HKQAA ESG Connect Program

HKQAA ESG Connect Program

Industry Associations

Driving Sustainable Development in Hong Kong & beyond. Join HKQAA ESG Connect today! #ESG #Sustainability #HKQAACares

About us

At HKQAA ESG Connect, we are dedicated to helping businesses drive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) excellence in Hong Kong and beyond. Our program is designed to assist organizations in aligning their operations with sustainable practices and responsible business conduct. With an increasing emphasis on sustainability today, companies are under pressure to demonstrate their commitment to ESG principles. This is where HKQAA ESG Connect comes in - we provide a comprehensive framework and support system to help businesses integrate sustainability into their core strategies. Participants can access ESG Connect Mentor guidance, resources, and tools through our program to assess and improve their ESG performance for sustainability management. HKQAA ESG Connect covers various sustainability aspects, including environmental impact, social responsibility, ethical governance, and stakeholder engagement. By addressing these key areas, businesses can enhance their reputation, build trust with stakeholders, and create long-term value for their company and society. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to guiding and empowering businesses on their sustainability journey. We provide sharing, training, workshops, and networking opportunities to foster participant learning and collaboration. We aim to inspire positive change and innovation in the business community through knowledge sharing and best practice exchanges. Join us at HKQAA ESG Connect and become a part of a growing network of companies committed to making a difference through sustainability. We can create a more sustainable future for Hong Kong and beyond, one step at a time. #ESG #Sustainability #HKQAACares

Industry Associations
Company size
51-200 employees
North Point



  • 與澳門碳中和標準化建設聯盟簽署戰略合作協議 🌱🤝 2025年1月6日,香港品質保證局(HKQAA)與澳門碳中和標準化建設聯盟(澳碳標盟)簽署戰略合作協議。雙方將圍繞碳普惠、碳中和、綠色相關標準互認、碳培訓等領域展開合作,共同推動大灣區的綠色可持續發展。 🌍💚 本局總裁陳沛昌先生與澳碳標盟理事長張森華先生,代表雙方簽署協議。陳沛昌先生表示,香港品質保證局非常重視與澳碳標盟的合作,並將積極貢獻本局在ESG平台、標準制定、認證和培訓方面的專業知識和經驗。他相信,此次合作將有助於提升港澳兩地在綠色低碳領域的合作水平,促進區域間的標準互認和技術交流,共同推動大灣區的可持續發展。 🌱✨ 澳碳標盟主席施家倫先生表示,此次合作是推動綠色低碳發展戰略上的重要一步。聯盟致力於支持澳門綠色產業升級和高質量發展,助力澳門早日實現碳中和,並為國家在該領域的試點工作做出貢獻。香港品質保證局作為區內領先的合格評定機構,其豐富的經驗和專業知識將為此次合作帶來重要價值。 🏢💼 未來,雙方將攜手推動港澳兩地綠色低碳事業的發展,為粵港澳大灣區的綠色轉型和國家雙碳目標的實現貢獻力量。 🌿💪 如欲了解更多HKQAA在綠色低碳方面的服務,歡迎聯絡我們了解更多: 🔗 #綠色低碳 #碳中和 #可持續發展 #大灣區 #ESG #合作 #環保 🌎✨



  • 你知道不知道 ESG Cold Knowledge - 《國家溫室氣體排放因子數據庫》(第一版)正式上線 🌍📊   近日,國家生態環境部正式上線了《國家溫室氣體排放因子數據庫》(第一版)。該數據庫的建立,旨在為企業和機構提供準確的溫室氣體排放因子,推動全國各類型的溫室氣體排放計算和報告工作。數據庫中包含了各行業的排放因子,涵蓋了能源、工業、農業、廢棄物處理等多個領域。這些數據對於企業在制定減排目標、開展碳核查、履行環境責任及實施可持續發展戰略具有重要參考價值。透過使用國家溫室氣體排放因子數據庫,企業能夠更準確地評估自身的碳足跡,從而制定針對性的減排措施,提升其在ESG(環境、社會和治理)方面的表現 🌱✨。   而香港品質保證局(HKQAA)ESG Connect Program 旨在為企業提供數字化動態工具,幫助其有效地整合環境、社會及治理(ESG)考量 📈🔧。   - 數字化披露工具和數據模型 💻📊 - 連結ESG 方案提供機構 🔗🤝 - 客制化動態披露場景 🛠️🌐 - 最新政策支持和市場資訊分享 📰📢 - 經驗分享與交流平台 👥🌟   透過計劃,香港品質保證局(HKQAA)希望鼓勵企業積極參與碳管理,促進企業實現可持續發展,提升其在ESG領域的表現,並為應對全球氣候變化貢獻力量 🌍💚。 如欲了解更多 ESG Connect 計劃,歡迎聯絡我們了解更多: 🔗   #ESG #可持續發展 #碳管理 #HKQAA #環境保護 #數字化轉型 #企業責任 #氣候變化 #綠色金融

