De sărbători, lasă-ne pe noi să îl ajutăm pe Moș Crăciun să îți aducă produsele la timp la raft. Știm că este cea mai aglomerată perioadă din an pentru producătorii din FMCG. Nu este tocmai acea "silent night" de prin colinde pentru cei care lucrează în supply chain management, dar suntem aici pentru tine. La LPR – La Palette Rouge, oferim soluții de închiriere de paleți, cu înaltă disponibilitate, pentru ca managerii de logistică din FMCG să fie siguri că bunurile lor sunt livrate atunci când contează cel mai mult: de Crăciun. LPR garantează paleți de înaltă calitate ori de câte ori ai nevoie ca producător din FMCG, ajutându-te să eviți întârzierile costisitoare și asigurând operațiuni neîntrerupte 🔄. 📩 Contactați echipa noastră din România și aflați cum soluțiile noastre inovatoare de pallet pooling vă pot optimiza operațiunile logistice. 📞 Tel: +40 729 000 333 📧 Mail: 🤝 Andrei Nicolae *** 🎄 This holiday season, let LPR be your Santa's helper! 🎅As the retail and logistics industries gear up for the busiest time of year, FMCG producers face the challenge of getting their goods on shelves on time. The not-so-silent night of supply chain management can be daunting, but we’ve got you covered! At LPR – La Palette Rouge, we provide clear, predictable pallet pooling solutions that ensure your products are delivered when it matters most. With no hidden costs and a focus on sustainability, we help Romanian FMCG manufacturers thrive in a competitive market. Contact us today to learn how we can support your business! #lpr #palletpooling
LPR - La Palette Rouge
Transport, logistique, chaîne logistique et stockage
Toulouse, Occitanie 16 789 abonnés
Your committed and progressive pallet pooling partner in the European FMCG supply chain.
À propos
Welcome to the world of supply chain circularity. Where every day, we strive to contribute to a more sustainable tomorrow. At LPR - La Palette Rouge we work on our circular mission: we endeavor efficiency and help providing the answers to the sustainability challenges you face. We are proud enablers of supply chain circularity. That’s our DNA, our nature. Enabling circularity with our reusable red pallets and processes. Every day we contribute to a better world for future generations to enjoy, together with our colleagues and clients. We develop and delivers smart, hassle free & data-driven pallet pooling solutions that really fit FMCG and retailers changing needs: we are committed to create circular progress for and with our customers and partners. Are you ready to join our circular mission? It’s in your hands. LPR is a division of Europool Group. Discover more about our pallet pooling solution in our website:
- Site web
Lien externe pour LPR - La Palette Rouge
- Secteur
- Transport, logistique, chaîne logistique et stockage
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 201-500 employés
- Siège social
- Toulouse, Occitanie
- Type
- Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
- Fondée en
- 1992
- Domaines
- Logistic Service Providers. Pallet Pooling et Pallets
Employés chez LPR - La Palette Rouge
Cu entuziasm anunțăm expansiunea semnificativă a serviciilor noastre de închiriere paleți, pentru sectorul FMCG din România, unde am reușit să dublăm volumul operațiunilor comparativ cu anul anterior. Privim către 2025 cu planuri ambițioase și măsuri concrete pentru a susține această creștere: dispunem de un depozit modern, clasă A, de peste 4000 mp și intenționăm să extindem echipa. Această evoluție din anul în curs reflectă angajamentul LPR de a fi partenerul de logistică a paleților, preferat de producătorii din FMCG și de retaileri. 📩 Contactați echipa noastră din România și aflați cum soluțiile noastre inovatoare de închiriere paleți vă pot optimiza operațiunile logistice. 📞 Tel: +40 729 000 333 📧 Mail: 🤝 Andrei Nicolae Link către articolele cu materialul complet, în zona de comentarii. | Revista Piaţa *** We are pleased to announce a significant expansion of our pallet rental services for the FMCG sector in Romania, where we have managed to double our operational volume compared to the previous year. Looking ahead to 2025, we have ambitious plans and concrete measures in place to support this growth: we have a modern, Class A warehouse of over 4000 square meters and plan to expand our team. This year's development reflects LPR's commitment to better serve Romanian FMCG manufacturers and retailers. 📩 Contact our team in Romania and find out how our innovative pallet rental solutions can optimize your logistics operations. Link to the full articles in the comments section. #lpr #palletpooling #romania #expansion #growth
