Following the success of subscription services through Newsstand, Apple’s given the go-ahead for a game subscription service from Big Fish Games. For $6.99 a month you’ll have unlimited streaming access to a whole host of iPad games.
Unfortunately users will have to be connected to the internet to play the games, as they’ll be “streamed” to the user’s device. Whether that’ll mean OnLive-style streaming — the iPad is just a dumb monitor and controller — or whether it’ll be a Steam-style activation via the internet to prevent piracy, we don’t know. I’m presuming the latter. The service will be available at an introductory price of $4.99 a month till next year, but would you pay for a subscription service for just one publisher’s games on your iPad? And do you play enough games on said-tablet to justify another monthly cost? I certainly don’t. [Bloomberg via The Verge via Gizmodo UK]