📻 Kan vi lære af Romerrigets undergang? Det diskuterer Jesper Majbom Madsen og Adam Holm i DR-podcasten “Kampen Om Historien”. 🎧 Lyt med her: https://lnkd.in/dqraF54X Jesper Majbom Madsen Adam Holm DR - Danmarks Radio Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark #romerriget #antikken #historie #dr #kampenomhistorien #podcast #empiressdu #politiskhistoriesdu #historiesdu #sdu #sdudk
Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU
Odense, Syddanmark 695 følgere
Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU - a research group based at the University of Southern Denmark
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- Odense, Syddanmark
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Congratulations to Professor Aglae Pizzone and Associate Professor Christian Damm Pedersen for receiving major grants from the Carlsberg Foundation (Carlsbergfondet) for their research on “E-Rhetoric: A Handwritten Text Recognition Infrastructure for Medieval Greek” and “TALKING EMPIRE: Prime Ministerial Rhetoric and the Search for a Usable Past in Post-Imperial Britain”. Many thanks to the Carlsberg Foundation for their generous support! Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark #carlsbergfondet #carlsbergfoundation #empiressdu #sdu #sdudk
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Cool, our new book is in the Spring Program of the transcript Verlag, so now you can pre-order it ! It won't be there for X-Mas, but then again, this is a book for all times of the year ;) The title is "Grenzgänger zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark. Geschichte und Gegenwart anerkannter Minderheiten" (Border Crossers. The History and present of the recognized minorities). This is a child of our Danish-German Sommer Universities (since 2011), and of our tireless chief organizer Martin Göllnitz who took upon him (voluntary...) to keep the flee circus together. Also a huge thanks to my co-editors Nils Abraham, Mogens Rostgaard Nissen, Caroline E. Weber. This is one of my absolute favorite projects with some of my favorite people. A book we have been waiting for years that somebody else would do for us ;) And now it is (almost) there. https://lnkd.in/eKFxtwAx The content is a hall of fame of the best researchers on Danish-German History and on the Borderlands, and it is a testimony to cross border cooperation. The book is structured in four parts and counts 430 pages. In Part I sets the stage with the grand overview from: Oliver Auge (Kiel University) , Jens E. . Olesen the nestor of Nordic History formerly Universität Greifswald, Hedwig Wagner (Europa-Universität Flensburg), and Hans Schultz Hansen, the number one archivist of the region (Rigsarkivet in Aabenraa). In part II we look at the Danish-German relations as a frame work with: Frederic Zangel, Martin Krieger (CAU), Klaus Tolstrup Petersen from the Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig e.V., Martin Göllnitz from The Philipp University of Marburg, myself (Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark), and Dieter H. Kollmer historian at Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces) In the Part III the main focus the minorities with articles by: Jørgen Kühl from Europa-Universität Flensburg/European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) (who else?), Mogens Rostgaard Nissen and Rejhan Bosnjak from Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig e.V. , Nina Jebsen and Jon Thulstrup from Deutsches Museum Nordschleswig, Thomas Steensen (backbone of contemporary history of the Friesian Minority), Sebastian Lotto-Kusche from Zentrum for Public History in Schleswig, as well as Vibeke Kaiser-Hansen (Fredericia Museum). In Part IV we move outside the region with: Nils Abraham (Hochschule für Polizei und öffentliche Verwaltung Nordrhein - Westfalen), and Martin Klatt (European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI). Thank you all for the effort, for our past cooperation with the Summer University, and hopefully for all the great years of fruitful partnership in the future.
📢 Join us for a fascinating presentation by Dr. Jon Davis 🎓 Title: “How (Not) to Sell an Empire: Rhetoric and Colonial Discourse in Josephus’ Jewish War” Dr. Davis will discuss his works on the Jewish historian Josephus, who accompanied Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus to Rome. 📅 10 December 2024 🕒 1 PM - 3PM 📍 CML Meetingroom (Ø20-405a-1) Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark #AncientHistory #RomanEmpire #AcademicTalk #Josephus #rhetoric #history #historywriting #imperialpropaganda #colonialdiscourse #rome #empiressdu #historiesdu #politiskhistoriesdu #sdu #sdudk
Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU genopslog dette
Tusind tak til Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond for bevillingen til Fri grøn forskning. Jeg glæder mig til at begynde det tværfaglige samarbejde med prof. Sebastian H. Mernild fra SDU Climate Cluster og til samarbejdet med flere nationale og internationale partnere: Prof. Carsten Hjort Lange Aalborg Universitet, University of St Andrews; Uppsala University, University of Toronto, The University of Sydney til efteråret 2025 I projektet Here Comes the Invincible Sun: Toward a Climate History of the Roman Conquest undersøger vi om Roms erobring af Middelhavsverdenen var understøttet af særlige gunstige klima- og vækstbetingelse i Italien i perioden 4. til 1. århundrede f.v.t. Vi undersøger også, hvordan stater med imperialistiske ambitioner vil kunne udnytte gunstige vækstbetingelser geopolitisk i fremtiden, f.eks. i forbindelse med permafrosten smelter på den nordlige halvkugle, samtidig med efterspørgslen på korn og andre fødevarer stiger globalt. Vi skal ansætte 2 post docs – så har du lyst til at være med, så hold godt øje med stillingsopslagene i maj 2025
Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU genopslog dette
I'm hiring a skilled post.doc. Check out the link and please share widely :-) /Jeg leder efter en dygtig post.doc. Se her og del meget gerne :-) https://lnkd.in/dEEim3HM
A postdoc position is available as part of the research project, “Fama in Medieval Denmark (c. 1240-1340): Rumors, Reputation and Public Opinion (FMD)”.
