More time to make an impact! Voting extended until March 5 ✨ 🗞️ 🥇
Join us and organize your DigiEduHack event to co-create the future of digital education. We're looking for hosts!
About us
Coming soon: DigiEduHack 2025! Join us and organise a Digital Education Hack to co-create the future of education in a digital age. Engage your community and become a changemaker. Anywhere in Europe and beyond. DigiEduHack is a flagship initiative of the European Commission under the Digital Education Action Plan.
- Sivusto
External link for DigiEduHack
- Toimiala
- E-learning
- Yrityksen koko
- 11–50 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki
- Tyyppi
- Government Agency
- Perustettu
- 2019
- Erityisosaaminen
Helsinki, FI
Työntekijät DigiEduHack
Jean-Luc Besset
Founder & CEO | Professor of History | Digital Humanities
Maja Andlovic
Senior Communications and Community Engagement Strategist | Freelance
Slavko Rakić
Assistant Professor in Product-Service Systems | EdTech Researcher | Consultant |
Ariadne Koutitsa
Communications for impact and re-imagining life in the city | Regional and Economic Development graduate | Communications Officer @ cecoforma
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Young innovators are redefining education, and they need your vote to make it happen! As you all know, I’m a firm believer that young people are driving change for the better. That’s exactly what DigiEduHack is about, bringing together students, educators, and innovators to tackle the biggest challenges in education. This year’s theme? Imagining the digital education of the future. In a world where digital skills are no longer optional, technology is transforming how we learn, teach, and connect. But digital education isn’t just about tech, it’s about building communities, fostering collaboration, and making sure everyone has access to the tools they need to learn and grow. Over the past months, I’ve been following this project closely, and I can’t believe how many amazing ideas have come out of it. The finalists have come up with bold, creative solutions—from AI-powered mentorship platforms to gamified learning experiences and disruptive technologies that could reshape education as we know it. Now, it’s time to choose the winners, and they need your vote to make it happen! 🏆 Social Impact – Solutions that make education more inclusive, address diverse needs, and strengthen communities. 🏆 Disruptive Technology – Ideas that challenge the status quo, using cutting-edge tech like AI, blockchain, virtual reality, IoT, and robotics. There are three awards up for grabs, but picking the winners won’t be easy. That’s why we need as many people as possible to vote! Public voting is open now, so take a few minutes, explore the finalists, and help decide which ideas get the recognition and support they deserve. 🔗 Vote here: #DigiEduHack #Innovation #DigitalEducation #FutureOfLearning #SupportYoungInnovators #TechForGood #DisruptEducation #EmpowerYouth
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
🚀 Щастливи сме да споделим, че българският отбор GooseSoft и техният проект Programingo стигнаха до глобалния финал на европейската инициатива DigiEduHack 2024! 🎉 В състезанието се включиха отбори от над 40 държави в Европа, които разработиха и представиха своите иновативни идеи за това как може да се промени образованието в световен мащаб. 🗳 Последният етап на надпреварата включва гласуване за най-добрата идея. Подкрепетe българския отбор, като дадете своя глас за Programingo тук (най-долу на страницата от бутона "Start"):
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
El equipo Los Resolvers está dejando huella en DigiEduHack con una propuesta que transforma la educación digital. 🚀 ¡Nuestro voto puede marcar la diferencia! Votar es fácil y rápido: 👉🏼 Ingresa a ⬇️ Desplázate hasta el final de la página 👩🏻💻 Ingresa tu correo electrónico ✉️ Recibirás un correo de DigiEduHack 📤 Abre el correo y haz clic en el enlace ✅ Vota por SignEdge
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
