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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Peer learning events and public conferences

The peer learning events of the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) provide forums for European government representatives to exchange information and experiences on topics relating to the European Employment Strategy and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

One of the most common types of peer learning events is the peer review. A peer review is a learning event hosted by a European country wishing to present a good practice example or an emerging policy or practice to a group of peer countries (up to 10 guest countries). The goal is to discuss a specific topic, with the view of identifying transferable aspects and learning from good practice examples and/ or support the implementation of emerging policies or practices.

The events are targeted at national officials, but also involve independent experts who contribute with wider knowledge and support, including background papers which are prepared in advance of the meetings. In addition to peer reviews, the MLP organises other targeted events to support European countries in addressing specific policy challenges and issues. For example, learning exchanges can be used to bring together a smaller group of countries to examine a specific policy or measure in greater depth or to deal with specific policy challenges, such as Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs).

The learning generated through the MLP activities is shared with wider audiences through the MLP website as well as public conferences and thematic events bringing together key stakeholders to address:

  • critical policy issues or thematic priorities of the European Employment Strategy and the European Pillar of Social Rights;
  • how EU and national employment policy can address these issues and priorities;
  • networking and identification of further opportunities for mutual learning and collaboration; and
  • dissemination of the results of the MLP and how they can be used to inform EU and national employment policy.


Are you a government representative interested in hosting or taking part in a peer learning event? Contact the MLP support team at mlpatghkint [dot] com (EMPL-A1-UNIT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

Please note that participation in the peer learning events is by invitation only. The participants are European government representatives, as well as other relevant stakeholders from the host country (e.g. non-governmental organisations and social partners) and international organisations, where appropriate.

Public conferences and thematic events are open to a wider set of stakeholders, including EU institutions and other international policy organisations, European government representatives, local and regional authorities, social partners, non-governmental organisations and academic institutions.

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