Yours truly in Paris at the launch of the European Business Nuclear Alliance, hosted by MEDEF. The initiative brings together business federations committed to strengthening the European nuclear sector to ensure access to affordable carbon-free energy 24/7.
I contributed to a panel discussion on developing a competitive and innovative European nuclear ecosystem. Got to describe the fantastic work we do at VTT. Our work on SMRs raised interest, particularly the work on the district heating reactor that is being commercialized by VTT's spin-out company Steady Energy.
Another theme was fusion. The bold visions of start-ups promising commercial fusion in ten years may be too ambitious, but I would put this in a broader context. Our generation's Apollo program? Whether we manage to put a man on the Moon or not, we will develop capabilities relevant in many other fields. VTT is already applying Al to develop high-performance materials and working on remote maintenance. Most importantly, great challenges attract bright minds.
What is needed to commercialize new nuclear technologies? Funds for sure. In technology development, you start from ideas and concepts, and proceed towards small-scale piloting, then demonstration, and eventually commercial product.
It is cheap to come up with ideas, but costs grow significantly the further you go. Nuclear operators are not willing to finance pilots or demos as they are not economically viable and there is no guarantee of success. We heard that also in this event: "proven solutions".
Understandable, but does not take the industry forward. Leapfrogging over this valley of death will lead to costly failures. We need funding mechanisms. How about FOR ONCE going for tech neutrality and classifying these as IPCEIs (Important Projects of Common European Interest)?
Eagerly waiting to see the concrete next steps coming out of all this. That seemed to be the consensus among the participants.
Many thanks to my fellow panelists Margareta Djordjevic, Roberto Adinolfi, Laure Claquin, Tom Erixon, and Robert Jambrich for the interesting discussion.
Thanks also to Laurent Leveugle and Jami N Arvola for the similarly interesting discussions on the backseat of the tiny taxi. Can't really get any closer to our customers than that.
Credit for the image: R. Meigneux / MEDEF APN 2025
#nuclear #nuclearenergy #innovation #deeptech #SMR #VTTpeople