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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) October 17, 2018

Using model differencing to reason about observable behavior changes of manufacturing systems

Nutzung von Modelldifferenzen zum Schließen auf beobachtbare Verhaltensänderungen von Fertigungssystemen
  • Christopher Pietsch

    Christopher Pietsch is scientific assistant in the Software Engineering and Database Systems Group at the University of Siegen, Germany. His main scientific interests are model-based system development, model co-evolution and delta-oriented model-based Software Product Line Engineering.

    , Udo Kelter

    Prof. Dr. Udo Kelter holds the chair of Software Engineering and Database Systems at the University of Siegen, Germany. His main fields of research are model-based system development and version management.

    , Christopher Haubeck

    Christopher Haubeck (born 1985) is a researcher in the Distributed Systems research unit in the department for informatics of the Hamburg University. His main scientific interests are software for distributed and cyber-physical systems, architectures for knowledge carrying software, coevolution of runtime artefacts and simulation.

    , Winfried Lamersdorf

    Winfried Lamersdorf is a professor in the Informatics Department of Hamburg University and head of the Distributed Systems research unit. His main scientific interests are in the areas of system software for distributed systems, service-orientation, middleware, agent- and component-oriented, autonomous, self-organizing and mobile systems as well as related applications from e-business / e-services via business process management up to logistics and production automation.

    , Abhishek Chakraborty

    Abhishek Chakraborty (born 1988) is currently working as a Research Associate with the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are management of evolution in automated systems, behavior models and cyber-physical systems.

    and Alexander Fay

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay (born 1970) is Director of the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are models, methods, and tools for the efficient engineering of distributed automation systems. Prof. Fay also heads the division “Engineering and operation” in the German association for Measurement and Automation (VDI-/VDE-GMA) and is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Platform “Industrie 4.0”.

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Understanding changes in a manufacturing system is of utmost importance to effectively manage its evolution. This article proposes a pattern-based approach for capturing and describing behavioral changes by integrating recent advantages in the fields of system monitoring and model differencing. Observed changes are described as lifted model differences between two model versions. This helps in explaining observable evolution with a change-first approach.


Durch den fortwährenden Evolutionsprozess unterliegen Produktionssysteme einem stetigen Wandel ihres Verhaltens. Um Evolution systematisch zu verstehen, müssen diese Änderungen erfasst werden. Dazu wird ein musterbasierter Ansatz zur Erkennung von Verhaltensänderungen vorgestellt, der Evolution durch beobachtbare und semantisch angereicherte Änderungen beschreibt und als zentrales Artefakt der Evolution etabliert.

Award Identifier / Grant number: FA853/6-2

Funding statement: This work was partially supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation) under the Priority Programme SPP1593: Design for Future – Managed Software Evolution, under grant no. FA853/6-2.

About the authors

Christopher Pietsch

Christopher Pietsch is scientific assistant in the Software Engineering and Database Systems Group at the University of Siegen, Germany. His main scientific interests are model-based system development, model co-evolution and delta-oriented model-based Software Product Line Engineering.

Udo Kelter

Prof. Dr. Udo Kelter holds the chair of Software Engineering and Database Systems at the University of Siegen, Germany. His main fields of research are model-based system development and version management.

Christopher Haubeck

Christopher Haubeck (born 1985) is a researcher in the Distributed Systems research unit in the department for informatics of the Hamburg University. His main scientific interests are software for distributed and cyber-physical systems, architectures for knowledge carrying software, coevolution of runtime artefacts and simulation.

Winfried Lamersdorf

Winfried Lamersdorf is a professor in the Informatics Department of Hamburg University and head of the Distributed Systems research unit. His main scientific interests are in the areas of system software for distributed systems, service-orientation, middleware, agent- and component-oriented, autonomous, self-organizing and mobile systems as well as related applications from e-business / e-services via business process management up to logistics and production automation.

Abhishek Chakraborty

Abhishek Chakraborty (born 1988) is currently working as a Research Associate with the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are management of evolution in automated systems, behavior models and cyber-physical systems.

Alexander Fay

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay (born 1970) is Director of the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are models, methods, and tools for the efficient engineering of distributed automation systems. Prof. Fay also heads the division “Engineering and operation” in the German association for Measurement and Automation (VDI-/VDE-GMA) and is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Platform “Industrie 4.0”.


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Received: 2018-04-08
Accepted: 2018-07-30
Published Online: 2018-10-17
Published in Print: 2018-10-25

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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