🍽️🎄Now that you are planning your Christmas and New Year's Eve feasts, you have the opportunity to make a difference for the big blue by choosing an ocean-friendly festive menu. 🐠💪🏽Contribute to the recovery of a critically endangered species, like the Nassau grouper. Let them off the hook and your holiday menus! 🚨The Nassau (and the red hind) are aggregated to spawn right now. Respect their reproduction. The coral reefs and the livelihoods that depend on these fisheries will thank you --and so will we. #RecoverBigFish #spawning4recovery #nassaugrouper #criticallyendangered #sustainablefishing #sustainableseafood #fish4thefuture ____________ 🍽️🎄 Ahora que estás planeando tus banquetes de Navidad y Nochevieja, tienes la oportunidad de marcar la diferencia para el gran azul eligiendo un menú festivo sostenible. 🐠💪🏽 Contribuye a la recuperación de una especie en peligro crítico, como el mero cherna. No la pesques ni la compres… ¡Déjalos fuera de tus menús navideños! 🚨 El mero cherna (y la cabrilla) están agrupados para desovar en este momento. ¡Respeta su reproducción! Los arrecifes de coral y las familias que viven de estas pesquerías te lo agradecerán —también nosotros. #merocherna #recuperarelgranpez #enpeligrocritico #panparamañana #pescasostenible #lachernaacontrareloj Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS), Caribbean Fishery Management Council, BelugaSmile Productions, NOAA Fisheries, Krista Sherman, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación -FUNDAECO-, Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C., CNFO -Caribbean Fisherfolk, GULF AND CARIBBEAN FISHERIES INSTITUTE INC, Hubbards Marina, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, SPAW-RAC, Ana Salceda, Bahamas
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Did you know that seabird populations can become vulnerable as a result of overfishing? MSC certified cockle fisheries in the UK take this into close consideration in the ways their fishing is managed. The Thames Estuary Cockle fishery in Leigh-on-Sea follows the rule of catching a third of the cockles during cockle season, leaving a third for the birds and a third for further breeding. While in the Dee Estuary cockle fishery, there’s a specific calculation made as to the volume of cockles required to feed the migrant oyster catcher population. This all helps to sustain the stock for fishing, and the local and migrating bird populations. Seasonal puffins are a common sight across Scotland, but they are under threat. Puffins are registered as endangered, with climate change, unsustainable fishing and marine pollution all taking their toll on the species. The Scottish Wildlife Trust lists buying sustainably sourced fish as a great way to help puffin populations, as overfishing is reducing the food available to them. MSC certified sustainable fisheries work hard to minimise their impact on the Ocean and protected seabird species like oyster catchers and puffins, aiming to ensure that food resources for birdlife do not become depleted. When you choose seafood with the blue MSC ecolabel, you’re leaving more in store for future generations – that’s more fish on the menu, more Omega-3 for healthy diets and a more vibrant Ocean – for humans, seabirds and other marine life to enjoy. Let's make sure there are fish forever. #sustainableseafoodseptember #oystercatchers #puffins #blueMSCecolabel #ukfisheries #irishfisheries #seabirds #sustainablefishing #cockles #cocklefishing
How Sustainable Fishing Supports Seabird Populations
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El pargo criollo es una apreciada especie comercial que sustenta muchas economías locales del Gran Caribe. 🐠 Como la mayoría de los peces de arrecife, la sama —como es conocida en algunos lugares del Caribe— comienza su vida siendo un huevo microscópico 𐬺 que flota en las corrientes oceánicas. 🌊 Echa un vistazo al post de hoy para sumergirte en el ciclo de vida del casi amenazado pargo criollo --desde el diminuto huevo hasta el pez de vibrantes colores famoso en toda la región. #protegelossitiosdedesove #zonascalientesdeproductividad #recuperaralgranpez #pescainteligente #pescasostenible #panparamañana #sama #pargocriollo Ana Salceda, NOAA Fisheries, GULF AND CARIBBEAN FISHERIES INSTITUTE INC, Isla Mar Research Expeditions, AmandOcéano, Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub, Charter Fishermans Association, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, BelugaSmile Productions, Hubbards Marina, Caribbean Fishery Management Council, Toledo Institute for Development and Environment (TIDE), Environmental Defense Fund, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, Wildlife Conservation Society, Belize Program, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association, Oceana, Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS), Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C., Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación -FUNDAECO-, Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C.
