Applying hamster wheel logic to humans, Gamercize Sport is a console accessory that prevents controllers from responding unless you’re exercising. Nothing will give you the willpower to leave the thing plugged in if you’re really desperate for a relaxing game session, but if you’re a cardio-craving consoler this may be for you. Each last-gen adapter (Xbox, PS2/PSOne, Gamecube) will run you almost $80. An optional stepper is available for $60 and a stationary cycle will cost about $90. Next-gen plans after the jump.
For all you Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 exercise junkies, Gamercize Pro-Sport versions will be available in September. Below you can see a couple of “prototype” shots, but don’t count on much changing from the previous iteration. According to the developer’s “independent research data” an hour of gaming on the stepper’s maximum setting is like playing soccer or swimming competitively, burning almost 700 calories. At that rate, an Oblivion addict is sure to be the next Jared Fogle.
Gamercize [via Red Ferret]