NINFA Project

NINFA Project

Servicios de investigación

Taking action to prevent and mitigate pollution of groundwater bodies HORIZON EUROPE 101081865

Sobre nosotros

Groundwater is a key resource for water supply which is currently jeopardised by: i) saline intrusion; ii) pollution with pesticides and nutrients (agriculture/farming), pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) from WWTP effluents, hydrocarbons and heavy metals (runoff), and microplastics (MP); iii) global and climate change effects. Although several initiatives have developed actions and tools towards groundwater monitoring and protection, additional knowledge is needed to understand the synergistic effects and risks of multiple stressors and pollutants, and to develop cost-efficient groundwater monitoring strategies, pollution prevention/mitigation technologies, and early-warning DSS. The innovative concept of NINFA is to facilitate the transition to a more effective decision-making system in groundwater management, by widening the knowledge on water flows, the in-situ mobility and transformation of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) and establishing predictive models to promote the treatment and reuse of water and its quality.

Servicios de investigación
Tamaño de la empresa
De 51 a 200 empleados



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