Tech News
Commenter Hall of Fame: 92BuickLeSabre
We’re all gathered here today to award the Commenter Hall of Fame trophy to 92BuickLeSabre, who joins the ranks of homerjay, Pope John Peeps II and Strider as one of the best Giz commenters of all time. Although many of his posts are excellent, which is why we’re giving him one of these things, he … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
3DConnexion’s 3D SpaceNavigator Mouse For Laptops
Big week for 3DConnexion, a Logitech company, as they update their twisting/rotating desktop SpaceNavigator mouse for laptops. We’re not sure what differentiates this laptop version from the desktop version (which also works with Second Life), but it’s got a “new cap design” and is smaller than the desktop version. It also looks quite nice in … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
Picture Frame Shows Which of Your IM and Skype Friends Are Online
We absolutely love it when cyberspace and meatspace intersect, which is why we’re enthused over this Online Notification Picture Frame. It’s a DIY project that connects via some interface (the guy doesn’t say) to a computer, which feeds online status information back to the display. If a person’s online, the LED next to his photo … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
TiVo Spread Internationally via Gemstar-TV Guide
TiVo has just made a patent license agreement with Gemstar-TV Guide in order for the latter to deploy TiVo service in international markets. In regular language, that means TiVo service is coming to other countries, but may be either in actual TiVo boxes or as just software in a third-party box. Either way, chances are … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
Spy Camera Sunglasses With 1.3-Megapixels Means Nothing’s a Secret
Sunglass spy cameras were previously relegated to actual spies and weirdos that subscribed to those spy equipment magazines, but ThinkGeek has brought such covert voyeurism to the average man with $99 and change. The camera’s triggered wirelessly via remote, which is very discreet, but has a fat camera on either side of the lenses, which … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
IOGEAR’s Portable Media Player Upscales Video to 720P, Bears World’s Most Generic Name
IOGEAR’s portable media player, actually named Portable Media Player, may look as generic as its name on the outside, but actually has some good features on the inside (but no screen). There’s the most unique one, the ability to upscale video files to 720P for display on an HDTV, but there’s also XviD, DivX, MPEG1/2, … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsDesign
Design LG’s Touchscreen Phone UI Theme, Win $14,000
LG’s in the midst of revamping their touchscreen UI, possibly because their previous touchscreen phones weren’t all that great, but possibly because…ok that’s probably the reason. Not only is the Korean company looking internally at their own designers to fix the problem, but they’ve offered a 14 million Korean Won prize ($14,364) to the community … Continued
By Jason Chen -
io9Books & Comics
Iron Man’s First Flight Shows Jet-Like HUD, Every Boy’s Fantasy
Just like every man under the age of 30 still believes that with enough discipline, training, and working out there’s the possibility that he could in fact become the Batman, every man thinks that with the right suit he could fly up and shoot rockets at tanks. There’s a certain truth to that, as evidenced … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
EcoModo – The Best of Treehugger
This week at TreeHugger: The 2/4SIGHT V6 prototype engine can switch between 2-stroke and 4-stroke modes, giving a 2.1-liter the power of a 3 or 4-liter engine. Benjamin Nelson shows his DIY all-electric motorcycle, getting the equivalent of 300 mpg. This one is weird, but kind of cool: the CVO8 robot eats suburban sprawl and … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
Buffalo’s Petite LinkStation Mini NAS Has 1TB Storage, a DLNA Server
Fitting a 1TB into a box measuring 5.31 x 3.22 x 1.57 inches isn’t all that easy (most NAS boxes we’ve seen would crush a squirrel easily) but Buffalo seems to have not only accomplished this but shoved in a whole bunch of other features as well. The Mini’s got a Gigabit Ethernet port, support … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
Weird Combo of the Day: More Cowbell Hat With Purchase of Rock Band or Guitar Hero III
If there’s one thing Canadians know how to do, it’s party it up with either Rock Band or Guitar Hero III. Seen in this flyer by reader John, you get a free “More Cowbell” hat whenever you buy either of the two games. Walken, who made another appearance on SNL over the weekend (monologue was … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
$300,000 Watch Doesn’t Tell Time, But Shows if the Sun is Up
Do you know when you see something so completely retarded, you have no response other than to rub your face with your hands and mumble to yourself, “What the fuck?” That’s exactly what we did when we saw this $300,000 Day&Night watch that doesn’t tell the time, but shows you whether the sun is up … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
95% of Kids Aged 18-24 Are Pirating Music
According to a University of Hertfordshire survey of 1,158 kids aged 18-24 in the UK, 95% of them have “pirated” music before. The other 5%? According or our estimates, they’re either technologically illiterate or they don’t like music. [Guardian]
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
Snapture Improves the iPhone’s Camera With Digital Zoom, Burst Shooting and Auto-Rotation
The lack of extraneous features on the iPhone’s Camera app is great for most people, but heavy-duty cameraphone aficionados want to be able to adjust stuff like digital zoom, greyscale, auto-rotation and burst mode. Snapture is the solution. If you’ve got a jailbroken phone just install the app from Installer.app’s Utilities section and you’ll be … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
Time Machine on Airport Extreme is an Unsupported Feature, Might Go Away in the Future
OS X Leopard’s Time Machine works on Airport Extreme routers as of the last firmware update, but TidBITS found out directly from Apple that it’s an “unsupported feature.” What does this mean to you, the guy who wants to use Time Machine on the Extreme you purchased last year instead of shelling out a couple … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
Japan’s Cyber Gadget Game Suppli Vitamin Supplements Are Taken Orally, Not Injected Buttockally
These Japanese Game Suppli vitamins come in two varieties, “Blue Berry”, which refreshes you after a gaming session, and DHA, which boosts your attention during a session. It’s not quite as crazy as eyedrops, which incapacitated Matt for a good ten minutes. There’s only one other nation, Korea, that could combine the dubious gaming benefit … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
USB CapsLocker Is Pure Punishment For Data Entry Clerks
This USB CapsLocker is slightly less cruel than the phantom keystroker, but the base idea is the same. Plug the USB device into one of the back ports of someone’s computer and it will randomly hit the caps lock key at intervals between 30 seconds to eight minutes. The best part is how cheap and … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsMicrosoft
Xbox 360’s Wiimote Accessory Is Already In Development, Coming This Generation
Microsoft’s been working on a Wiimote-esque controller due to come out late this year—development started on it all the way back in Summer ’07—but the whole process has been “a colossal clusterfuck.” Here’s what MTV news knows courtesy of their exclusive source, who sketched out what it looks like above. The 360 Wiimote shaped very … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsGadgets
World’s First OLED Lamp
We’re not sure why someone would want to make an OLED desk lamp at this point in time, what with the technology being relatively new and somewhat expensive right now, but OSRAM Opto Semiconductors and designer Ingo Maurer have done just that. This lamp, called “Early Future”, is made up of ten distinct OLED tiles … Continued
By Jason Chen