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  • Empowering Change: Highlights from the first ESG Connect Sharing Series in 2025 🌱✨ On January 10, 2025, we held our first ESG Connect Sharing Series event in 2025, welcoming participants from diverse industries to engage in meaningful discussions on global development trends. The event provided valuable insights equipping businesses with the knowledge needed to navigate future challenges. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our supporting organizations, Ebury and Olea, for their insights sharing. A special thanks goes out to all our esteemed guests and exhibitors who shared their knowledge and experiences. 🙏 We also want to express our gratitude to the Deaf Cafeteria for providing delicious food, allowing us to enjoy a wonderful networking experience in a relaxed atmosphere. Your support has highlighted the importance of social enterprises in our community. 🍽️💖 At HKQAA, we are committed to promoting sustainable practices and fostering collaboration among organizations dedicated to ESG principles. We believe that by working together, we can create a positive impact and drive meaningful change in cross industries. 🌍🤝 Finally, we appreciate everyone who attended the event and those who champion social enterprises and sustainability. Together, we are paving the way for a more sustainable future. 🌟 Thank you all for being part of this journey! For more information about HKQAA ESG Solutions, please feel free to contact our team for assistance: #ESGConnect #Sustainability #SocialEnterprise #BusinessNetworking #Collaboration #GlobalDevelopment #HKQAA #SustainablePractices #CBAM #Tradefinance #Ebury #Olea #PositiveImpact #EmpowerChange

  • 🌟 What an incredible experience at the Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair! 🎉🌟 Last Wednesday (Jan 8, 2025), we were honored to be invited by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to participate as a guest speaker at the fair. Our Business Manager, Ms. Yubo Ho, shared valuable insights on green transformation in the toy industry, emphasizing the potential for collaboration to create sustainable development opportunities. 🌱 We had the pleasure of engaging with esteemed speakers from overseas, who also contributed invaluable perspectives on green transformation. 🌍💚 A heartfelt thank you to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) for organizing such a meaningful event, and to all the guests who attended the workshop. 🙏✨ The discussions surrounding sustainable development and collaboration were truly inspiring. Together, we can drive advancements in sustainable practices and make a positive impact on our industry and the environment. 🌱🤝 Let’s continue to champion sustainability and innovation in the toy industry! 🚀♻️ For more information about HKQAA ESG Solutions, please feel free to contact our team for assistance: #HongKongToysAndGameFair #SustainableDevelopment #GreenTransformation #Collaboration #QualityAssurance #HKQAA #ToysIndustry #EcoFriendly #Innovation #SustainabilityMatters

  • 🌍 歡迎參加香港品質保證局 ESG Connect 連繫分享系列之 深港可持續發展研討會!🌱 我們誠邀來自不同領域的企業參加即將舉行的研討會,重點圍繞深港兩地交流、可持續發展及協助企業出海等議題。這是與不同行業交流、分享見解及促進合作共創可持續未來的絕佳機會。 📅 日期:2025年1月15日 🕒 時間:14:00 - 17:30 📍 地點:福田GoGBA港商服務站 讓我們共同推動 ESG 項目的發展!攜手共創可持續發展和全球拓展的美好未來。 🔗 歡迎掃二維碼或電郵致 報名 #香港品質保證局 #ESGConnect #可持續發展 #商業合作 #創新

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  • 你知道不知道? 🤔 證監會- 有關資產管理公司對第三方ESG評級和數據產品供應商盡職審查的指引 📊 根據香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(證監會)於去年十月發放的指引 (2024年10月),資產管理公司在選擇第三方ESG評級和數據產品供應商時,必須進行全面的盡職審查。這些指引強調幾個關鍵要點:首先,企業需確保所採用的ESG信息可靠且可信,這需要對供應商的背景和所提供數據進行深入評估。其次,供應商應清晰披露其評級方法論、假設及潛在利益衝突,以增強透明度。🔍 此外,數據的質量和來源至關重要,供應商需確保數據的準確性和及時性。ESG服務提供者還必須遵守相關法規,資產管理公司應定期審查供應商表現,以確保ESG評級和數據的持續可靠性。以上措施將幫助資產管理公司做出明智的投資決策。💡 在市場對第三方ESG評級和數據產品供應商的監管日益增強的背景下,HKQAA ESG Connect計劃旨在通過多維度數據模型及結構化披露工具,協助企業啟動可持續發展之路。🌱 該計劃提供清晰的框架,以進行ESG信息披露,促進企業在可持續發展方面的透明度和信譽。這些資源將指導企業理解並制定可持續發展目標,做出明智的投資發展決定並進一步提升其市場競爭力。📈 如欲了解更多 ESG Connect 計劃,歡迎聯絡我們了解更多: 🔗 #ESG #可持續發展 #資產管理 #透明度 #HKQAA #投資決策

