UNDP Danmark

UNDP Danmark

Internationale anliggender

Copenhagen, Copenhagen 2.958 følgere

UNDP er FN’s førende udviklingsorganisation i kampen mod fattigdom, ulighed og klimaforandringer.

Om os

UNDP er FN’s ledende udviklingsorganisation med et bredt mandat til at fremme bæredygtig menneskelig udvikling. Vi arbejder for 2030 Dagsordenen og tillægger en integreret tilgang til social, økonomisk og miljømæssig udvikling. UNDP har programindsatser i omkring 170 lande og arbejder for udryddelse af fattigdom, ansvarlig regeringsførelse, kriseforebyggelse og genopbygning samt miljø, klima og adgang til energi. Som formand for FN's Udviklingsgruppe (UNDG) spiller UNDP desuden en ledende rolle i samarbejdet mellem FN's udviklingsorganisationer og er med til at sikre en effektiv og koordineret indsats af FN systemet. Menneskerettigheder og ligestilling er helt centrale og tværgående temaer i alt vores arbejde.

Internationale anliggender
2-10 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Copenhagen


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    Marmorvej 51

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen 2100, DK

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Medarbejdere hos UNDP Danmark


  • This week, we had the pleasure of engaging with youth politicians from across the Nordics during a dynamic roundtable discussion organized by UNICEF in the UN City Copenhagen. The focus was on the UN system, multilateral cooperation, and how UN agencies collaborate to address global challenges. 🌍🤝 Great dialogue and inspiring to hear the youth politicians and next generation of leaders share their perspectives on how young people perceive the UN system in today’s polarized world and the challenges ahead💡 UNDP is committed to empower young people as positive agents of change. We support governments, civil society actors, and youth-led networks, in creating an enabling environment with a focus on: ✅ Inclusive governance, where young people have a right to influence decisions impacting their lives ✅ Meaningful action - from tackling unemployment and leading climate action to building peace and development processes, young people are driving positive change ✅ Sustainable future - empowering young minds to champion a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful future through capacity building, mentoring, financial support, and by strengthening global networks through outreach, advocacy, and thought leadership. 🔗 https://lnkd.in/d2SvPK5q UNDP DUF - Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd Johannes Holm Erfurth Jens Paaske Klausen Ellen Emilie UNICEF Danmark

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    🙋🙋♀️ In 2024, youth participation in volunteering grew from 30% to 34%. This finding comes from the study "The Impact of War on Youth in Ukraine", presented by UNDP in Ukraine and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The study highlights how young people’s priorities and challenges evolve in the third year of the full-scale invasion. Key findings also include: 🔹 Reports of strained ties with friends or family rose from 18% to 27%. 🔹The importance of independence to youth grew from 52% to 56%. 🔹Recognizing the need for psychological help increased from 12% to 18%. The results of study will guide the development of the State Targeted Social Programme "Youth of Ukraine" (2025–2030), inform recommendations for government reports, and shape the 2025 youth activity plan. The text of the research in English will be available on 25 December 2024. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/dyeNaBVu The study was prepared by Info Sapiens Research Agency at the initiative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and with the technical and organisational support of the UNDP Ukraine projects EU4Recovery - Community Empowerment in Ukraine (EU4Recovery) and Support to Civil Society and Youth, implemented with the financial support of the European Union and the Government of Denmark. Embassy of Denmark in Ukraine European Union Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Info Sapiens LLC

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  • Great to welcome our new Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Partnership Director, Susan Brown, to Denmark earlier this week as part of her first mission to the Nordic countries! It presented an opportunity to meet with our key interlocutors including the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Members of Parliament, representatives from Danish civil society and UNDP colleagues in the UN City Copenhagen!   UNDP’s Nordic Representation Office very much look forward to working with Susan in the coming years. Her tenure starts at a time where the world needs - more than ever -, to come together to deescalate conflicts, mitigate climate change and turbo charge our efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.   Susan will work closely with and rely on our strong long-term Nordic partners to enable the multilateral system effectively support UN member states meet their shared global commitments.   #SDGs #Pact4theFuture #NDCs #ClimatePromise Udenrigsministeriet Denmark in the United Nations Marie-Louise Wegter Henrik Fredborg Larsen UNDP

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    Globally, desertification, land degradation and drought are among the most pressing environmental challenges of our time with up to 40% of all land already considered degraded. We talked to UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner at the UN Convention to Combat Desertification #COP16Riyadh about solutions to address these critical challenges and how he's on the ground in Saudi Arabia to enhance action #ForPeopleForPlanet.

