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Non-profit Organization Management

Tallinn, Harjumaa 789 followers

The largest Estonian non-profit organisation devoted to development cooperation, global education and humanitarian aid.

About us

Mondo is an Estonian organisation aiming to reduce global inequality. Mondo operates in 12 countries abroad and in Estonia. Mondo focuses on education/health, subsistence, environmental and digital competence programmes in partner countries, and global education in Estonia. Our teams are based in Tallinn, Kampala and Kyiv.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
11-50 employees
Tallinn, Harjumaa
development cooperation, humanitarian aid, and global education


Employees at Mondo


  • Tööpäevast surmväsinud? Ukrainas on 767 tööpäeva möödunud täiemahulises sõjas, mis kestab ka vabadel päevadel. Meie saame väsimusest puhata. Ukrainlased mitte. Ära väsi Ukrainat toetamast! 🇺🇦 Toeta siin: Annetada saad ka tulumaksutagastust tehes või helistades: 🔹9000380 – 5€ 🔹9000381 – 10€ 🔹9000382 – 50€ Aitäh, et hoolid!

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  • Your donation can make a huge impact! 🥰 The story of Raili and Aasa. Raili has been a supporter of Mondo’s Brilliant Fund since 2010—almost from the very beginning of the initiative. A year ago, Raili spoke on a radio show about her journey, including her experience supporting children through the Brilliant Fund. She spoke with such love and enthusiasm that it completely captivated Aasa, who happened to be listening at home. Raili describes herself as a "behind-the-scenes player" who doesn’t seek the spotlight. Speaking about her journey on the radio was a big challenge for her, but her desire to share her experience of supporting children in Ghana was even greater. Raili thought to herself that if even one person was inspired by her interview, it would all be worth it. There were certainly many inspired listeners, but it was Aasa who decided she had to meet the amazing woman she had heard on the radio. Their first meeting took place at Gustav Café, and both of them described it the same way: “We didn’t know each other, but from the very first moment, we recognized each other!” That moment marked the beginning of Aasa’s journey as a Brilliant Fund supporter. Thanks to her, Demnis, a student in Kenya, is now one step closer to fulfilling his dream of becoming a teacher. The Brilliant Fund provides students with essential school supplies, including uniforms and learning materials. It also supports larger initiatives, from setting up IT classrooms to building weatherproof school kitchens. Aasa strongly believes in the idea that “you reap what you sow.” For her, it’s important to know that we can leave a meaningful mark on someone else’s life—that we can truly help. Today, Raili and Aasa have a tradition of meeting up every month over coffee and cake, catching up on life, and enjoying heartfelt conversations. Their bond has grown into a true friendship! ♥️ You, too, can become a Brilliant Fund supporter. And in addition to gaining a friend in Mondo’s partner country, you might find an unexpected friendship right here at home! 🤗 👉

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  • 📱💧 Kumb oleks sinu jaoks suurem väljakutse – veeta 24 tundi ilma internetita või ilma puhta kraaniveeta? 🤔 Digimaailm on saanud meie elu lahutamatuks osaks, kuid samal ajal elab maailmas miljoneid inimesi, kellel puudub ligipääs internetile ja digioskustele. See loob süveneva digilõhe, mis suurendab juba eksisteerivat sotsiaalset, hariduslikku, kultuurilist ja majanduslikku ebavõrdsust. Mondo toetab kogukondi Ugandas, Liibanonis ja mujal, aidates neil omandada digioskusi ja luua paremaid võimalusi tulevikuks. Kas sina suudaksid ette kujutada elu ilma internetita? 🌍💻 Loe artiklist lähemalt, kuidas digilõhe mõjutab elusid ja mida saame selle vähendamiseks teha! 👇 Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) #Fromthepeopleofestonia EdTech Estonia Julia Gerda Sokk

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  • Join our team! We are looking for a communication specialist in Ukraine.

    View profile for Kelli Eek

    Head of Communications at Mondo

    Pretty much every day, I feel proud of the people and tasks I work with. To be honest, our communication team has a relatively easy task—we share results and activities we truly believe in. (Almost daily, Carmen and I say to each other something along the lines of: “Wow, this is so cool! Mondo really did this?!”) I am sad to see Anastasiia leaving our team, but at the same time excited to meet the next person who will take over Mondo’s communication in Ukraine. Anastasiia has done an amazing job kicking off our communication efforts there! So, welcome to the team, Mondo’s new communication specialist in Ukraine! We look forward to seeing you take this even further.

