates who attended interviews, 12 advanced, and 10 were offered positions👏 This day demonstrated the immense value of a thorough and authentic introduction to the company for both the business and the candidates🚀
🎉 Velkommen til nye jobmuligheder hos Lantmännen Unibake i Horsens! 🎉 Sådan kunne overskriften have lydt den 10. oktober, da Lantmännen Unibake åbnede dørene og inviterede 32 interesserede kandidater til en veltilrettelagt eftermiddag. I løbet af eftermiddagen fik de et indblik i virksomhedens værdier og kultur. Fabrikschef Linda Gammelgaard bød velkommen. Herefter var der dømt Tour-de Lantmännen Unibake. Kandidaterne fik mulighed for at besøge produktionen, møde medarbejderrepræsentanter, høre om arbejdsmiljøet, spise kage, tale med medarbejdere og afslutningsvis deltage i en personlig jobsamtale. 𝗝𝗼𝗲, en af kandidaterne, sagde det klart: "Det var så fedt at være her. Godt organiseret, og man følte sig virkelig velkommen!" En anden deltager udtalte: "Man er ikke forpligtet til en jobsamtale, men hvis kemien er der, så har du virkelig vundet ved at deltage." For virksomheder giver et arrangement som dette mulighed for at finde kandidater, der både matcher virksomhedens behov og passer ind i kulturen. Yderligere giver det virksomheden muligheden for at præsentere flere af arbejdsopgaverne, kollegaerne og et bedre indblik i en arbejdsdag. Linda siger det bedst: ”Der er ikke så meget at sige. Hele samarbejdet har været en stor succes. Det var et hurtigt samarbejde, som førte til et godt resultat, og som var understøttet af en god proces. Vi oplevede i høj grad, at de tilmeldte kandidater, var interesserede, og der var gjort et godt stykke forarbejde. Dette betød, at vi mødte engagerede og veloplagte kandidater.” 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘁? 31 kandidater tog imod samtalemuligheden. 12 gik videre, og 10 blev tilbudt en stilling. 👏 En dag som denne viser, hvordan en autentisk og grundig introduktion til en virksomhed har stor værdi for både virksomhed og kandidater 🚀 #jobevent #lantmännenunibake #jobcenterhorsens
We are pleased to announce that Schulstad WHOLEGRAIN Hot Dog and Schulstad FIBER Hot Dog baguettes have been awarded in "2024 FMCG GOLDEN INNOVATIONS" competition, organized by the publisher of the monthly "Hurt & Detal". This is the largest competition on the Polish market, selecting the most innovative FMCG products and retail solutions that have distinguished themselves in last year with an exceptional degree of innovation.🌟 Our new hot dog baguettes were created as part of Schulstad HONEST GOODNESS offer. Taking care of Consumers' health is one of the main pillars of our sustainable development strategy #BakingForABetterWorld. Novelties meet Consumers' needs. They are full of fiber and valuable ingredients. We have added 12 types of grains and seeds to WHOLEGRAIN hot dog baguettes. And FIBER hot dog baguette we have baked with fiber from 11 sources from three categories: grains, fruits and vegetables. This is even more FIBER POWER! 🥰🌭🍏🍅🌾 We are proud of our new products! Warm greetings from Marketing and Innovation department with wishes for a tasty, healthier and crispy hot dog! #LantmannenUnibake #AppetitieForMore #innovation #schulstad #SchulstadBakerySolutionspl
Did you know that whole grains have a lower environmental impact? Grains and other plant foods are far less resource-intensive to produce than animal foods like dairy, eggs and meat. In fact, whole grains require significantly less water than just about any other food we consume – which is a big deal when it comes to climate-change resilience and sustainability. Read more about the sustainable solutions whole grains offer: https://bit.ly/3AJr4Pm #BakingForAbetterWorld #BakingForBetterHealth #EatWholegrains #InternationalWGDay
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