As of yesterday, no one is allowed to bring a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 onto a flight in the United States because they can combust. If you’re traveling and haven’t had a chance to exchange your phone yet, this is going to be a big pain in your ass.
While the TSA will not be actively searching for the device at checkpoints, anyone caught trying to bring one onto a flight could have their Note 7 confiscated and face a fine. Unless of course, that passenger decides to keep their explosive phone and just not fly. If a passenger is caught with the banned gadget mid-flight, they will be instructed to power it down and stow it. Anyone who tries to check a Note 7 in their luggage could face prosecution because that is a really reckless thing to do. Don’t do this.
Did your phone get confiscated? Were you prosecuted? Did some jerk on your flight refuse to stop playing Candy Crush and turn his damn phone off? Let us know!
You can email your stories to [email protected] and maybe we’ll tell the world all about it.