Fédération de la Mode Circulaire cover photo
Fédération de la Mode Circulaire

Fédération de la Mode Circulaire

Commerce de détail d’habillement et d’accessoires de mode

Paris, Île-de-France 12 773 abonnés

La Fédération de la Mode Circulaire représente les professionnels de la mode circulaire et du recyclage textile

À propos

La Fédération de la Mode Circulaire représente les commerçants professionnels de la mode circulaire et les entreprises de l'industrie du recyclage textile. Afin d’amplifier sur le long terme l’impact socio-environnemental positif des commerçants et industriels de la mode circulaire, la Fédération porte les valeurs d’une mode transparente, responsable et juste. En étant la voix de tous les acteurs de la mode circulaire, la Fédération s'engage à renforcer la compétitivité de l’industrie française de la mode et du recyclage textile. Avec la circularité grandissante de notre économie internationale, la Fédération contribue ainsi à conforter Paris dans son rôle de capitale mondiale de la mode et la France comme le pays le plus innovant dans la mode.

Site web
Commerce de détail d’habillement et d’accessoires de mode
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Non lucratif
Fondée en
Mode, Economie circulaire, Textile, Recyclage, Upcycling, Seconde-main, Filière REP et Luxe


Employés chez Fédération de la Mode Circulaire


  • 📢 We took circular fashion to Brussels: the EU just got a fashion upgrade! 🌟 On February 20, we officially launched our European Manifesto for Circular Fashion in Brussels, bringing together key stakeholders to discuss how circular fashion can drive both sustainability and competitiveness for the European fashion industry. 1️⃣ The event kicked off with remarks from Maxime Delavallee, President of the Circular Fashion Federation, and Majdouline Sbaï, Member of the European Parliament, who highlighted the importance of making textiles a priority in the Circular Economy Act, while emphasizing the need for a collaborative approach between policy and industry. 2️⃣ Our first panel, Driving EU Competitiveness Through Circular Fashion, delved into how the circular fashion model can unlock new economic opportunities. Speakers Mónica Rodriguez, CEO & Co-founder of Recovo, Saskia Bricmont, Member of the European Parliament, Pascaline Wilhelm, Executive Director of ENAMOMA - PSL Program, and Agata Kotkowska, Deputy Head of Circular Economy at the European Commission (DG ENV) provided valuable insights on leveraging circularity for economic growth and innovation. 3️⃣ The second panel, A European Manifesto for Circular Fashion: From Vision to Action, explored how we can turn vision into concrete action. Industry leaders Camille Le Gal, Co-CEO of FAIRLY MADE, Mariska Boer, President of EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries Textiles, Szilvia Turi, Co-CEO of Redivivum (Techstars'24), and Mikael Garellick, Senior Expert at the European Commission (DG GROW), shared real-world case studies and operational challenges, offering solutions for scaling circular fashion across Europe. 🙏 A huge thank you to Ellie Dahan-Lamort and Margot Aleix Mata for hosting these round tables with brilliance! 4️⃣ The event closed with a powerful speech from Chloé Ridel, Member of the European Parliament, who emphasized that embracing circularity is not only a matter of sustainability but also a responsibility we owe to future generations. 💫 A huge thank you to all our speakers, partners, and attendees at the Press Club Brussels Europe for making this launch such a success! 🔗If you'd like to learn more about the Manifesto, you can download it via the link in the comments.

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  • ♻️Ils nous ont rejoint en janvier ! ⚡️6 entreprises et acteurs de la mode circulaire ont rejoint les rangs de la FMC pour faire évoluer l’industrie de la mode ensemble ! 🤝Bienvenue à ces nouveaux acteurs, nous avons hâte de mener de grands projets à vos côtés ! 🙌Nous accueillons avec plaisir : Aktio, STUDIO MAISONNEUVE, Biobluff (Roni GamZon), Fer et refaire Femmes ACTIVES, CETIA et le Conservatoire de la mode vintage dans la grande famille de la mode circulaire !

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  • 🎉 The FMC x MECE Institute webinars are back! 📢 Join us on Tuesday, March 4, at 9 AM for a new episode of the “Reflect, Slow Down, Gather” series, co-organized by the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire and ESSCA's Institute for ethical fashion and ecological consumption. 🌍 How can citizen engagement in the textile and fashion industry drive real change in consumer behavior? We will explore how participatory initiatives can foster more sustainable habits, drawing on key findings from the T-REX project. 💡 This webinar will be held in English. 🤝 We are honored to host: - Lavanya Jayakar, International Coordinator for Textiles UnTangled, Board member of Green Donut - Pauline Vierne, sewing teacher, workshop facilitator and Pr, La Textilerie - Livingstone Mekamou, CEO, DressLike - Edith de Lamballerie, Professor Assistant (PhD), ESSCA - Elina Lewe, Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University 🎤 The discussion will be led by Sihem DEKHILI from the MECE Institute and Ellie Dahan-Lamort from the Federation. Let’s rethink the future of textile consumption together! 🚀 Registration link in the first comment 👇