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🐟 ¡Feliz viernes! Estamos encantados de confirmar que nuestra comunidad sí sabe de peces. Efectivamente, la B es la respuesta correcta a la trivia de esta semana. 💡✅ 🐠 Al igual que otras especies de pargos, el pargo Pargo amarillo (pargo cotorro, pargo cají) es un pez comestible muy popular. El Cají forma grandes cardúmenes de descanso durante el día que se dispersan para buscar alimento por la noche, refugiándose con frecuencia en lechos de hierba marina. Estas agrupaciones son defensivas y los peces las adoptan para minimizar la posibilidad de que alguno de ellos sea depredado. Los cargos amarillos pasan el 84% del día nadando, el 13% descansando, el 2% comiendo y menos del 0,5% en otros comportamientos, incluida la reproducción en agregación en julio y agosto. Así que, por favor, NO los pesques 🎣, compres 💰 ni comas 🍽️ durante estos meses. En el Gran Caribe, esta especie está protegida en Cuba 🇨🇺, Bahamas 🇧🇸, Guatemala 🇬🇹, Turks n Caicos 🇹🇨, y la Zona Económica Exclusiva del Caribe de EE.UU.🇺🇸. 🔗 Visita el Big Fish Hub para saber cuál es la protección en tu país y en otros. https://lnkd.in/gni-aVhq #RecuperarElGranPez #ProtegelosSitiosdeDesove #DesovarParaResiliencia #LugaresdeEsperanza #zonascalientesdeproductividad #snappergroupercomplex #pargoamarillo #cají #pargos #panparamañana Caribbean Fishery Management Council, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, GULF AND CARIBBEAN FISHERIES INSTITUTE INC, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub, Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS), Wildlife Conservation Society, Belize Program, Sea Grant, Environmental Defense Fund, Reverse the Red, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association, Mesoamerican Reef Fund, Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación -FUNDAECO-, SPAW-RAC, MarAlliance, AmandOcéano, BelugaSmile Productions, Charter Fishermans Association, Ana Salceda
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Especies comercialmente extintas: ¿qué son? Conoce más sobre este término en este post colaborativo entre Big Fish Initiative y Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS). / Learn more abour commercially extinct species in this post prepared collaboratively by Big Fish Initiative and Perry Institute for Marine Science.
Happy Fishy Fishery Friday, and welcome to another collaborative post with the Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS) for Marine Science 🐡🔬We often talk about the fisheries crises that we are facing, and highlight solutions to #recoverbigfish. Today we’re focusing on species that have declined below a level where it is economically feasible to target them as a fishery. They are called " Commercially Extinct Species”. A clear example is the critically endangered Nassau Grouper, once an abundant fishery species whose aggregations were targeted in the entire Caribbean region. Uncontrolled fishing of large concentrations of the most fecund individuals in a population greatly reduces the mature, spawning stock at local and potentially regional scales. 💡Check out our post to learn more about Commercially Extinct Species, what you can do to help, and brighten your Friday with happy news of species recovery in the Caribbean ____________________________________________________________ Bienvenidxs a nuestra publicación de los viernes en colaboración con el Instituto Perry de Ciencias Marinas y el Consejo de Pesca del Caribe 🐡🔬 A menudo hablamos de las crisis pesqueras a las que nos enfrentamos, y destacamos soluciones para #recuperaralgranpez. Hoy nos centraremos en las especies que han disminuido por debajo de un nivel en el que es económicamente viable pescarlas. Son las llamadas "especies comercialmente extintas". Un ejemplo claro es el mero cherna, que antaño era sustento económico de las comunidades pesqueras de todo el Caribe, pero hoy está en peligro crítico de extinción, debido a la pesca enfocada en sus agregaciones de desove. La pesca incontrolada de grandes concentraciones de los individuos más fecundos de una población reduce enormemente la población adulta y reproductora a escala local y potencialmente regional. 💡Consulta nuestro post para saber más sobre las Especies Comercialmente Extintas, y averiguar cómo ser parte de la solución. Para alegrarte el viernes, hemos incluido ejemplos felices de recuperación de especies en el Caribe. #fishfactfriday #fishsmart #recoverbigfish #fisheriesresearch #ecosystemoverfishing #sustainablefisheries #seafood #livelihoods #RespectBreedingGrounds #ProtectYourCatch #protectspawningaggregations #panparamañana