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    For almost two years now streets across Georgia have been filled with people who are fighting for their democratic European future and their civil and political rights. Peaceful protests organised and led by the Georgian civil society have been a beacon of hope and courage, with the underlying idea to fight for the Georgian pro-European aspirations. However, concerns over the government's increasing authoritarian tendencies and its perceived drift away from European course and democratic norms have led many locals to the point where they feel that they have “nothing left to lose”. Mondo’s partner organisation World of Tolerance (WoT), with whom we organised the first Opinion Festival in Tbilisi, has not been left untouched by the newly established laws and ongoing protests. On the contrary, everybody we have ever worked with in Georgia and who we consider our Georgian friends have been protesting since late October 2024. Some of them are leading and coordinating those protests in various cities. 🇬🇪 Mondo is pleased to announce that in the next Mondo Academy we will host one of our friends from Georgia, leader of World of Tolerance and have a talk with him on the following topics:  - Protesting for what? Why? - What it means to be every single night on the streets of Tbilisi or Batumi or Kutaisi for more than 40 days already?  - What is happening behind the scenes?  - Do they have a plan on how to overthrow the current regime? Can it be really done by peaceful means?  - What it means to be an activist during times like these? - What will the future hold for Georgia in their eyes?  - How can we support them? 🔴 The free event will take place in Mondo and will be held in English.  🔴 We will be having Georgian snacks. 🔴 Please let us know if you will attend the event here: 👉 Facebook event:

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  • "Women who work earn 25–30 percent less than their male colleagues for the same job." Since 2001, Estonia has alternated between supporting and not supporting Armenia, a country with a population of 2.9 million. Over nearly a quarter of a century, Armenia has danced its own unique dance, with steps sometimes moving closer to Europe and then drifting away again. This has also influenced Armenia's status as a target country for Estonia's development cooperation, writes Iti Aavik, Mondo's Armenia Project Manager. 👉 Read the article here: Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) #FromThePeopleofEstonia

  • Mondo provides mental health diagnostics as well as psychological and psychiatric counseling for Ukrainians in Ukraine and Estonia. 🇺🇦🤝🇪🇪 In November, we held a two-day seminar in Ukraine with mental health specialists and partners who help deliver online mental health support to the people of Ukraine. During the seminar, we reflected on the past year and discussed plans for the future. Here are some key takeaways from the meeting: 🔹 The growing number of consultations highlights the necessity of the service. In recent months, the demand for counseling has risen sharply in both Estonia and Ukraine. 🔹 Specialists are highly dedicated and strongly believe in the importance of this online service. 🔹 The war has impacted everyone and significantly deepened mental health challenges. People are now more aware and willing to seek help. Compared to pre-war times, when seeking support was less common, the stigma around this topic has noticeably decreased. 📌 Share information about free mental health support for Ukrainians in Estonia: #standwithukraine DocuMental Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia U.S. Embassy Tallinn, Estonia

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    ✨It’s time to start wrapping up the year.✨ Here are some moments from 2024: 1 📸: Mondo had a total of over 236 people contributing to its work in 2024, along with teams from our many partner organizations. In 2024, Mondo had: - 37 employees in three countries - 24 volunteers in five countries - Over 175 project workers contributing to Mondo's projects as trainers, analysts, and creatives. 2 📸: In 2024, Mondo provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Lebanon. 3 📸: Mondo's digital competence program focused on strengthening digital skills in the education sector, primarily in Uganda, Kenya, and Ukraine. 4 📸: We offer versatile support for Ukraine! Mental health support was provided to teachers, students, and entire school communities. Additionally, we facilitated mental health diagnostics, psychological counseling, and psychiatric support both in Ukraine and Estonia. 5 📸: Mondo's Brilliant Fund celebrated its 15th anniversary! The fund has supported the education of 1010 students in Ghana, Kenya, Burma, Turkey, and Uganda. 6 📸: In 2024, over 20 new teaching materials in Estonian language were added to the Maailmakool platform, covering topics like peace education, fair trade, and refugee issues. Each year, we train over 300 Estonian educators in various global education fields. 7 📸: Mondo started working in Armenia. 8 📸: We supported refugees living in Estonia, for example, through ten events across the country to bring local communities and people with refugee backgrounds together. We also supported Ukrainian refugee teachers on their professional journeys. 9 📸: Many of Mondo's partner communities are already feeling the effects of climate change. We supported them in adapting to these changes in multiple ways.

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  • 🔉 Vabamu has launched its podcast! ✨ In the first episode of the podcast, Triinu Ossinovski, head of the humanitarian aid and development cooperation and a board member of Mondo, joined as a guest. The episode is dedicated to Citizen’s Day and the role of civil society in defending freedom and rights. During this engaging conversation, topics include Vabamu's new temporary exhibition “Defending Freedom”, Estonia’s civil society, and the work of Mondo both in Estonia and abroad. Podcast is in Estonian. The discussion with Triinu was hosted by Vabamu curator and exhibition manager Martin Vaino. 👉 Listen to the podcast: 👉 Info about the exhibition:

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  • Volunteer Jurate supported farmers in Mondo’s partner community Northern-Ghana with climate change adaptation. She learned from the farmers about how climate change has been impacting their work and personal life, as well as what solutions to adaptation they see in the community. New position to volunteer continues with this, so join us to advice the communities in climate change adaptation in Ghana. 🇬🇭 🌱 Find more info and apply: #thepoweroftogether  #EUsolidarityCorps  #volunteers  #vabatahtlikud Co-funded by EU

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