✨ 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱: 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲! 𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁, 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰! ✨ As we close the chapter on 2024, we want to express our gratitude to everyone who plays a part in our success: 🤝 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 – thank you for your trust and the inspiring, ambitious projects we’ve had the privilege to collaborate on. 👥 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 – your dedication, creativity, and hard work are the driving force behind everything we achieve at LPR. 🌍 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀 – we’re grateful to work alongside those who share our values and vision for more sustainable and innovative logistics. 🎉 2024 has been a year to remember – marked by growth, challenges overcome together, and milestones that inspire us to aim even higher. As we look ahead to 2025, we remain committed to our mission: delivering efficient, sustainable, and people-focused logistics solutions that truly make a difference. 🌟 Let’s make 2025 a year of new opportunities, bold innovations, and shared achievements. 🌟 On behalf of the entire LPR team, we wish you a fantastic 2025 filled with happiness, health, and success! #LPR #ThankYou #palletpooling #Innovation #Sustainability #2025Goals
As we approach the end of 2024, we’re reflecting on another transformative year for Euro Pool Group. Our commitment to circularity is stronger than ever before. And it is not just a strategy – it's a promise to our customers, stakeholders and to future generations ♻️ We’re proud to say that Euro Pool Group, as Europe's leading logistics services provider, have proven once again that sustainability and business success can go hand in hand 🌿 In 2025, we will embrace digitalisation and data-driven strategies even more, further enforcing efficiency and sustainability. Merry Christmas and a Happy, Circular New Year to you and your loved ones 🎄 🎆 Join us in 2025 on our journey to create circular progress! #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #CreatingCircularProgress
Diciembre casi llega a su fin, y haciendo retrospectiva del año queremos agradecerte de corazón todo lo alcanzado este 2024. Juntos, hemos dado grandes pasos en la reducción de nuestra huella de carbono y en la creación de un progreso circular a lo largo de toda la #cadenadesuministro. 🌍♻️ Estamos emocionados por seguir avanzando en este camino de eficiencia, sostenibilidad e innovación, reforzando nuestro compromiso compartido con un futuro más verde. 💡✨ Desde LPR, te deseamos a ti, y a tus seres queridos una Feliz Navidad y un próspero año 2025. ¡Felices Fiestas! 🎉🌟 Y recuerda... Fomentar la circularidad de la cadena de suministro "It's in your hands" #LPR #Logística #EconomíaCircular
Într-o piață dinamică precum România 🇷🇴, accesul predictibil la paleți este esențial pentru companiile din FMCG. Întârzierile în producție și lipsa paleților pot afecta grav capacitatea de a răspunde cererii în creștere a consumatorilor, care devin din ce în ce mai pretențioși în ceea ce privește disponibilitatea produselor la raft. În octombrie 2024, vânzările cu amănuntul 🛒. au crescut cu 11,1% față de anul anterior 📈, ceea ce reprezintă una dintre cele mai mari rate de creștere din ultimii ani, arată datele INS. LPR garantează paleți de înaltă calitate ori de câte ori ai nevoie ca producător din FMCG, ajutându-te să eviți întârzierile costisitoare și asigurând operațiuni neîntrerupte 🔄. 📩 Contactați echipa noastră din România și aflați cum soluțiile noastre inovatoare de pallet pooling vă pot optimiza operațiunile logistice. 📞 Tel: +40 729 000 333 📧 Mail: 🤝 Andrei Nicolae *** In a dynamic market like Romania 🇷🇴, predictable access to pallets is essential for FMCG companies. Delays in production and the lack of pallets can severely affect the ability to meet the growing demand of consumers, who are becoming increasingly demanding regarding product availability on shelves. In October 2024, retail sales 🛒 increased by 11.1% compared to the previous year 📈, representing one of the highest growth rates in recent years, according to INS data. LPR guarantees high-quality pallets whenever you need them as an FMCG producer, helping you avoid costly delays and ensuring uninterrupted operations 🔄. 📩 Contact our team in Romania and find out how our innovative pallet pooling solutions can optimize your logistical operations. #LPR #palletpooling #pallets #food #beverage #romania #fmcg
S radostí oznamujeme expanzi do České republiky🇨🇿, v jejímž rámci pomáháme maloobchodníkům a výrobcům rychloobrátkového zboží snížit provozní náklady a zajistit kontinuitu dodavatelského řetězce prostřednictvím inovativních řešení paletového poolingu. S LPR se můžete soustředit na to, co je skutečně důležité – růst vašeho podnikání! Jako součást Euro Pool Group (EPS - Euro Pool System & LPR - La Palette Rouge) se LPR zavazuje poskytovat transparentní a předvídatelné služby, které eliminují provozní starosti. Náš komplexní přístup k řízení palet – od administrativy až po sběr a opravy – umožňuje výrobcům rychloobrátkového zboží a maloobchodníkům zaměřit se na klíčové činnosti, zatímco my se postaráme o složitosti logistiky.🚚👷 Přejete si transformovat své logistické operace? Kontaktujte náš tým v České republice a zjistěte, jak může LPR podpořit vaše podnikání nákladově efektivními řešeními, která přispívají k udržitelnému růstu. ☑️Tel: +420 778 967 743 ☑️Mail: / 🤝 Slavomir Sykora *** We're excited to announce our expansion into Czech Republic🇨🇿, helping retailers and FMCG manufacturers reduce costs and ensure supply chain continuity with our innovative pallet pooling solutions. With LPR, you can focus on what matters most—growing your business! As part of Euro Pool Group (Euro Pool System & LPR - La Palette Rouge), LPR is committed to providing transparent and predictable services that alleviate operational headaches. Our comprehensive approach to pallet management—from administration to recovery and repair—allows FMCGG manufacturers and retailers to focus on their core operations while we handle the complexities of logistics.🚚👷 Ready to transform your logistics operations? 📩 Contact our team in Czech Republic today to learn how LPR can support your business with cost-effective solutions that drive sustainable growth. ☑️Tel: +420 778 967 743 ☑️Mail: / 🤝 Slavomir Sykora #LPR #palletpooling #pallets