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🐠 Feliz viernes, y bienvenidos a nuestro Viernes de Pesca en colaboración con el Instituto Perry de Ciencias Marinas 🐡🔬. Siempre hablamos de lo importante que es la pesca sostenible para mantener sanos los arrecifes de coral🪸. La sobrepesca de especies concretas, como meros y pargos, tiene un impacto negativo en el arrecife donde viven ⚠️, pero cuando se sobrepesca a muchas especies distintas, los efectos para el ecosistema son devastadores 📉. 💡 Consulta nuestro post para saber más sobre la diferencia entre sobrepesca de poblaciones y sobrepesca de ecosistemas, y las consecuencias que ambos tipos de sobrepesca tienen para los ecosistemas marinos que las especies de peces de arrecife llaman hogar 🐠🐟🦀 #RecuperaralgranPez #protegelossitiosdedesove #protegetucaptura #PescaInteligente #panparamañana #pescasostenible #LaChernaAllimite Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS),HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, Reverse the Red, IUCN, BelugaSmile Productions, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association, PBS, Environmental Defense Fund, NOAA Fisheries, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, Wildlife Conservation Society, Wildlife Conservation Society, Belize Program, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Mesoamerican Reef Fund, Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C., Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación -FUNDAECO-, Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub, Charter Fishermans Association, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, Caribbean Fishery Management Council, Ana Salceda
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Blue Cod are iconic fish with an inquisitive character – a characteristic which has attracted this beautiful fish to the Sea Nest reef, but which can also get them in trouble. 🐟 Blue cod (Parapercis colias) or rāwaru can live up to 32 years and grow to approx. 60cm. They are generalists, meaning they eat anything. Therefore, habitats rich in diversity are their favourite places to be. Blue cod are territorial, and the size of their territory increases with the size of the fish. So, Sea Nest was chuffed to see that this large male has decided that the Sea Nest reef ticks the box for him! The curiosity of this fish has attracted him to our divers and camera. Yet, unfortunately, curiosity is trait which does not do them many favours, and blue cod populations are in trouble. More than half a million Kiwis go fishing every year and, in the South, blue cod are a prized catch. Yet, the big blue ocean is not a limitless supply of food, and catching, eating, and sharing kaimoana is a privilege that we want our kids to enjoy. We must therefore manage our fisheries sustainably. So, enjoy the privilege of catching, eating, sharing our kaimoana now. But stay within defined limits, and support measures for stock management and protection. Importantly, if you don't need it, leave it. Each fish you leave in the ocean will help support the sustainability of future generations (and might even show up on a Sea Nest fish-cam in the future)! #Blue cod #rāwaru #marine restoration #Bluff #fisheries
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💥 El Día de las Especies Amenazadas es una jornada de acción mundial 🌎. Busca concienciar sobre el continuo declive de muchas especies en peligro 📉 , pero también celebrar los ejemplos de recuperación, gracias a los esfuerzos de conservación 💪🏽. El equipo de Big Fish participó esta semana en el maravilloso Congreso Mundial de Especies de la UICN, e hicimos exactamente eso. Hablamos de cómo la sobrepesca de reclutamiento obstaculiza drásticamente la capacidad de las especies para mantener -o aumentar- su población, y de cómo esto ha llevado al mero cherna 🐠 al peligro crítico en todo el Caribe. Pero Big Fish también aportó toneladas de esperanza al congreso, al compartir casos de éxito de conservación impulsada por comunidades pesqueras en Belice y México 🫱🏾🫲🏽, y ejemplos de recuperación del mero cherna en las Islas Caimán y las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses, por ejemplo 🏝️. Permanece atento al resumen de la próxima semana sobre la El Congreso de la UICN, pero no dejes de consultar el post de hoy para saber más sobre la sobrepesca de reclutamiento y lo que tú puedes hacer para contribuir a la recuperación del mero cherna y otras muchas especies de peces que se agregan para desovar. 🐟🐟🐟 #RecuperaralgranPez #protegelossitiosdedesove #protegetucaptura #PescaInteligente #panparamañana #pescasostenible #merocherna #Mexico #LaChernaAllimite #diadeespeciesenpeligro #zonascalientesdeproductividad Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS), HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, Reverse the Red, IUCN, BelugaSmile Productions,Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association, PBS, Environmental Defense Fund, NOAA Fisheries, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People, Wildlife Conservation Society, Belize Program, The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Mesoamerican Reef Fund, Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C., Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación -FUNDAECO-, Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub, Charter Fishermans Association, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, Caribbean Fishery Management Council, Ana Salceda
