🇧🇪 [Velo-city conference] L'Académie Des Mobilités Actives participe au salon Velo-city (18 - 21 juin) à Ghent en Belgique. Rendez-vous à la conférence "Cyclists and pedestrians in public space: Let’s not fight the wrong battle !" le 20 juin de 14h30 à 15h30. 🔎 En savoir plus : https://bit.ly/3Vrb9Ma #VC24
In one week I will moderate a panel discussion at Velo-city. The aim of the discussion is to enhance our understanding of the types of conflictual situations or frictions that occurs between pedestrians and cyclists in different European cities. To explore the topic, I will have with me local authorities from Stockholm (Sweden), Grenoble (France), Ghent (Belgium) and Paris (France).They will share their perspective on their local situation and highlight good practices on how to minimize and avoid those frictions, for the benefit of both cycling and walking. If the topic interests you, please come and listen, or let us have a talk over a coffee during the conference.