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  • 🌟 BUYBLE:為青年與女性開創經濟獨立的新機遇 🌟 BUYBLE 是香港品質保證局(HKQAA)ESG Connect計劃生態圈內的機構之一。BUYBLE 非常重視環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)方面的責任。他們的平台不僅幫助商戶以最低成本獲得流量,還致力於推廣可持續的生活方式。🌱    我們與多個商戶合作並開展了一系列教育活動,幫助青年和女性掌握數字技能,從而在平台上賺取收入,促進他們的經濟獨立和社會參與。這些舉措不僅有助於提升業界的ESG意識,也為社會帶來正面的影響。💪    透過ESG Connect,BUYBLE 能夠了解更多企業可持續發展成功案例和實踐經驗,並提供機會讓 Buyble 在行業展示可持續發展方面的潛力和創新,提升行業標準和消費者信心。BUYBLE期待未來能夠積極參與更多的合作項目,以共同推動可持續的商業模式和生活方式。🤝    在 HKQAA ESG Connect 的生態圈內,還有更多適合各行各業的 ESG 方案提供機構將陸續介紹。如欲了解更多 ESG Connect 計劃,歡迎聯絡我們了解更多: 🔗   #Buyble #ESG #可持續發展 #經濟獨立 #數字技能 #青年 #女性 #HKQAA 

  • 🌍✨ 你知道不知道? ESG Cold Knowledge - 企業提升能源效益 提高能源效益對企業來說不僅是降低運營成本的有效途徑,也是實踐可持續發展的重要機遇。💡💰 在面對氣候變化和資源短缺的挑戰時,企業可以通過提升能源效益來顯著降低開支,從而增強利潤。根據香港特區政府的數據,企業可透過節能措施將能源消耗降低10%至30%(參考:[環境保護署])。📉🌱 消費者和合作夥伴愈加重視企業的環保表現。超過70%的消費者會考慮公司的環保行為來決定是否購買其產品(參考:[全球可持續發展報告])。此外,許多政府也推出了支持政策,幫助企業降低初期投入,以實現更快的回報(參考:[中國國家能源局])。📊🤝 企業可以從以下方面開始提升能源效益: 1. 進行能源審計 🔍 2. 升級為節能設備 ⚙️ 3. 實施智能照明 💡 4. 優化供暖和冷卻系統 ❄️🔥 5. 鼓勵遠程工作 🏡 6. 教育員工 📚 7. 監測能源使用情況 📈 8. 投資可再生能源 🌞 9. 利用智能電源插座 🔌 10. 設定具體的能源減少目標 🎯 為了幫助企業了解更多提升能源效益的舉措,香港品質保證局將於1 月中舉辦一場有關能源審計的研討會,誠邀各界人士參加。🗓️✨ 這將是一個互動交流的好機會,讓我們一起探討如何實施有效的節能措施。這不僅能幫助企業節省成本,還能為可持續發展貢獻力量。讓我們一起抓住這一機遇,為未來的發展鋪平道路!🚀🌿 歡迎聯絡我們的團隊,了解更多: 🔗 #HKQAA #能源效率 #可持續發展 #節能 #企業責任 #環保 #能源審計

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  • 🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉 We are honored to be invited by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to participate in the upcoming Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair, an important event for the toy industry in Hong Kong. Our Business Manager, Ms. Yubo Ho, will be a guest speaker at the fair, sharing insights on the topic of green transformation in the toy industry and focusing on the potential for collaboration to create sustainable development opportunities. 🌱 Through this sharing, we hope to raise awareness among businesses about the importance of sustainability in the industry. We welcome guests from various sectors to join us for discussions that can promote advancements in sustainable practices within the toy industry and beyond. 🤝 Event Details: Jan 08 14:30 - 15:30 Toys Theatre, Convention Hall, L1, HKCEC Enrolment: #HongKongToysAndGameFair #SustainableDevelopment #GreenTransformation #Collaboration #QualityAssurance #HKQAA #ToysIndustry #EcoFriendly #Innovation #SustainabilityMatters

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  • Happy New Year 2025! As we welcome the new year, HKQAA extends sincere wishes to all supporters of the ESG Connect program. May you enjoy health, happiness, and success in 2025. 🎉 In this new year, we express our gratitude to all organizations and individuals involved in the ESG Connect ecosystem. Your participation plays a vital role in advancing sustainable development and upholding the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). We look forward to continuing our collective focus on sustainable practices and striving for social equity and transparent governance. Through our collaboration, we hope to create a positive impact for our communities and the environment. 🌍 Thank you for your commitment to the goals of sustainable development. Wishing our ESG initiatives progress in the coming year! Here’s to a successful 2025! ✨ #HappyNewYear #ESGConnect #SustainableDevelopment #EnvironmentalProtection #SocialResponsibility #TransparentGovernance

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