Despite Samsung middle manager Kim Du-Hyon speaking out on Tuesday about how the company is considering a universal player, now Samsung appears to be backpedaling away from embracing the idea of a high-definition disk player that will handle both Blu-ray and HD DVD formats. In a terse, two-sentence statement to the press, Samsung beat a hasty, yet subtle retreat:
“Samsung Electronics is fully committed to the Blu-ray format and currently only has plans to introduce a Blu-ray player to the market. Samsung is looking forward to a very successful launch of the BD-P1000 which will be available on retail shelves, June 25th for a $999 MAP price in the United States.”
Notice the word “only” in there, suggesting that Samsung might be a bit jittery about placing its flag over on the HD DVD side, even if it was just evidenced by an offhand remark uttered by a middle manager.
Will there still be universal players? There’s still LG which publicly announced it would manufacture a player that goes both ways, and those in the know are saying other companies are sniffing around the possibility, too. We’re thinking it’s inevitable.
Samsung’s Interesting Statement about Blu-ray to the Media [I4U News]