This week, a sperm bike makes donor deliveries, the first EV built by Porsche 100 years ago, an iPhone infographic, find out if you’re in a nuclear hot zone, a couple cool gadget-y videos and more!
The ‘Sperm Bike’ Carries Donor Samples to Fertility Clinics Around Copenhagen
This one is the ‘Sperm Bullitt’ and it belongs to the Nordisk Cryobank (European Sperm Bank).
Xylophone of the Forest, Stunning Ad for Docomo’s Wooden Cellphone
This is probably one of the most beautiful and awesome ads I have ever come across, thanks to Frame and Form.
Google Earth Maps Out At-Risk Populations Around Nuclear Power Plants
If a nuclear power plant in the US were to have issues, who would be affected? In a partnership between Nature News and Columbia University, we now have a Google map that tells us.
6 Trends Shaping The Smart Grid
GigaOm has a new report detailing six areas that are important for the growth of the new grid, including improvements in home energy management, carbon management and electric vehicle technologies.
Facebook and Earth Day Network Release Billion Acts of Green App
Declare your act of green, and be added to the giant number of people who will do a little something for the planet this week.
How Green is the iPhone? Infographic Explains
Geekaphone not only completed a report, but wrapped it up into a handy infographic. We do love infographics.
Trash-Sorting Robot Could Reduce Waste Going to Landfill by 50%
ZenRobotics has created the future of waste management.
Riding the World’s First Hybrid Car: 1900 Porsche Semper Vivus
Yes, the world’s first hybrid electric cars (and all electric cars) were built way back at the turn of the century.
Camping In Your Apartment: More Folding Tables That Take Up Less Space
This pic-nic table plus chairs folds up into a little brief case.
Time Lapse Video of a Strawbale Geodesic House Build (Video)
Pure awesome.
TreeHugger’s EcoModo column appears every Tuesday on Gizmodo.