🚀 Help Us Empower Refugees! Vote for The Learning Bridge Project 🌍 With my team members Daire Maria Ni Uanachain and William McAlpine, we are thrilled to share that our project, The Learning Bridge Project, has been selected for the DigiEduHackathon (DigiEduHack). This platform is designed to help refugees and migrants gain the essential skills needed for entrepreneurship and employment. It’s a unique solution to bridge gaps, enhance opportunities, and create lasting change for those who need it most. 🙌 Why vote for us? We are offering tailored resources to help refugees and immigrants navigate the job market and launch businesses. Also, our platform uses cutting-edge technology to ensure accessibility and inclusivity for all. Read more on our finalist solution page: 🎯 How can you help? 1. Visit and click on "vote" 2. Scroll down to read about the different projects, and then click on "start" at the bottom 3. Write your email and submit 4. Click on the link in the email you recieve and vote for The Learning Bridge Project! 5. Share with your network! Let's try to win this thing! Your support can make a real difference in the lives of so many, helping them build a brighter future for themselves and their families. Thank you for being a part of this change! 💡💙 #DigiEduHack #RefugeeEmpowerment #ImmigrantSupport #Entrepreneurship #EmploymentSkills #LearningBridgeProject #VoteForChange #SocialImpact #EmpowermentThroughEducation #TechForGood #SkillsForLife #GlobalImpact #InnovationForGood #RefugeeSupport #ImmigrantInclusion #EntrepreneurshipForAll #AccessToOpportunity #ChangeMakers #InclusiveInnovation #BuildBetterFutures #LearningForLife #CommunityEmpowerment
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
VOTIAMO #AICADEMY PER LA VITTORIA FINALE AL DigiEduHack Per il secondo anno consecutivo l'IISS Salvatore Trinchese di Martano partecipa con un team alla finale europea del #DigiEduHack2024! Adesso servono i vostri voti, per ottenere la vittoria e volare a Tallin dove si svolgerà la cerimonia finale. Per votare bastano pochi minuti: • andate su e cliccate sul pulsante “Vote for this solution”. • In fondo alla pagina c’è un riquadro scuro dove inserirete la vostra email dove entro pochi secondi • riceverete il link della pagina di votazione • cliccando sul link aprirete una pagina con le opzioni di voto. Selezionate #Aicademi e andate avanti fino a salvare il vostro voto ---------- Il DigiEduHack è un hackathon globale dedicato all'innovazione nell'educazione digitale, in cui studenti, educatori e professionisti collaborano per sviluppare soluzioni creative a sfide educative attraverso la tecnologia. Nel 2023 il team iTeener del Trinchese si è aggiudicato il titolo europeo mentre nel 2024 il Trinchese ha ospitato un local hackathon. Per saperne di più potete ascoltare: • il podcast Digieduhack dedicato al Trinchese • l’intervista alla dirigente Alieta Sciolti • il contributo di mentor e professionisti #DigiEduHack #legrandiopportunitàdeltrinchese
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
🚀 La aplicación educativa impulsada por IA del equipo #MentorAI, formado por Kepa Muñoz, Juan Carlos Cordón Correyero, Aitor Uskola y Rubén Ramírez Vélez, ofrece a los profesionales una herramienta para aprender sobre espacios de datos de forma personalizada, combinando los más avanzados LLM con contenidos adaptados a la carta. 🏆 Una solución innovadora que democratiza el acceso a conceptos complejos de la economía del dato y que merece ser el próximo #GlobalWinner de DigiEduHack 2024. ¡Apóyales con tu voto antes del 26 de febrero! 👇 🔗
🚀 The moment of truth has arrived, now it is time to choose the global winners! Visionary teams have crafted bold solutions that could transform education. Each solution is a step toward progress, but only one will take the top spot. That decision is in your hands. 💡 Explore the finalists. ✅ Vote for the solution that deserves to win. 🌍 Be part of this moment, your voice matters! Do not miss your chance to make an impact. 🔗 Vote now: #VoteNow #DigiEduHack #EducationInnovation #YourVoteCounts
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
The finalists of the DigiEduHack are out! Two categories and 12 teams. Vote for the ones you prefer! Here:
DigiEduHack julkaisi tämän uudelleen
One day to develop and 90 seconds to pitch it? Hackathon projects are master classes in showing tech abilities, storytelling, and community passion. Here are some of my favourite DigiEduHack finalists: 🏛️ Social simulation game teaching you how to deal with real-world consequences of political choices and build communities 🦊 Chapter-based learning of media literacy and human values with the Little Prince and the Fox 💡 An app using the Li-Fi technology to help the visually impaired navigate museums and large crowded indoor spaces with ease. 🟢 An escape room game where you and Algae Bob learn how the changing climate is negatively impacting live in the Baltic Sea. 🗺️ Plan your studies and career with an AI mentor. 📩 Now, it's your turn to use your 90 seconds to choose a winner. DigiEduHack Global Winners will receive professional support to develop their idea and a chance to visit Brussels this spring for the award ceremony. The public voting closes on February 26. P.S. To my fellow hackathon enthusiasts not only in the UK and Czech Republic — you can now opt in to be notified when registration for this year's hacking opens.