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  • ♻️ Driving EU competitiveness & sustainable prosperity through circular fashion 🇪🇺 The European fashion industry is facing significant environmental and economic challenges, and circular fashion is emerging as a key driver for both sustainability and competitiveness. But how can we accelerate this transition? What policies and innovations are needed to scale circular solutions across Europe? On February 20, join us for two impactful panels that will explore concrete solutions and key levers to drive the circular fashion movement in Europe. Opening Remarks: Maxime Delavallee, President of the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire, and Majdouline Sbaï, Member of the European Parliament, will kick off the event by discussing the importance of circular fashion for Europe’s future. Panel 1: Driving EU competitiveness through circular fashion This session, moderated by Ellie Dahan-Lamort, Head of Operations at the Circular Fashion Federation, will focus on how circularity can unlock new economic opportunities and contribute to a thriving European fashion ecosystem. Speakers: 🎙️ Mónica Rodriguez, CEO & Co-founder of Recovo 🎙️ Saskia Bricmont, Member of the European Parliament 🎙️ Pascaline Wilhelm, Executive Director of the ENAMOMA - PSL Program 🎙️ Agata Kotkowska, Deputy Head of Circular Economy at the European Commission (DG ENV) Panel 2: A European manifesto for circular fashion : from vision to action At 11:10 AM, join us for an in-depth panel moderated by Margot Aleix Mata of Faire Salon EU. Industry leaders will share real-world case studies, explore operational challenges, and propose concrete solutions to drive circular fashion across Europe. Speakers: 🎙️ Camille Le Gal, Co-CEO of FAIRLY MADE 🎙️ Mariska Boer, President of EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries Textiles 🎙️ Szilvia Turi, Co-CEO of Redivivum (Techstars'24) 🎙️ Mikael Garellick, Senior Expert at the European Commission (DG GROW) 📍 Location: Press Club Brussels Europe, Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels, Belgium 📅 Date & Time: February 20, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM These panels will provide valuable insights into the challenges and solutions for developing a sustainable, competitive, and circular fashion ecosystem in Europe. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with key stakeholders and be part of shaping the future of fashion in Europe! 🔗 Registration link in the comments ⬇️

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  • 📢 Second-hand fashion should not be penalized by the European Union! - Measure 4 of our European Manifesto ♻️ As the revision of the Waste Framework Directive progresses, there is a major risk that second-hand textiles will be included in the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system across the European Union. At the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire, we firmly oppose this inclusion. Here’s why: 💡 EPR should promote reuse and not sanction it! By imposing financial constraints on reuse, this measure could discourage businesses from extending product lifespans and slow down the transition to a truly circular economy. This measure would introduce administrative burdens and costs for second-hand professionals. How can we scale circular fashion if the very policies meant to support it make it harder to operate? Harmonization is key – our European Manifesto for Circular Fashion calls for a coherent and fair EPR framework that excludes verified second-hand items. Measure 4 clearly states that EPR should not apply to reused textiles, ensuring that second-hand remains a driver of sustainability, not an additional cost to bear. We welcome the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union's proposal to either introduce a review clause or delay implementation until the impact of EPR financing dynamics is fully assessed. But we need stronger commitments to safeguard circular fashion! 👀 Here's an exclusive sneak peek at our manifesto, which will be unveiled very soon. 🌟 Join us on February 20 as we officially present our European Manifesto for Circular Fashion. Let’s make sure that second-hand remains a solution, not a target. 📍 Location: Press Club Brussels Europe – Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgique 📅 Date & Time: February 20, 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM 🔗 Registration link in the comments ⬇️

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  • 🎆 On se retrouve dès lundi au salon Texworld Apparel Sourcing ! 📍 Du lundi 10 au mercredi 12 février, se tient la nouvelle édition du salon Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris au Parc des Expositions Paris le Bourget. 🌟 La Fédération de la Mode Circulaire sera présente avec un stand dédié, aux côtés de ses adhérents ! Nous serons ravis de vous y accueillir pour échanger. Vous pourrez notamment retrouver : - NUYHENN, le lundi 10 février de 10h à 13h ; - PRELOVV, le lundi 10 février de 14h à 17h ; - LNA (Elanavriin), le mardi 11 février de 10h à 13h ; - ethiwork, studio d'impact, le mardi 11 février de 14h à 17h ; - Recovo, le mercredi 12 février de 10h à 12h ; - CrushON, le mercredi 12 février de 14h à 17h. 💌 Un grand merci à l’équipe de Texworld pour leur invitation ! 💫 On vous y attend avec impatience ! Retrouvez le lien pour vous inscrire en commentaire !👇