🌍 Human Rights Day 2024: Standing for dignity and safety across our value chain At LPR - La Palette Rouge, we believe that human well-being is at the heart of our operations. This #HumanRightsDay, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to creating safe, inclusive, and fair working environments. Across Europe and throughout our entire value chain, we strive to: ✅ Ensure a safe and respectful workplace for all employees and partners. ✅ Comply with labor regulations across all regions where we operate. ✅ Safeguard human rights by preventing and addressing any adverse impacts through robust due diligence. ✅ Conduct social audits to promote high standards of health, safety, and environmental responsibility across our value chain. Let’s continue working together to uphold the dignity and rights of every individual, ensuring a brighter future. #HumanRights #Sustainability #WorkplaceSafety #DiversityAndInclusion #LPR #palletpooling
LPR își extinde operațiunile în România🇷🇴 și își consolidează poziția ca partener de încredere al managerilor de logistică din companiile FMCG pentru soluții eficiente de pallet pooling. Divizie a grupului Euro Pool Group (EPS - Euro Pool System & LPR - La Palette Rouge), LPR oferă servicii transparente și predictibile, special concepute pentru a elimina provocările operaționale cu care vă confruntați zilnic, ca manageri de logistică și retail. 📦 Cu o abordare completă a ciclului de management al paleților, LPR vă ajută să vă concentrați asupra a ceea ce contează cel mai mult: livrarea produselor către retaileri și creșterea productivității. ✅ Fără costuri-surpriză ✅ Elimină riscurile asociate cu lipsa stocurilor ✅ Eficiență și simplitate în operațiuni 📩 Contactați echipa noastră din România și aflați cum soluțiile noastre inovatoare de pallet pooling vă pot optimiza operațiunile logistice. 📞 Tel: +40 729 000 333 📧 Mail: 🤝 Andrei Nicolae *** LPR expands operations to Romania! 🇷🇴 We are the trusted partner for FMCG logistics managers, providing efficient pallet pooling solutions. As part of Euro Pool Group (Euro Pool System & LPR - La Palette Rouge), we are committed to delivering transparent, predictable services designed to eliminate your daily operational challenges. 📦 With complete pallet management, we help you focus on what truly matters: delivering your products to retailers and increasing productivity! ✅ No cost surprises ✅ No stock shortages ✅ Streamlined and efficient operations #LPR #palletpooling #pallets
🌍 LPR - La Palette Rouge awarded by ‘𝗜𝗹 𝗟𝗼𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗹’ 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗼 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰’ for its green initiatives! 🌍 On 29 November in Milan, we were honoured to receive an award from ASSOLOGISTICA for our remarkable efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. 🎉 ! Thanks to innovative logistical synergies with our carriers, we have set up a direct collection service from the distributor's platform to customers' warehouses. This close collaboration with transporters should enable us to reduce our emissions by 92TCOe in 2024. 🚛 At the same time, we have adopted the use of HVO biofuel, an alternative to diesel, thus reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. With this initiative, we have reduced our CO2 emissions by 15% and we estimate an overall reduction of 296.26 TCO2e for the full year 2024. At LPR, we strongly believe in strengthening our partnerships with our customers, carriers and service centres to develop environmentally sustainable plans. 🤝🌿 #Sustainability #Logistics #Greeninitiatives #LPR #Itsinyourhands Fabio Benazzo Paolo Cipriani Javier Domínguez Herrera Ginger Alvarez
🚨 Here we are !🚨 Are you ready for #Slovlog2024 in Bratislava? We sure are! 🔜 Join us at Slovakia's premier logistics event to explore how LPR is driving circular progress in the supply chain. Let’s discuss how we can help reduce environmental impact while boosting efficiency for your business. 🌍📦 Don’t miss Slavomir Sykora, our Commercial & Asset Manager, speaking at 5pm on the panel: “Circular economy in logistics – between sustainability and economic challenges”. Gain insights into how our sustainable pallets and services make a difference in your operations! 💬 Want to chat with our experts Slavomir Sykora, Filip Adam and Tereza Vlčková ? Find them on the LPR's stand. #LPR #Slovlog #Sustainability #SupplyChain #Logistics #PalletPooling Systémy Logistiky ATOZ Group