Now let's make it happen! With just a few more months of effort and dedication, veterinarians will soon have access to Vetbiobank's groundbreaking cellular medicine. Based on our clinical data, this innovation promises long-term relief for dogs suffering from osteoarthritis and arthritis. Together, we're paving the way for healthier, happier pets! #Bioproduction #Biomanufacturing #PetHealth #VeterinaryMedicine #Innovation #France2030
After successfully obtaining #GMP certification for veterinary investigational medications, we are thrilled to announce that Vetbiobank has now achieved GMP certification for our future commercial veterinary stem cell-based medicines! This marks a major milestone in our journey towards European Marketing Authorization (European Medicines Agency) and brings us one step closer to delivering innovative and high-quality veterinary treatments. A huge thank you to our dedicated team and partners for making this achievement possible! #Vetbiobank #GMPCertification #VeterinaryMedicine #Innovation #StemCellResearch #Marketingauthorization