EDUFI HigherEd

EDUFI HigherEd

International Affairs

Promoting international higher education cooperation

About us

The core tasks of the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) are to develop education and training, early childhood education and care and lifelong learning, and to promote internationality in Finland. Our mission: Passion for learning! EDUFI’s International Higher Education Cooperation unit supports international cooperation between higher education institutions through different funding programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, HEI ICI/HEP, Nordplus, Team Finland Knowledge, Scholar Rescue Fund, EDUFI-traineeships, Postgraduate studies). An essential part of both the internationally and nationally financed programmes is network cooperation. Through our expertise, we promote and facilitate cooperation within the HE community on issues related to internationalisation. We have advisory roles both at national level and internationally.

International Affairs
Yrityksen koko
11–50 työntekijää
Government Agency


  • Ensisijainen

    Hakaniemenranta 6


    Helsinki, 00531, FI

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