    Fairyland for fashion

    Fairyland for fashion


  • 🎉 Afterworks circulaires x Apéros Fertiles : démarrez 2025 aux côtés de la Fédération et de Fashion Green Hub ! 🌟 Toute l'équipe de la Fédération de la Mode Circulaire est ravie de vous convier à un afterwork exceptionnel en partenariat avec Fashion Green Hub, le jeudi 13 février, dans le 13ème arrondissement de Paris ! 🤝 Une belle occasion pour échanger autour des enjeux de mode circulaire et responsable, renforcer les liens entre nos communautés, visiter le Plateau Fertile Paris mais aussi de rencontrer les équipes engagées de Fashion Green Hub. 📅 Jeudi 13 février, de 18h30 à 20h30 📍 15 Rue Jean-Baptiste Berlier, 75013 Paris 🎟️ Inscription obligatoire via le lien en premier commentaire 💌 Un grand merci aux équipes de Fashion Green Hub pour cette belle collaboration et pour leur accueil, nous avons hâte d'y être ! Colline C. Manon Morales Lucas Thivolet Conde Salazar

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  • ♻️ A European Manifesto for Circular Fashion: From vision to action 🇪🇺 How can we turn the vision of circular fashion into concrete action? What are the key operational levers and policy measures needed to accelerate this transition? As we unveil our European Manifesto for Circular Fashion, join us for an in-depth panel discussion at 11:00 AM, exploring the barriers to circular fashion development and the solutions proposed by industry leaders. This conversation, moderated by Margot Aleix Mata of Faire Salon EU, will draw from real-world cases at both the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire level and the broader European landscape. Our expert panel features: 🎙️ Camille Le Gal - Co-CEO and founder of FAIRLY MADE 🎙️ Mariska Boer - President of EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries Textiles 🎙️ Szilvia Turi - Co-CEO and founder of Redivivum (Techstars'24) 🎙️ Mikael Garellick - Senior expert Trade affairs officer textile, clothing, leather and footwear at the European Commission (DG GROW) 📍 Location: Press Club Brussels Europe – Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgique  📅 Date & Time: February 20, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Understanding the operational challenges is crucial to shaping effective regulatory responses—and vice versa. To drive real impact, policy and industry must work hand in hand to develop actionable, scalable solutions. This session will provide actionable insights on how we can collectively drive a more sustainable, competitive, and circular European fashion ecosystem.  Don't miss this opportunity to engage with key stakeholders and be part of the movement shaping the future of fashion in Europe!  🔗 Registration link in the comments ⬇️

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  • 🌟 La FMC vous donne rendez vous au Good Forum Luxe Durable 2025 ! Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que Maxime Delavallee, président de la Fédération de la Mode Circulaire, interviendra lors du Good Forum Luxe Durable, un événement phare du secteur du luxe organisé par The Good. Cet événement se déroulera le mercredi 5 février 2025, de 8h30 à 12h30, à l'Auditorium du Groupe Le Monde, à Paris, dans le 13e arrondissement. 👉Le thème de cette année est "Les coalitions d’entreprises au service du luxe durable", un sujet essentiel pour la transformation du secteur ! 🎤 Parmi les sujets qui seront abordés lors du Forum, on retrouvera la question de la traçabilité, avec l'objectif de mieux travailler ensemble pour l'améliorer. La place essentielle de la circularité dans l’industrie du luxe sera mise en avant, ainsi que le sujet de la régénération des écosystèmes vivants naturels. 🔑 Retrouvez également nos adhérents Gaelle Delore, représentante de Trust-Place, et Hélène VALADE, membre de notre conseil d'administration et représentante de LVMH, qui participeront à ce Forum incontournable. 🔗 Si vous souhaitez participer au salon, inscrivez-vous en suivant le lien en commentaire !👇 #TheGoodForum #LuxeEthique #Networking Emilie Kovacs Caroline Nouel Séverine Yrieix

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  • ♻️ Driving EU competitiveness & sustainable prosperity through circular fashion 🇪🇺 As the fashion industry faces urgent environmental and economic challenges, circular fashion is emerging as a key driver of sustainable prosperity and European competitiveness. But how can we accelerate this transition? What policies and innovations are needed to scale circular solutions across Europe? We'll explore how circularity can unlock new economic opportunities and contribute to a thriving European fashion ecosystem, aligning with the goals of the Competitiveness Compass. 📢 Join us for a landmark panel discussion, held on the occasion of the official launch of the European Manifesto for Circular Fashion, an initiative led by the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire. This high-level conversation, moderated by our Advocacy and Community Manager Ellie Dahan-Lamort, will bring together key voices from industry and institutions to explore how circularity can shape the future of European fashion: 🎙️ Mónica Rodriguez – CEO & Co-founder of Recovo 🎙️Saskia Bricmont – Member of the European Parliament 🎙️Pascaline Wilhelm – Executive Director of the ENAMOMA - PSL program 🎙️Agata Kotkowska – Deputy Head of Circular Economy Sustainable Production at the European Commission (DG ENV) This discussion will delve into the shift from linear to circular models, and how we can drive creativity, policy, innovation, education and industry collaboration for a more sustainable and competitive European fashion sector.  📍Location: Press Club Brussels Europe - Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgique  📅 Date & Time: February 20 9:30 AM to 12:30PM Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and connect with key stakeholders in Brussels! Join the movement for a circular and prosperous future for fashion in Europe! 🔗 Registration link in the comments ⬇️

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