Academics representing Higher Education have launched the first global network dedicated to addressing inequalities in access and achievement in higher education
About us
The core tasks of the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) are to develop education and training, early childhood education and care and lifelong learning, and to promote internationality in Finland. Our mission: Passion for learning! EDUFI’s International Higher Education Cooperation unit supports international cooperation between higher education institutions through different funding programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, HEI ICI/HEP, Nordplus, Team Finland Knowledge, Scholar Rescue Fund, EDUFI-traineeships, Postgraduate studies). An essential part of both the internationally and nationally financed programmes is network cooperation. Through our expertise, we promote and facilitate cooperation within the HE community on issues related to internationalisation. We have advisory roles both at national level and internationally.
- Sivusto
External link for EDUFI HigherEd
- Toimiala
- International Affairs
- Yrityksen koko
- 11–50 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki
- Tyyppi
- Government Agency
Hakaniemenranta 6
Helsinki, 00531, FI
🌍 Menneisyyden painolasti vai tulevaisuuden avoimuus? Timo Miettinen kirjoittaa joulukuun Erasmus+ -asiakaskirjeessä Euroopan historiasta, kulttuurista ja haasteista: 📖 Eurooppalainen kulttuuri elää jatkuvassa vuoropuhelussa: "Se on tanssia, kuvataidetta ja kirjallisuutta – mutta myös poliittista aktivismia ja uudenlaisten yhteisöllisyyden muotojen kehittämistä." Euroopan historia on nähtävä muutoksen välineenä. Miettinen muistuttaa myös, että 💡 Demokratian vahvuus perustuu ajatukseen, että instituutioita ja lakeja voidaan muuttaa – ja tulevaisuus voi olla avoin. 🔗 Lue lisää Timo Miettisen ajatuksia joulukuun Erasmus+ -asiakaskirjeestä ja tilaa samalla asiakaskirjeen tulevat numerot omaan sähköpostiisi: #ErasmusPlus #ErasmusPlusFI #Kansainvälisyys #Eurooppa #Korkeakoulutus #Kulttuuri #Demokratia #AktiivinenKansalaisuus
Joulukuun Erasmus+ -asiakaskirjeen tekstissä Helsingin yliopiston akatemiatutkija Timo Miettinen pohtii Euroopan historiaa ja sen merkitystä nykypäivän haasteiden ratkaisemisessa. Lue teksti ja tilaa kirje omaan sähköpostiisi! Vuoden 2024 viimeisen kirjeen myötä toivotamme samalla onnea ja menestystä vuodelle 2025 ⭐
Foreign interference in Europe?
MEPs debate foreign interference in European universities
A common space for sustainable development in higher education is needed to transform the Southeast Asian region’s higher education landscape in a world affected by the post-pandemic disruptions, economic shifts, geopolitical tensions and global challenges, a three-day regional research symposium held in Bangkok has heard
Amid diversity, a common space for sustainability emerges
95% of Black, Latinx and Indigenous students believe that their degrees will help them reach professional goals, says a first-of-a-kind survey by the Lumina Foundation and the Pell Institute in the USA. Higher education is highly valued, but there are barriers to success
95% of Black, Latinx and Indigenous students highly value HE
CESAER’s new report, which contains an analysis and case studies on researcher employment in European universities, suggests the commission should pilot the programme in 2025
Universities push for research careers pilot in Horizon
The Network of University Presidents for Sustainability emerges as an initiative uniting university leaders across Latin America and the Caribbean, aiming to integrate sustainability at the core of higher education takes aim at transformative change
Network of HE leaders takes aim at transformative change
📢 The additional grants of Autumn 2024 deadline for Erasmus+ european mobility has been awarded to Finnish HEIs 💰 Altogether five higher education institutions applied for a total of EUR 512,225 in additional funding. Additional grants totalling EUR 418,605 were awarded to all applicant institutions. 📚 The higher education institutions applied for additional funding because they are implementing more mobilities than were estimated at the time of the original allocation. The additional grants were calculated per activity type by multiplying the institutions' new, higher number of mobilities by the same unit cost rates as in the original allocation. Due to the available budget, the awarded funding was subsequently reduced to 85 percent of the calculated amount. ♻️ After the additional grants now awarded, a small amount of approximately EUR 60,000 remains available for the February 2025 deadline for additional grants. In addition, EDUFI can redistribute funds estimated to be returned in the interim reports to other higher education institutions through overbooking. 🔎 You can check the institution- and activity type -specific awarded amounts on the Results of the application rounds of European mobility page at: (in Finnish and Swedish).
African climate stakeholders have called for more green technology training in specialised higher education institutions as a transformative opportunity to curb surging unemployment and empower African graduates to take over the relay in the climate change drive.
Green technology training could curb unemployment in Africa
Välitämme kiitoksemme SIMHE-yhteistyöstä korkeakouluille
Kuluneena vuonna meillä EDUFI HigherEd on ollut ilo kuulua virtuaaliseen työyhteisöön korkeakoulujen SIMHE in Finland asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Lämmin kiitos teille kaikille sitoutuneesta ja asiantuntevasta työstä #SIMHE-palveluiden kehittämisen parissa. Työ on ollut tärkeää, tuloksellista ja vaikuttavaa 💚 Arcada University of Applied Sciences University of Helsinki University of Jyväskylä Karelia University of Applied Sciences Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Oulu University of Applied Sciences Savonia University of Applied Sciences Tampere University of Applied Sciences Turun yliopisto - University of Turku University of Vaasa Kaisu Piiroinen Opetushallitus - Utbildningsstyrelsen - Finnish National Agency for Education Outi Tomperi Liisi Räikkönen