Congratulations to Professor Jesper Majbom Madsen for receiving a major grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark to pursue research on “Here Comes the Invincible Sun: Towards a Climate History of Roman Conquest” Professor Madsen will work closely with the SDU Climate Cluster, exploring possible links between climate change and the rise of the Roman Empire. For more information about the research project, please read “The success of the Roman Empire is also climate history” article: https://lnkd.in/d2Z7968A Jesper Majbom Madsen Sebastian H. Mernild SDU Climate Cluster Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond #ancienthistory #romanhistory #romanempire #imperialhistory #climatehistory #dff #sduclimatecluster #empiressdu #sdu #sdudk #odense
📣 Exciting Research Talk! 🌍 Join us in welcoming Associate Professor Jessica Ortner (German Studies, SDU) for a presentation on her DFF-funded research project: "Revival of Traumatic Pasts – Colonization, Nazism and Fascism in Contemporary German and Italian Fiction and Memory Activism" 🗓️ 20 November 2025 ⏰ 2 PM – 4 PM 📍 Gennemsigten (ø16-321-1) 🇩🇪🇮🇹 Dr. Ortner will explore the growing significance of colonial history in Germany and Italy, and the crucial role of literature and activism in addressing marginalized histories Jessica Ortner Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark #research #traumaticpasts #colonization #colonialpast #germancolonialism #italiancolonialism #colonialism #fiction #nazism #fascism #memoryactivism #dff #literature #postcolonialstudies #postcolonialliterature #sdu #sdudk #empiressdu #tyskstudietsdu #historiesdu
🔸We are pleased to welcome Emma Lindgaard Smed! 🔹Smed will deliver a project presentation titled “FAMA and Public Opinion in the Church Struggle (1245-1302)” 🔸Wednesday 13 November 2024, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, CML Seminar Room ø20-405a-1, SDU Odense Campus 🔹Smed is PhD student and member of the research project on “FAMA in Medieval Denmark (c. 1240 - c. 1340): Rumours, Reputation and Public Opinion” funded by the Carlsberg Foundation 🔸Image: Archbishop Jakob Erlandsen, 1274, The Danish Royal Library Emma Lindgaard Smed Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet Carlsbergfondet #empiressdu #sdu #sdudk #historiesdu #politiskhistoriesdu #carlsbergfondet #medievalhistory
Congratulations to Professor Lars Boje Mortensen for securing a major ERC Synergy Grant for “CODICUM: The Medieval Book and Networks in Northern Europe c. 1000-1500: Texts, Crafts, Fragments” Also, congratulations to team members and partners at universities and research libraries at Bergen, Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen Read more about the project and the exciting news at: SDU Faculty of Humanities (in English): https://lnkd.in/dWNiqqEX SDU Comms team (in English): https://lnkd.in/dgMu3qsp HYpDLQq6ahIr6NhdsiOF9eaTAzs66_ysdOV26hVySABPMofUgC6VfHdDRQ_aem_416Z6PLH- IhIcR8aBLneUg University of Bergen (in Norwegian): https://lnkd.in/dvVye-hy 155-millioner-%C3%A5-utforske-middelalderens- bokkultur%E2%80%AF?fbclid=IwY2xjawGXET9leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHfmoK1I7ShidmmEwsh8orr TIPg4_7xkN9vfSXfjPhrnyaw9ssNhVyJEzSA_aem_RH_GMgJhh9UyfOEqCnpuYg The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (in Danish): https://lnkd.in/dhz8AbJf European Research Council (ERC) Empires, States, and Imperialism SDU Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet #erc #europeanresearchcouncil #ercsynergygrant #codicum #medievalhistory #medievalliterature #bookhistory #larsbojemortensen #empiressdu #sdu #sdudk