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Pezzy Pets works with small-scale fishers in Mexico and the United States to turn overly abundant, invasive species of fish into natural pet treats for dogs and cats. They offer single-ingredient devil fish strips, lionfish sticks, and silver carp chips, pet food toppers, and fishcuits made with upcycled oat flour. All products are free from synthetic preservatives, fillers, and additives and packed in compostable packaging. 🙌 The devil fish, or armored catfish, arrived in Mexico about 20 years ago, and quickly began outcompeting native species and decimating freshwater fisheries and local livelihoods. Lionfish are invasive in Caribbean and Atlantic coral reefs and caught with harpoons by divers. Silver carp have invaded the Mississippi River basin. 🐟️ Pezzy Pets creates well-paid jobs throughout southern Mexico and the midwestern United States, enables local fishers to double or even triple their daily income, removes tons of invasive fish, and helps restore native fisheries.👏 San Francisco, California, United States https://lnkd.in/gGgqheES
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We love the Menai Strait. We cherish every part of it; all 15 miles of it from Beaumaris to AberMenai and from its surface to the seabed. AND WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ANIMALS THAT LIVE THERE. 🦞🐙🪼 We’re joining the #LovetheMenai campaign with Menai Strait Partnership Forum a vital initiative established by the Menai Strait Fisheries Order Management Association and North Wales Rivers Trust to showcase the importance of the Strait and the need to protect it. There is so much that the Menai Strait provides from the range of beautiful animals that live there (which are on display here as the only native British aquarium) to what it accomplishes for businesses and for fun in people’s spare time. It is crucial to preserve the Menai Strait to make a brighter future for everyone locally & beyond so we need to promote a change in people’s mindset so we have a sustainable Strait.. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 For us as a business, we utilize being right next to the Menai Strait to our advantage. We have two pumps pumping (and they do be pumping) seawater directly from the Strait to a reservoir behind the aquarium and subsequently to a header tank that distributes the water to every tank and their residents. Doing this let’s the fish have an environment that is as close to homely as possible as it replicates the environment out there- inside here. Life can flourish organically because of this, and no chemicals are needed to treat the water. The fish will also have seasonal changes throughout the year. As the water temperature outside there rises and gets proper hot, the temperature will rise in here. This results in the fish’s metabolism rising as well which means they need more energy. Practically, what this means is that the fish in here will eat more during the summer months. Currently, our fish in the Big Fish Forest eat 15lb of squid and 2kg of sprat 3 times a week while over the winter they will only eat 5lb of squid and 1kg of sprat 2 times a week. Other benefits include some of the smaller animals getting a natural source of food from the water coming in; we get animals coming in with the water as well unexpectedly. If you have ever wondered where we get our sea squirts or some of cushion stars come from -- now you know.
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📢❗️Un nuevo artículo de Birdlife Europe & Central Asia en el que participamos aporta detalles sobre el #bycatch: 🔹Cerca de 200.000 aves marinas mueren cada año por amenaza en Europa. 🔹El arao común es la especie con mayor número de capturas.👇 🔹La información oficial disponible es muy deficiente, es necesario mejorar los sistemas de recogida de datos. 🔹La colaboración con el sector pesquero es esencial para poder evaluar adecuadamente el problema y encontrar soluciones efectivas. 🔹Trabajamos activamente en este problema, con la colaboración de pescadores, a través de proyectos como #Intemares #PanPuffinus y #Maraves. https://lnkd.in/dKTVaQ5E #WorldSeabirdDay
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Great service!