This paper defines analysis-suitable T-splines for arbitrary degree (including even and mixed degrees) and arbitrary dimension. We generalize the concept of anchor elements known from the two-dimensional setting, extend existing concepts of analysis-suitability and show their sufficiency for linearly independent T-splines.
A Minor Proofs
A.1 Lemma 4.8
For any mesh entity 𝙴 in the old mesh
Case 1:
there is also the entity
Assume for contradiction that there is an entity
lies in some 𝑗-orthogonal entity
lies in a 𝑘-orthogonal entity
In all cases, Lemma 2.3 yields a T-junction 𝚃 with
For each such pair
This particularly holds for the anchors, i.e.
Case 2:
We call 𝐀 the parent anchor of
In both cases, any new anchor
The subdivision of 𝚀 inserts
Assume for contradiction that there are
Without loss of generality, we assume the latter cases, i.e.
Having the existence of 𝚃, there is also a T-junction
Case 1:
Since 𝚃 with
We choose
Case 1.1:
From (A.1) and
Moreover, from (A.3), we have
Together with (A.5), there exists
Case 1.2: There exists some
from (A.4) and above.
Lemma 2.3 yields another T-junction
in contradiction to the minimality of
Case 2: There is
Lemma 2.3 yields
From (A.1) and
Case 2.1:
which means that
Case 2.2: There exists
Lemma 2.3 yields another T-junction
in contradiction to the minimality of
A.2 Lemma 5.5
We set
Then we have by construction for
The combination of (5.2) and (A.6) yields
We distinguish eight cases illustrated in Table 3.
Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 |
Case 8 | Case 7 | Case 6 | Case 5 |
Case 1:
Case 2:
From the definition of local index vectors, we also know
Case 3:
Case 4:
Case 5:
Case 6:
Case 7:
Case 8:
We have shown the claim in all cases, which concludes the proof. ∎
A.3 Proposition 5.6
The proof is by induction over box bisections.
As assumed in Section 2, 𝒯 is constructed via symmetric bisections of boxes from an initial tensor-product mesh.
For a tensor-product mesh, the claim is trivially true due to the absence of T-junctions.
Assume that the claim is true for an
Assume for contradiction that, in the new mesh
Lemma 4.6 yields that, for any
We choose
Case 1:
The combination of (A.9)–(A.11), (A.13) and Lemma 5.5 yields
and hence
and the combination of (A.15) and (A.14) yields that the mesh
If on the other hand
Since the mesh is supposed to be
Case 2:
Case 3:
Case 3.1:
The combination of (A.9)–(A.11), (A.18) and Lemma 5.5 yields
Case 3.2:
Hence there is a new T-junction
B Conclusions and Outlook
We have generalized the two existing concepts of analysis-suitability, an abstract concept introduced in [9] and a geometric concept introduced in [2],
to arbitrary dimension and degree.
We have, except for the
Ongoing work includes the implementation of T-splines in two and three dimensions into deal.ii to solve simple elliptic PDEs using T-splines as ansatz functions, including local mesh refinement.
Future work includes a proof that
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