At EMBL Barcelona, we build tissues to understand them.
Molecular biology underpins our understanding of life, but the human body is more than just a collection of incredible molecules and fascinating cell types. The correct functioning of our bodies also depends on a higher level of organisation: how millions of different cells interact with each other – chemically, physically and dynamically – to form healthy tissues and organs.
To tackle these grand challenges, we combine an interdisciplinary mix of approaches. We integrate molecular and cellular data with tissue engineering, multicellular omics, 3D mesoscopic imaging, computer modelling and gene circuits. Currently our research topics cover embryonic organoids, organ development, in vitro vascular models and disease modelling.
Scientists at EMBL Barcelona focus on tissue biology and disease modelling, organoids, organ-on-chip, gastruloids, malaria, cancer, limb development, tissue biology, disease modelling y life sciences
Recruitment for the EMBL International PhD Programme is officially open! 🔊
At EMBL, we inspire and train talented young scientists to become skilled and creative future leaders in academia, industry and other sectors. This is your opportunity to join us and start your career in the life sciences!
🔎 Read more about the programme here:
Excited to share this publication by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in collaboration with Miquel Marín Riera from the Sharpe Group at EMBL.
Marín-Riera used computer models to simulate the interactions between signalling pathways, providing a more detailed view of the processes involved in cellular organisation.
👏 Congratulations to the team!
– ENG –
🔬 Printing proteins to recreate the gut in the lab
A study led by #IBEC presents an innovative protein contact printing technique that allows to control the formation of crypt-like structures and villi in a laboratory model. This methodology paves the way to study cell regeneration and disorders such as cancer or chronic inflammatory diseases.
🧪 How does it work?
The method uses key proteins to generate specific patterns on a basement membrane. This allows control over where and how epithelial structures are organized.
📊 Computational modeling and impact.
The team has also integrated computational models to simulate the interactions of signaling pathways, offering a more detailed view of cellular organization. In addition to gaining insight into intestinal biology, this system could be key to testing new drugs and improving treatments.
This work is part of Enara Larrañaga Carricajo's doctoral thesis with Jordi Comelles in Elena Martinez's group at IBEC and has been possible thanks to the collaboration with Universitat de Barcelona, CIBER-BBN, EMBL Barcelona and IRB Barcelona.
📌💬 All the details in the comments link! 👇🔗
– CAT –
🔬 Impressió de proteïnes per recrear l'intestí al laboratori
Un estudi liderat per l'#IBEC presenta una tècnica innovadora d'impressió de proteïnes per contacte que permet controlar la formació de criptes i vellositats intestinals en un model de laboratori. Aquesta metodologia obre noves portes per estudiar la regeneració cel·lular i trastorns com el càncer o les malalties inflamatoris cròniques.
🧪 Com funciona?
El mètode utilitza proteïnes clau per generar patrons específics sobre una membrana basal. Això permet controlar on i com s'organitzen les estructures epitelials.
📊 Model computacional i impacte
L'equip també ha integrat models computacionals per simular les interaccions de les vies de senyalització, oferint una visió més detallada de l'organització cel·lular. A més d'aprofundir en la biologia intestinal, aquest sistema pot ser clau per provar nous medicaments i millorar tractaments.
Aquest treball forma part de la tesi doctoral desenvolupada per Enara Larrañaga amb Jordi Comelles en el grup de Martínez a l'IBEC. La investigació ha comptat a més amb la col·laboració la Universitat de Barcelona, del Centre de Recerca Biomèdica en Xarxa – Bioenginyeria, Biomaterials i nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN), el Laboratori Europeu de Biologia Molecular (EMBL) de Barcelona i l'Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona).
📌 💬 Tots els detalls al link dels comentaris! 👇🔗
Un equipo de científicos revela el mecanismo del osteosarcoma, un agresivo cáncer que afecta a niños y adolescentes y que se extiende desde los huesos: “Hay cromosomas que son como Frankenstein”
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Scientists at EMBL Barcelona build tissues to understand them, both in vitro and in silico. We aim to understand how millions of different cells interact with each other – chemically, physically and dynamically – to form healthy tissues and organs. 🧫🧍
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