  • Lokal udvikling og genopbygning i Kharkiv, Ukraine💡 I denne uge var Kharkiv vært for sit allerførste forum om lokal udvikling og genopretning i #Ukraine. Forummet, der blev organiseret med støtte fra Udenrigsministeriet og UNDP Ukraine, samlede 80 deltagere fra 6 lokalsamfund i Kharkiv Oblast. 🌟 Gennem workshops fik repræsentanter for lokale myndigheder, civilsamfundet, virksomheder, sikkerhedsudbydere og internationale organisationer mulighed for at samarbejde om strategier, der styrker modstandsdygtighed, samhørighed og skaber en fælles vision for en bæredygtig fremtid i deres lokalsamfund. Det førte bl.a. til: ✅ Diskussioner om, hvordan overgangen fra humanitær bistand til bæredygtig udvikling kan realiseres. Fokus var ikke kun på genopbygning af infrastruktur, men også på at skabe modstandsdygtige samfund, hvor borgerne aktivt kan bidrage til positive forandringer og sociale initiativer. ✅ Identificing af konkrete tiltag til at styrke sikkerheden, mobilisere ressourcer og forbedre koordineringen mellem aktører i drøftelser med politiet, beredskabet, virksomheder og internationale partnere. ✅Sikkerhed, udvikling og samfundsengagement blev fremhævet som tre afgørende elementer, der skal udvikles i samspil for at sikre en succesfuld og bæredygtig genopretning, også under vanskelige forhold. Læs mere her: https://lnkd.in/eNnA68mz V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Relief Coordination Centre UNDP Ukraine Udenrigsministeriet Denmark in the United Nations Ole Egberg Mikkelsen Embassy of Denmark in Ukraine Photo credit: Denys Panchenko / UNDP i Ukraine 📸

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  • UNDP Danmark genopslog dette

    UNDP LANCERER NY RAPPORT OM PLASTIK OG PLASTIKFORURENING Plastik er blevet en grundlæggende del af vores globale økonomi og hverdag, men det giver også en række udfordringer, som vi ikke længere kan ignorere. Plastikforurening udgør en akut trussel mod bæredygtig udvikling og det kan gøre det svært at nå verdensmålene. Derfor har bekæmpelse af plastikforurening høj prioritet – ikke blot som et miljømæssigt anliggende, men som et afgørende skridt mod at sikre retfærdig og modstandsdygtig udvikling. Denne rapport giver et overblik over UNDP’s arbejde i 12 lande og skitserer seks centrale erfaringer med at håndtere plastikforurening. Den giver nyttige indsigter til lande, samfund og interessenter, der bekæmper plastikforurening og samtidig fremmer bæredygtig udvikling. Læs den her: https://lnkd.in/eWkrQvec UNDP #plastic #forurening #pollution #sdgs #verdensmål #tagansvar #sammenforfn #globaltansvar

    Combatting plastic pollution for sustainable development: A snapshot of UNDP's work in 12 countries

    Combatting plastic pollution for sustainable development: A snapshot of UNDP's work in 12 countries


  • Vi er stolte af at være del af samarbejdet i Global Spotlight Initiative, hvor vi sammen med civilsamfundet bekæmper kønsbaseret vold. Sammen arbejder vi for at skabe reel forandring, fremme #Ligestilling og styrke kvinders stemme – uanset baggrund. Samarbejdet har bl.a. ført til: ✅ Over 540 nye eller forbedrede love, der beskytter kvinder og piger mod vold ✅ Mere end 3 millioner kvinder har fået direkte støtte ✅ 13-dobling af nationale midler til finansiering af initiativer til bekæmpelse af kønsbaseret vold Læs mere om resultaterne her: https://lnkd.in/e2FuK3WM #16Days Globalt Fokus, Kvinderådet, Sex & Samfund / Danish Family Planning Association, KVINFO, Verdens Bedste Nyheder, Denmark in the United Nations.

  • Plastikforurening skader menneskers sundhed, ødelægger økosystemer og truer fundamentet for bæredygtig udvikling. Vores seneste rapport, "Bekæmpelse af plastikforurening for bæredygtig udvikling: Et overblik over UNDP's arbejde i 12 lande," indeholder løsninger og konkrete eksempler på håndtering af plastikforurening fra hele verden 🌎♻️ 🔗 Læs mere her: https://lnkd.in/eWkrQvec #INC5 UNDP UNDP Climate CONCITO Tomas Anker Christensen Ungeklimarådet Denmark in the United Nations

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    How does the war affect youth in Ukraine?  Join us for the presentation of UNDP’s new study, "The Impact of War on Youth in Ukraine," to find out. 🗓 When: 3 December 2024, 11:00 (Kyiv time) The study explores key issues, including: 🔹 Youth perceptions of the current situation and challenges.  🔹 Decisions young people make about migration within Ukraine and abroad.  🔹 Youth's vision of their role in recovery processes. 👉 Register via the link: https://lnkd.in/dd2KCTgd The venue will be shared with registered participants. Seating is limited, but an online broadcast will be available for those interested. The event will include synchronous translation from Ukrainian to English. The study was conducted by the Info Sapiens research agency , initiated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, with technical and organizational support from the UNDP projects "EU4Recovery – Empowering Communities in Ukraine" (EU4Recovery) and "Civil Society and Youth Support," funded by the European Union and the Government of Denmark. The presentation is organized with the support of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House. Embassy of Denmark in Ukraine European Union Ukrainian-Danish Youth House

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    🇩🇰🇺🇳 Together with the Government of Denmark, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine has organized vocational courses for irrigation machine operators in Mykolaiv Oblast. The training will continue until the end of January 2025. On completing the course, the 12 participants will receive certificates qualifying them as third-class irrigation machine and unit operators. 🌾 This course is the result of collaboration between AGROFUSION LLC (the future employer), the Snihurivka Vocational Lyceum, and the international partners. After studying the theoretical part and completing practical training at the company’s facilities, trainees will be able to manage the irrigation of agricultural crops, as AGROFUSION LLC guarantees employment on successful completion of the course. 👷♀️👷♂️ 📸 Photo credit: Dmytro Sazonov / UNDP in Ukraine

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